Epic Poetry/Hero’s Journey Test Review

40 Multiple Choice Questions + 1 OER

**Complete this review for 5 Bonus Points on your testJ

Section 1: Epic Poetry/Hero’s Journey (Complete the Crossword Puzzle on the back using the terms below)

I can define the following terms:

- Epic Poetry - Invocation - in media res - Epic Hero - Archetype - Tragic Flaw

I can define each of these steps in the Hero’s Journey, list them in order, and name examples

- The Known - The Call to Adventure - The Threshold - Challenges and Temptations

- The Abyss - The Decision - The Return

I can explain the role of each of the following archetypes and name examples

- The Gatekeeper - The Sage -The Allies - The Shadow - The Temptress - Threshold Guardians

I can answer the following questions about epic poetry.

- What are the three main characteristic of epic poetry?

- How is an epic poem different from a typical poem?

- How is the Hero’s Journey different from other stories?

- What are some positive traits of an epic hero? What are some negative traits?

Section 2: “The Judgment of Paris” and “Heinrich Schliemann and His Discoveries”

“The Judgment of Paris:” I can explain who the following characters are.

- King Priam - Helen

- Queen Hecuba - Menelaus

- Paris - Agaememnon

- Hector

I can answer the following questions about the plot in “The Judgment of Paris”

- What happens to Paris as an infant? Why?

- What was the golden apple?

- What type of contest does Paris judge? Who “wins?” Why does this person win?

- What leads the Greeks to go to war with the Trojans?

“Heinrich Schliemann and His Discoveries”

I can answer the following questions about the article.

- What was Heinrich obsessed with discovering?

- Why did experts doubt his ability to find this place?

- What items did Heinrich find at his dig?

- What else does Heinrich set out to discover?

- Why do archaeologists call him luck?

Section 3: 2 Cold Reads

Section 4: SAT Vocabulary (Refer to your list of words and warm-upsJ)

Section 5: OERs (Remember RRQLJ)