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Policy Statement

Policy: / The Recording and Handling of Complaints
Approved by which board (or Chief Officer) and date: / DCC Skeer, 23rd April 2015
Owner / Professional Standards Department (PSD)
For release under Freedom of Information? / Yes
Supporting procedures / The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has produced Statutory Guidance to the police service on the handling of complaints which can be found at:-

Cumbria Constabulary will follow this guidance in relation to the recording and handling of complaints.The specific process will be as per the attached flow chart:-

Complaints that are not sent direct to PSD from the complainant will be recorded on a “form 31”; which can be accessed via the FormsPage on the Constabulary Intranet site.
Contact for advice / Professional Standards Department
Review date / February 2018 (Or earlier if the IPCCreviews their Statutory Guidance before then)

If changes have been made to an existing policy, you must complete the boxes below

Amendments made / Removal of the previous Cumbria Constabulary Policy and Procedures regarding the recording and handling of complaints and adoptionof Statutory Guidance.
Date and Version Number / Version 1
February 2015


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  1. Equality Analysis

What is the potential impact in relation to the General Duty of this proposal on each of the protected groups below?

characteristics / Positive Impact
Does the proposal: / Negative Impact (provide details and mitigating actions taken or proposed) / No
eliminate unlawful discrimination
(provide details) / advance equality of opportunity
(provide details) / Foster good relations
(provide details) / Other positive impact (provide details)
Age / The policy will make sure that anybody of any age will be dealt with in the same way therefore eliminating discrimination / As all people that complain will receive the same investigation, equality of opportunity would be afforded to all / A positive message is given to all complainants that all personnel no matter what position they hold within the force/public would be treated in the same way
Disability / The policy will make sure that anybody with any disability will be dealt with in the same way therefore eliminating discrimination and where necessary reasonable adjustments will be implemented / As all people that complain will receive the same investigation, equality of opportunity would be afforded to all / A positive message is given to all complainants that all personnel no matter what position they hold within the force/public would be treated in the same way
Sex / The policy will make sure that anybody of any gender will be dealt with in the same way therefore eliminating discrimination / As all people that complain will receive the same investigation, equality of opportunity would be afforded to all / A positive message is given to all complainants that all personnel no matter what position they hold within the force/public would be treated in the same way
Sexual orientation / The policy will make sure that anybody of any sexual orientation will be dealt with in the same way therefore eliminating discrimination / As all people that complain will receive the same investigation, equality of opportunity would be afforded to all / A positive message is given to all complainants that all personnel no matter what position they hold within the force /public would be treated in the same way
Gender reassignment / The policy will make sure that anybody from the trans community will be dealt with in the same way therefore eliminating discrimination / As all people that complain will receive the same investigation, equality of opportunity would be afforded to all / A positive message is given to all complainants that all personnel no matter what position they hold within the force /public would be treated in the same way
Marriage and civil partnership / No Impact / No Impact / No Impact
Pregnancy and maternity / The policy will make sure that anybody that is pregnant will be dealt with in the same way therefore eliminating discrimination / As all people that complain will receive the same investigation, equality of opportunity would be afforded to all / A positive message is given to all complainants that all personnel no matter what position they hold within the force /public would be treated in the same way
Race / The policy will make sure that anybody of any race will be dealt with in the same way therefore eliminating discrimination. If there is a requirement to source and provide an interpreter , the constabulary has contracts in place to provide one / As all people that complain will receive the same investigation, equality of opportunity would be afforded to all / A positive message is given to all complainants that all personnel no matter what position they hold within the force /public would be treated in the same way
Religion and belief including non-belief / The policy will make sure that anybody of any religious belief will be dealt with in the same way therefore eliminating discrimination and respecting their culture / As all people that commit fraud/-corruption will receive the same investigation, equality of opportunity would be afforded to all / A positive message is given to all complainants that all personnel no matter what position they hold within the force /public would be treated in the same way

If there is no potential impact (positive or negative) please provide a brief explanation why this is the case, e.g. the data utilised in arriving at the decision, summary of responses to consultation etc.


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  1. Aim
  2. The aim of this policy is to secure and maintain public confidence in the police by ensuring all complaints are handled transparently, in accordance with statutory guidance and the Code of Ethics.
  • This policy is a statement that the Constabulary will follow IPCC statutory guidance to the Police Service on the handling of complaints.
  • It provides clear guidance on how we will record and investigate complaints and what if any action should be taken.
  • PSD will be responsible for delivering the policy.
  1. The Policy Statement

To follow IPCC Statutory Guidance to the police service on the handling of complaints.

  1. Supporting Information
  • The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has produced Statutory Guidance to the police service on the handling of complaints, which can be found at:-
  • Cumbria Constabulary will follow this guidance in relation to the recording and handling of complaints. The specific process will be as per the attached flow chart:-
  • Complaints that are not sent direct to PSD from the complainant will be recorded on a “form 31” which can be accessed via the Forms Page on the Constabulary Intranet site.
  1. Monitoring and Reviewing

The Policy will be reviewed every 3 years.