Third Creek Elementary School Advance ED Survey 2015-16

3-5 Student- 94
*We mailed in several surveys, but they are not showing in the system
Highest score 4.48 Our school has a continuous improvement process based on data, goals, actions and measures of growth
Lowest score 3.7 Our school provides sufficient material resources to meet student needs
Highest score 4.57 Our school shares responsibility for student learning with its stakeholders.
Lowest score 3.83
-Our school provides excellent support
services (e.g.,counseling, and/or career planning).
-Our school provides an adequate supply of learning resources that are current and in good condition. / Students
-Students are engaged in their learning
-Productive, orderly and caring learning environment
-Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles
-Teachers are highly engaged with the whole student, not just academically.
-Staff provides ample incentive in the form of coins, celebrations, etc.
-Teachers genuinely care about students
-positive environment
-teacher collaboration
-Leader in Me is well-implemented
-safe environment
-friendly teachers and staff
-good communication / Students
Opportunities for Improvement
-Some students do not feel heard/respected: “Teacher won’t listen”, “teachers are mean”
-On the other hand, several students cited disrespect toward teachers and other adults as a problem
-The tediousness of testing and EOG’s was mentioned over and over
-Bullying, kids being mean to other kids
-cleanliness: bathroom
-school starts too early
-teachers may be giving too much homework
Opportunities for Improvement
-We should work to minimize testing, progress monitoring, paperwork, etc.
-limited supplies, such as basic supplies and small playground
Opportunities for Improvement
-one parent does not like the new communication folders / Students
Next Steps
-some explicit intervention/instruction dealing with synergy, teamwork, respect etc.
-teachers should elicit more feedback about the classroom environment more often so that students feel like they are heard.
Next Steps
-instructional time as protected as possible, minimize intrusive testing and paperwork
-avoid data for data’s sake; be purposeful and mindful of application within classroom
-more incremental feedback/communication on instruction
-Continue providing PD opportunities
Next Steps
-consider multiple forms of communication
Third Creek Elem
School Climate Survey / 2/15 / Rated 100% by Classified Staff
My school communicates effectively with parents regarding student
academic progress.
School leaders visit classrooms to observe the quality of teaching at my school.
School leaders place a high priority on the quality of teaching at my school.
Teachers in my school work together on teams to improve their instructional practices.
Teachers in my school use student achievement data to improve instructional decisions.
School leaders give me regular and helpful feedback about my teaching.
My school communicates effectively with parents regarding student behavior.
I am supported by the School Improvement Team.
An appropriate amount of time is provided for professional development.
Professional learning opportunities are aligned with the School's Improvement Plan.
In this school, follow up is provided from professional development.
Teachers have sufficient training to fully utilize instructional technology.
Teachers in my school respect colleagues who are the most effective teachers.
My school takes steps to address drug and alcohol abuse.
Teachers and students in this school respect each other's differences (for example, gender, race, culture, non-traditional lifestyles, etc.).
There is a person at my school that helps students resolve conflicts.
The physical environment of classrooms in this school supports teaching and learning.
The school provides adequate counseling and support services for students.
Overall my professional development experiences this school year have provided me with teaching strategies to better meet diverse student learning needs. 17 percent above district
Rated 100% by Certified Staff
The principal places the learning needs of children ahead of personal and political interests.
My school sets high standards for student learning.
My school has clear measures of progress for student achievement throughout the year.
My school uses a variety of methods to help students achieve their learning goals.
My school communicates effectively with parents regarding student academic progress.
School leaders visit classrooms to observe the quality of teaching at my school.
School leaders celebrate learning successes at my school.
Teachers in my school use student achievement data to improve instructional decisions.
The principal at my school communicates a clear vision and expectations for meeting instructional goals.
The principal at my school is an effective manager who makes the school run smoothly. 100% and 16% above district
My school communicates effectively with parents regarding student behavior.
I am supported by the Principal.
I am supported by the Assistant Principal(s).
My school offers a wide variety of rigorous and relevant content to keep students engaged.
There are formal processes at my school to support me in addressing student behavior issues. ( 13% above district)
I am safe at my school.
Formal processes are in place to address issues related to crime and violence at my school.
My school has formal processes to address bullying.
Adults at my school treat students with respect.
Most students at my school treat teachers and staff with respect.
Teachers and students in this school respect each other's differences (for example, gender, race, culture, non-traditional lifestyles, etc.)
There is a person at my school that helps students resolve conflicts.
My school is kept neat and clean.
The physical environment of classrooms in this school supports teaching and learning.

Climate Survey cont.

Rated 100% by Classified Staff
My school communicates effectively with parents regarding student
academic progress.
School leaders visit classrooms to observe the quality of teaching at my school.
School leaders place a high priority on the quality of teaching at my school.
Teachers in my school work together on teams to improve their instructional practices.
Teachers in my school use student achievement data to improve instructional decisions.
School leaders give me regular and helpful feedback about my teaching.
My school communicates effectively with parents regarding student behavior.
I am supported by the School Improvement Team.
An appropriate amount of time is provided for professional development.
Professional learning opportunities are aligned with the School's Improvement Plan.
In this school, follow up is provided from professional development.
Teachers have sufficient training to fully utilize instructional technology.
Teachers in my school respect colleagues who are the most effective teachers.
My school takes steps to address drug and alcohol abuse.
Teachers and students in this school respect each other's differences (for example, gender, race, culture, non-traditional lifestyles, etc.).
There is a person at my school that helps students resolve conflicts.
The physical environment of classrooms in this school supports teaching and learning.
The school provides adequate counseling and support services for students.
Overall my professional development experiences this school year have provided me with teaching strategies to better meet diverse student learning needs. 17 percent above district
Rated 100% by Certified Staff
The principal places the learning needs of children ahead of personal and political interests.
My school sets high standards for student learning.
My school has clear measures of progress for student achievement throughout the year.
My school uses a variety of methods to help students achieve their learning goals.
My school communicates effectively with parents regarding student academic progress.
School leaders visit classrooms to observe the quality of teaching at my school.
School leaders celebrate learning successes at my school.
Teachers in my school use student achievement data to improve instructional decisions.
The principal at my school communicates a clear vision and expectations for meeting instructional goals.
The principal at my school is an effective manager who makes the school run smoothly. 100% and 16% above district
My school communicates effectively with parents regarding student behavior.
I am supported by the Principal.
I am supported by the Assistant Principal(s).
My school offers a wide variety of rigorous and relevant content to keep students engaged.
There are formal processes at my school to support me in addressing student behavior issues. ( 13% above district)
I am safe at my school.
Formal processes are in place to address issues related to crime and violence at my school.
My school has formal processes to address bullying.
Adults at my school treat students with respect.
Most students at my school treat teachers and staff with respect.
Teachers and students in this school respect each other's differences (for example, gender, race, culture, non-traditional lifestyles, etc.)
There is a person at my school that helps students resolve conflicts.
My school is kept neat and clean.
The physical environment of classrooms in this school supports teaching and learning. / 97% of all staff gave school an A or B, none gave D or F
My child's teacher(s) provide the appropriate level of assistance when he or she needs extra help with classwork or homework. 9% above district
I frequently receive information about what my child is studying in school. 16% above
My child's teacher(s) give helpful comments and feedback on classwork and tests. 13% above
My child's school communicates with me in a language I can understand. 100
Most parent responses 95% or above
Most student responses above 90% / Opportunities For Improvement-Certified
Most parents treat teachers and staff at my school with respect. 8 below district
My child has felt threatened or bullied at school. 18% above district
My school takes steps to address drug and alcohol abuse. 64% / Next Steps-
Enhance communication between teachers and students
Enhance our anti-bullying strategies to prevent any additional bullying
Counselor address drugs and alcohol use with 3rd-5th students