Please see our Parish bulletin, website and calendar

for news and upcoming events


Date: October 4, 2016

Time: 7:00PM

Fr. Benjamin
Dustin Bliss
Kathleen Gray
Deacon Mark Kehl
Carolyn Kramer
Cathy Levesque
Katie McMicken
Marie Pagano
Bill Place
Amy Rogers
Larry Tarnacki / ABSENTEES:
Joe Levesque
Jim McBride
Michael Walkowiak

Opening prayer by Carolyn Kramer

The minutes of the September meeting were approved; motion byCarolyn Kramer, seconded by Cathy Levesque, All Approved.

Old Business:

  • Parish PicnicAnn Everts has agreed to chair the parish picnic again for 2017 but is asking for someone to shadow her for this year. Also, she is wondering the feasibility of the picnic. Everyone who was there had a wonderful time but we had less than 100 people at the picnic.
  • Parish Raffle Ann Everts does not want to chair but is willing to chair. Suggested we ask Mike Adams or Mike Kasprzyk

Standing Action Item–If we have raffle next year, we need to sell raffle tickets at masses and at beginning of picnic.

  • St. Joseph’s Signs –Dan Moltrup refurbished our cemetery signs. Inquire with him on doing the signs and both ends of town.

Action –Carolyn to talk to her brother, Dan Moltrup. See if he is willing to do the St. Joseph’s signs for both ends of town.

  • Parish Council Board Members-Cathytried to call Les Wangelin.Still was unable to get in contact with him. This year’s President will be Larry Tarnacki, with our Vice President being Carolyn Kramer. All in favor.
  • Service Opportunities – Deacon and Theresa have a connection to St Casimir’s Food pantry and soup kitchen in Buffalo. They are in need of Toothpaste, Laundry Detergent, Shampoo, and Lotion. Working with Confirmation students and super couponers to get these products. Stuff can be stored in back room. Maybe have confirmation kids to take over giving tree. (Writing out tags, collecting gifts, organizing gifts). Possibility of having kids wrap gifts around Christmas time, cemetery clean-up, church cleaning, dog food distribution to soup kitchens.
  • Welcome Packet for New Parishioners – Katie McMicken presented purple folders. We reviewed contents. Voted to go ahead with this project. Katie to submit her files to the office to be on hand to make changes when appropriate to content. To be handed out to new parishioners at registration. Katie would like to be welcoming committee by calling and inviting them to next coffee and donuts with a personal invitation. Have Parish Council members and any committee chairs wear name tags when present at coffee and donuts. Marie & Cathy to help when needed. Great job Katie.
  • Coffee & Donuts – Bill submitted dates for coffee & donuts for the upcoming year. First dates will be October 29th & 30th which will also be a meet & greet with Father Benjamin. Saturday the 29th will be the only Saturday date for the year. The other dates are January 29, 2017; March 5th, 2017; & May 21, 2017. Lynne Szewczyk to schedule people to work. Kelly Kensy to supply the donuts. Ask Kelly to add Cider to coffee and Donuts day.

Review of Parish Committees:

  1. Appointment of new Parish Council Partners.
  2. Community Life: Dustin Bliss
  3. Spiritual: Kathleen Gray
  4. Christian Formation: Cathy Levesque
  5. Parish Management: Marie Pagano

New Business

  • Confirmation –Confirmation will be Saturday, May 20, 2017 @ St. George’s in West Falls.
  • Date Change for next Parish Council meeting. Our next Parish Council meeting was originally scheduled for November 1 which is a holy day of obligation so our meeting will take place briefly before the Ministry social on November 10th.
  • Ministry Night Social – We will have a social event with all committee chairs and parish council on Thursday November 10th, 2016 @ 7pm. Our new Parish council partners are to call and invite their respective committee chairs to this event. Deacon Mark to Facilitate the social night introducing Father Benjamin to the committee chairs and reviewing the needs of the various committees. Parish Council members to supply finger foods and beverages. Deacon Mark to bring wine, Marie to bring a finger food and Ice tea. Kathleen Gray to bring deviled eggs. Amy Rogers to bring dips. Katie to bring Cookies, Dustin will bring a cheese & pepperoni platter. Cathy TBD. Larry to supply pop. We could use a fruit/veggie platter and/or relish platter. 30-40 people max in attendance. Look to invite members of committees to ministry social in the spring.
  • Upon this Rock– We are definitely part of next round. Parish Council and Finance Committee will be part of the core group. A meeting will be arranged with the core group and people of ‘Upon this Rock’ group to explain the program. More information forthcoming.
  • Rectory Office – discussed feasibility of moving rectory office into Library. Update: This item has been cancelled. Internet lines could not be easily run to Library.
  • Parish Council Binders – Marie will update all paperwork for Parish council binders and bring copies for all members to next meeting.

Pastor Report:

  • No Pastor Report

Meeting was adjourned shortly before9:00 pm, with closing prayer by Father Benjamin.

NEXT MEETING IS Tuesday, November10thAT6:30PM in the Parish Hall

Opening prayer will be offered by Larry Tarnacki