External Non – Grant Funding Approval Form

Please submit this form anda proposed budget to the Director of Foundation Relations& Research Grants prior to any contact with an external non-grant funder (individual or corporate donations).The director will secure necessary signatures and inform you when/if you have approval.

Please note:

  • Incomplete forms will not be accepted. Consult with your Vice President or the Director of Foundation Relations Research Grants for assistance as needed; do not leave questions unanswered.
  • All projects must be in accordance with college guidelines. Consult with Jillain Veil-Ehnert, the Director of Foundation Relations Research Grants for assistance. (ext. 3556)

Please keep a copy of this form for your records. The original form must be on file with the Director of Foundation Relations Research Grants.

Date: Proposal due date:

Project Director/Principal Investigator

Co-Investigator/other participants:

Project time frame including start date and length of project:

Proposal title & abstract/short summary:


Please explain how your proposed project aligns with the College’s strategic plan:

Prospective funder or funding source:

Amount of grant request:

Other committed project funds & funding sources (off and on campus):

If the project requires special use of campus facilities or changes in physical arrangements, please provide details and who has authorized their utilization:

If the project includes the modification of current employee job requirements or the addition of new positions, please provide details and who has authorized this modification/addition:

If the project will include new course or curriculum changes provide details here:

Authorization Process:

I approve the attached grant proposal for submission to a funding source.

1. 5.

Project Director/Principal Investigatordate Provost date

2. 6.

Department Chair (if applicable)date Vice President for Advancement date

3. 7.

Division Chair (if applicable)date President date


Dean or Vice Presidentdate