School Board of Isle of Wight County

Work Session

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Call to Order:The School Board met at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium of Westside Elementary School. The meeting was called to order by David Goodrich, Chairman.

Roll Call:In addition to the Chairman, the following members were present: Kenneth M. Bunch, Vice-Chairman, George A. Bradby, Herbert W. DeGroft, and T. Hayes Griffin. Alsopresent were: Michael W. McPherson, Superintendent;H. Woodrow Crook, School Board Attorney, and Sharon P. Gwaltney, Clerk.

Welcome: Mr. Goodrich welcomed those present to the meeting and asked that they join in a moment of silence.

Pledge of Allegiance:Mr. Kenneth Bunch led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Business:The purpose of the work session was to obtain public input

on the school division’s 2010-2011 Operating Budget. Mr. Goodrich explained that the School Board wanted the budget process to be transparent, and to gather public opinion to use when making budget decisions.

He also explained that information shared during the meeting is not the budget proposal – it was to sharecurrent considerations withthe public. The budget process will include a public hearing. The final vote on the budget will be held at a later date to allow consideration of information received at the public hearing.

Mr. Steve Jenkins, Director of Finance presented highlights of

issues that will impact budget decisions. Dr. McPherson then

reviewed cuts that are being considered and requested input

from those present. All information is attached.

The individuals below spoke before the Board:

Requests to Speak:Mr. Andrew Perkins - Parent

Mr. Perkinsexpressed appreciation for the additional information, commitment to public opinion, and the opportunity to participate in the budget process. He asked the Board to provide information on why/how Windsor Middle School was selected to be closed and requested that arts programs not be deleted. He also suggested that the Board review current technology in the classrooms and keep those that are effective and eliminate those that are not.

Mrs. Rhonda Gibbs – Citizen, Teacher, WHS

Mrs. Gibbs asked that some of the items not being considered for reduction be reconsidered. She stated that some of these items would be freely given up by employees rather than closing a school. Mrs. Gibbs stated that she would gladly give five days and take a pay reduction rather than have the children suffer. She also stressed that cuts needed to be made fairly on both the southern end and the northern end of the county.

Mrs. MaryHeath – Guidance Secretary, SHS

Mrs. Heath opposed the elimination of the preschool program. She also requested that her job not be eliminated and listed many aspects of her position.

Ms. Stephanie Bailey – President of the IWEA

Ms. Bailey stated that the system needs to spend less but still maintain the quality of education. She asked that the Board re- evaluate the following areas:

Central Office Salaries

Cost Effectiveness (new engineer position)

Excessive Student Transport

Reinstatement of Custodians

Mr. Brock Smith – Teacher, WMS

Mr. Smith spoke advocating exploratory programs for students. He explained that the exploratory setting is not equal at WMS and SMS. He stated that he would gladly take a 5% pay reduction to save the school.

Mrs. Jill Filliater – Parent

Mrs. Filliater approved of the concept of closing WMS and suggested that the Board use the same concept in place at SMS/SHS. She stated that teachers should be keep with their students and that employees be surveyed to discern

thoughts on pay cuts, furloughs, etc.

Mrs. Amy Jones – Parent

Thanked the Board for sending an Instant Alert to notify the public about the meetings and expressed appreciation for clarification and the two-way communication. She asked that

Board members hold open discussions at individual schools for individuals to ask questions and offer suggestions in a less formal session. She announced that PTA Legislative Day will

be held in Richmond on Monday, February 1, 2010.

Mr. Greg Willis

Mr. Willis expressed grave concerns about elimination of jobs. He requested that Board members spend a day in the schools and that members compensation be put back in the schools.

Motion to Extend Meeting:Motion: Mr. DeGroftSecond: Mr. Griffin

Motion to extend the meeting beyond 7:00 p.m. in order to

allow all interested parties a chance to address the Board.

Voting For: Bradby, Bunch, DeGroft, Goodrich, Griffin

Voting Against: 0

Unanimous: Yes

Requests to Speak:

(continued) Mr. Ricky Womble – Process Improvement Consultant

Thanked the Board for the opportunity to speak and offered the Board information on process improvement. He suggested that the staff cuts undergo close scrutiny and encouraged continued two-way participation.

Michelle Joyce – Parent

Requested that the Board research the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Mr. Goodrich noted that funds from that source had been received, but were not a continued source of funding.

Mr. Melvin Atkinson

Mr. Atkinson raised several points:

  • Appreciated the response to his email
  • Encouraged the public to email questions
  • Encouraged Board members to meet with school staff
  • Suggested that the ten work days prior to school opening be reduced to five
  • Do not eliminate staff by seniority
  • Do not place 7th and 8th grade at high school

Ms. Anna Copeland

Ms. Copeland stated that it was important that the Board keep staff members in place. She did not support closure of the preschool program and suggested that Board members visit schools.

Mr. Michael Uzzle

Mr. Uzzle stressed the need to preserve current spending for special education and the need to keep the preschool program.

Ms. Allison Chapman – Teacher

Ms. Chapman did not support the furlough or cut in pay. She stated that this would undermine the Board’s efforts to attract highly qualified staff members and would take years to recover the current salary standards. She stated that some speakers were speaking from emotion and needed to seriously assess the situation.

Ms. Shelly Perry

Ms. Perry noted that none of the Board members have students in county schools and requested that Board members return their annual stipends. She stated that textbooks did not need to be replaced and that technology should be reviewed. She also stated that teachers and students should be placed first and related to the Board that teachers were afraid to speak out.

Ms. Debbie Proctor

Ms. Proctor reminded the Board members that they were elected to serve the students, teachers, and citizens and urged the Board to keep cuts away from the classroom. She suggested that the Board review the budget by line and recruit volunteer experts if needed. When the custodial staff was cut, that was a reduction for the system and for the students. It was also suggested that the school division share services with the county – for example: School Board Attorney.

Mr. Rick Shelton

Mr. Shelton requested that the Board keep the intervention teachers for at-risk students and that they plan for the long- term and not short-term. He stressed the need to keep full

time employees in the schools.

Board Member Comment:Mr. Goodrich thanked all who attended the meeting and those who spoke before the Board. He then announced that he would be holding a session for his constituents to meet with him to discuss their concerns. The date, time and location will be advertised. This will be the second session held by Mr. Goodrich. He noted that at the first session, no one attended to share any comments, questions, or concerns. The Chairman encouraged fellow Board Membes to schedule similar meetings.

Motion to Adjourn

Into Closed Session:Motion: Mr. BunchSecond: Mr. DeGroft

To go into a closed meeting at 7:40 p.m., pursuant to the Code of Virginia §2.2-3711 to discuss (1) personnel issues, and (7) to consult with legal counsel.

Voting For: Bradby,Bunch, DeGroft, Goodrich, Griffin

Voting Against: 0

Unanimous: Yes

Reconvene: Mr. Goodrich called the meeting back to order at 7:52 p.m.

Approval of Resolution:Motion: Mr. BunchSecond: Mr. Griffin

To adopt the attached Resolution of Certification of Compliance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.

Voting For: Bradby, Bunch, Goodrich, Griffin

Voting Against: DeGroft


Motion Carried

DiscussionAfter reconvening into open session, Mr. Goodrich cautioned the public about believing unofficial information that they might receive.

Extreme concern was expressed by Mr. Goodrich, Mr. Bunch, Dr. Bradby, and Mr. Griffin that Mr. DeGroft distributed fliers to the public at WSES before the meeting. He did this while wearing School Boardidentification and acting as a Board Member.

Mr. Goodrich reminded Mr. DeGroft that the Board passed a policy prohibiting the distribution of printed material to the public while on school property without the prior approval of the Superintendent.

Mr. DeGroft responded that as a citizen he had this right.

Dr. Bradby referenced an email that was distributed by Mr. DeGroft. The email contained budget information and Mr. DeGroft’s personal opinion. Dr. Bradby noted that the email was not representing the Board as a whole, and the misspellings were embarrassing.

The Chairman chastised Mr. DeGroft for using his personal email to send budget information, which included his personal comments, with the intent to incite the public Mr. DeGroft responded that the email was distributed with the intent of gathering public opinion. He acknowledged that he did

include personal opinion.

Mr. Goodrich related that he had previously considered resigning his position on the Board because of Mr. DeGroft and his “Give them hell,” attitude. He stated that the Board and the Superintendent spent too much time defending themselves due to Mr. DeGroft’s outrageous behavior, including distribution of information attacking other Board Members and attempting to discredit the Superintendent.

Mr. Griffin noted that the information distributed by Mr. DeGroft could be found on the school system website – minus the personal comments.

Action on Closed

Session Item: Personnel Report

Motion: Mr. GriffinSecond: Mr. DeGroft

To approve the Personnel Report dated January 28, 2010 as presented.

Voting For: Bradby,Bunch, DeGroft, Goodrich, Griffin

Voting Against: 0

Unanimous: Yes

Adjournment: Motion: Mr. DeGroft Second: Mr. Griffin

To adjourn the meeting at 8:02 p.m.

Voting For: Bradby, Bunch, DeGroft, Goodrich, Griffin

Voting Against: 0

Unanimous: Yes




Clerk of the Board

MOTION:Mr. Bunch

SECOND:Mr. DeGroft


WHEREAS, the Isle of Wight County School Board has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and

WHEREAS, §2.2-3712 D of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by this School Board that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Isle of Wight County School Board hereby certifies that, to the best of each member’s knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered.


NAYS: 1 (Mr. DeGroft dissenting)


Clerk, Isle of WightCountySchoolBoard

