Jeremy Lind
Institute of Development StudiesE:
Library RoadT: +44 (0)1273 606261
BrightonF: +44 (0)1273 621202
DATE OF BIRTH: 02 September 1976
THEMATIC EXPERTISE: Livelihoods, Livestock and Pastoralism, Climate Change, Security and Conflict, Social Protection, Civil Society
GEOGRAPHICAL EXPERTISE: Kenya, Sudan, Ethiopia, India, Afghanistan
Jeremy Lind has over 15 years of research and project management experience on conflict, livelihoods and pastoralism in the Horn of Africa. He has designed projects, managed teams of expatriate and local staff, and worked with a range of government and non-governmental actors at the national and sub-national levels in the Horn of Africa. Currently Dr. Lind is coordinator of a policy theme on ‘Addressing and Mitigating Violence’ within a DFID-funded Accountable Grant at IDS, a 5 year programme of policy analysis on strengthening state and citizen capacities to respond to violence. He also convenes a research team within the DFID-funded Future Agricultures Consortium, in which capacity he leads a team of experts undertaking research and advisory work on the dynamics of pastoral livelihoods, markets and conflict in Kenya and Ethiopia. He has experience working with government officials in both countries, including organising a high-level forum in Ethiopia on the “Future of Pastoralism” that involved three government ministers and representatives of the African Union and IGAD. Before joining IDS, he was Lecturer of Human Geography at the University of Sussex, where he taught a range of undergraduate and graduate courses relating to environment, development and conflict.
2002–2007PhD in Geography(thesis topic: livelihoodsinareasofconflictand armed violence)
King’s College London, University of London
1998–1999MA Environment and Development(High Merit)
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
1995 – 1998BA Environmental Studies (Distinction, Honours)
University of Kansas
2009 – PRESENTResearch Fellow, Institute of Development Studies (IDS)UK
Research theme convenor and project leader.Lecturer and supervisor within the
Masters programmes offered at IDS. MA Poverty and Development course convener
2008 – 2009Lecturer in Human Geography,Department of Geography, University of Sussex
2006 – 2008Research Officer, Centre for Civil Society, London School of Economics (LSE)
2004 – 2005 Research Associate, Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
2002 – 2005 Doctoral researcher and departmental tutor, King’s College London
1999 – 2002 Research Fellow and Project Manager, African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) (Nairobi, Kenya)
SINCE 2013Project manager and team leader: ‘Policy advisory services in support of the Climate Smart Initiative of the Productive Safety Net and Household Asset Building Programmes’, commissioned by the World Bank for the PSNP and HABP Donor Coordination Team
SINCE 2013Project lead and researcher: ‘Review of social protection projects and programmes in dryland areas of the Horn of Africa’, commissioned by the World Bank
SINCE 2012‘Addressing and Mitigating Violence’, research theme coordination for the IDS Accountable Grant
SINCE 2012Qualitative research team leader: ‘Evaluation of the Ethiopian Government’s Food Security Programme: documenting progress in implementing the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) and Household Assets Building Programme (HABP)’, commissioned by the World Bank for the PSNP and HABP Donor Coordination Team
SINCE 2012‘Integration, innovation and investment: the politics of changing pastoral livelihoods in the Horn of Africa’, research theme coordination for the Future Agricultures Consortium
SINCE 2011MA Poverty and Development Course Convenor
2011 – 2012‘Changing livelihoods in Darfur since 2005’– a study of livelihood, food security and malnutrition trends in Darfur and assessment of aid responses, commissioned by the Food and Agriculture Organisation
2010 – 2012‘Development frontiers in an insecure world: international security and the implications for development’, research on development- security convergences in the context of west and the Horn of Africa, commissioned by IDS
2010 – 2011 ‘Evaluation of the Ethiopian Government’s Food Security Programme: documenting progress in implementing the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) and Household Assets Building Programme’, commissioned by the World Bank and USAID Ethiopia for the PSNP Donor Coordination Team
2010 – 2011‘Pastoral innovation and the future of pastoralism in Africa’, research theme coordination for the Future Agricultures Consortium
2010A systematic review on priority research themes for the Global Uncertainties Programme, Economic and Social Research Council
2008 – 2009 Lecturer and course convenor on ‘Environmental Management and Sustainable Development’ (BA, Year 1), ‘Environmental Perspectives on Development’ (BA Year 2), ‘Population and Development’ (BA Year 3), and ‘Critical Debates on Environment and Development’ (MA).
In the summer of 2009 I was promoted from Grade 7 to Grade 8 based on a review of my teaching performance
2008 – 2009 High-level roundtables and public lectures to launch research in London, Nairobi, Delhi and Beirut supported by a grant from the Research Investment Fund (LSE)
2008Palestine case study on the nexus of development, security and civil society post-9/11, supported by a grant from the Non-Governmental Public Action Programme (ESRC)
2007 – 2008 Research and workshops with scholars in east Africa on civil society, security and aid since 2001, funded by the Ford Foundation
2006 – 2007 Background research and fieldwork in Afghanistan, India and Kenya with Professor Jude Howell (LSE) on the nexus of civil society, and and security post-9/11, supported by Non-Governmental Public Action Programme (ESRC)
2004 – 2005 Fieldwork, report writing and research dissemination in London on the influence of ‘dependency’ concerns in humanitarian assistance, focusing on Ethiopia and northern Kenya.
Catley, A., Lind, J. and Scoones, I. 2012. Pastoralism and development in Africa: dynamic change at the margins. Abingdon: Earthscan/Routledge.
Howell, J. and Lind, J. 2009. Counter-terrorism, aid and civil society: before and after the War on Terror. London: Palgrave/MacMillan.
Howell, J. and Lind, J. (Eds.) 2009. Civil society under strain: the War on Terror regime, civil society and aid post-9/11. Sterling, Virginia: Kumarian Press.
Lind, J., and Sturman, K. (Eds) 2002. Scarcity and surfeit: the ecology of Africa’s conflicts. Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies and African Centre for Technology Studies. 388 pages.
Lind, J., and Cappon, J. 2001. Realities or rhetoric? Revisiting the decentralization of natural resources management in Uganda and Zambia. Nairobi: ACTS Press.
Sabates-Wheeler, R., Lind, J., and Hoddinott, J. 2013. ‘Implementing social protection in pastoralist areas: how local distribution structures moderate PSNP outcomes in Ethiopia.’ World Development 50: 1-12.
Lind, J. and Howell, J. 2010. ‘Counter-terrorism, the politics of fear and civil society responses inKenya.’ Development and Change 41 (2): 335-353.
Howell, J. and Lind, J. 2010. ‘Securing the world and challenging civil society: before and after the “war on terror”.’ Development and Change 41 (2): 279-291.
Howell, J. and Lind, J. 2009. ‘The global “War on Terror” regime and development policy and practice post-9/11.’ Third World Quarterly 30 (7): 1279-1296.
Howell, J. and Lind, J. 2009. ‘Manufacturing civil society and the limits of legitimacy: aid, security and civil society post-9/11 in Afghanistan.’ European Journal of Development Research, 21 (5): 718-736.
Eriksen, S. and Lind, J. 2008. ‘The politics of adaptation to climate stress: household responses in a context of conflict and insecurity in Kitui and Turkana, Kenya.’ Environmental Management. Published online. 35 pages
Lind, J. and Eriksen, S. 2006. ‘The impacts of conflict on household coping strategies: evidence from Turkana and Kitui Districts in Kenya.’ Die Erde, 137: 249 – 270.
Lind, J. 2006. ‘Supporting pastoralist livelihoods in eastern Africa through peace building.’Development 49: 111-115.
Lind, J. 2003. ‘Adaptation, conflict and cooperation in pastoralist East Africa: a case study of south Turkana, Kenya.’ Journal of Conflict, Security and Development, 3: 315-334.
Lind, J. (Forthcoming, 2014) ‘Manufacturing peace in “no man’s land”: livestock and access to natural resources in the Karimojong Cluster of Kenya and Uganda.’ In Strengthening post- conflict peace-building through natural resource management: livelihoods. Volume 4. Edited by Young, Helen and Goldman, Lisa. Earthscan.
Lind, J., Hoddinott, J., Tefera, M., Flintan, F., and Yohannes, Y. (Forthcoming, 2013) ‘The implementation of the Productive Safety Nets Programme in the Ethiopian lowlands, 2012: programme performance report.’ Brighton and Washington, D.C.: IDS and IFPRI.
Ruteere, M., Mutahi, P., Mitchell, B., and Lind, J. (Forthcoming September 2013) ‘Missing the point: violence reduction and policy misadventures in Nairobi’s poor neighbourhoods.’ IDS Evidence Report. Brighton.
Catley, A., Lind, J., and Scoones, I. 2013. ‘Development at the margins: pastoralism in the Horn of Africa.’ In Pastoralism and development in Africa: dynamic change at the margins. Edited by Catley, A., Lind, J. and Scoones, I. Abingdon: Earthscan/Routledge.
Letai, J. and Lind, J. 2013. ‘Squeezed from all sides: changing resource tenure and pastoral innovation on the Laikipia Plateau, Kenya.’ In Pastoralism and development in Africa: dynamic change at the margins. Edited by Catley, A., Lind, J. and Scoones, I. Abingdon: Earthscan/Routledge.
Allouche, J. and Lind, J. 2013. A new deal? Development and security in a changing world. IDS Policy Report. Brighton.
Michago, W. and Lind, J. 2013. ‘Churning waters: strategic shifts in the Nile Basin.’ Rapid Response Briefing, Issue 4. Institute of Development Studies.
Lind, J. and Mitchell, B. 2013. ‘Understanding and tackling violence outside of armed conflict settings.’ IDS Policy Brief no. 37. Brighton.
Hoddinott, J., Sabates-Wheeler, R., Berhane, G., Handino, M., Kumar, N., Lind, J., Tafesse, A., Tefera, M. 2013. ‘Implementing large scale food security programmes in rural Ethiopia: insights from the Productive Safety Net Programme.’ In Food security, safety nets and social protection in Ethiopia. Edited by A. Pankhurst and D. Rahmato. Wageningen: Forum for Social Studies and Wageningen University Disaster Studies.
Handino, M., Lind, J., Mesfin, B. and Nicol, A. October 2012. ‘After Meles: implications for Ethiopia’s development.’ Rapid Response Briefing, Issue 1. Institute of Development Studies.
Sabates-Wheeler, R., Lind, J., Handino, M., Hoddinott, J., Tefera, M., Bekele, G., and Simma, F. 2011. ‘The implementation of the Productive Safety Net Programme in Afar, Somali and selected lowland woredas in Oromiya.’ Report to the PSNP Donor Coordination Team. October 15, 2011. Addis: World Bank. 170 pages.
Berhane, G., Hoddinott, J., Kumar, N., Tafesse, A., Diressie, M., Yohannes, Y., Sabates-Wheeler, R., Handino, M., Lind, J., Tefera, M., Simma, F. 2011. ‘Evaluation of Ethiopia’s Food Security Programme: documenting progress in the implementation of the Productive Safety Nets Programme and Household Assets Building Programme.’ Report to the PSNP Donor Coordination Team. October 19, 2011. Addis: World Bank. 255 pages.
Lind, Jeremy. 2011. “DFID livelihoods on the frontline: learning lessons from fragile states.” Livelihood Resource Centre for DFID. Hemel Hempstead: HTSPE Ltd.
Urban, F. and Lind, J. 2011. ‘Low carbon energy and conflict: a new agenda.’ Boiling Point, Issue 59: 28-29. Household Energy Network. Available at:
Allocuhe, J. and Lind, J. 2011. ‘Public attitudes to global uncertainties: a research synthesis exploring the trends and gaps in knowledge.’ Global Uncertainties Programme. Research Councils of the United Kingdom (RCUK). 108 pages. Available at:
Lind, J., Ibrahim, M., and Harris, K. 2010. ‘Climate change and conflict: moving beyond the impasse.’ IDS In-Focus Policy Briefing no. 15. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies.
Lind, J. 2009. ‘The changing dynamics of civil society and aid in the Israel-Palestine conflict post-9/11.’ In Civil society under strain: the War on Terror regime, civil society and aid post-9/11. Edited by Howell, J. and Lind, J. Sterling, Virginia: Kumarian Press.
Lind, J. and Howell, J. 2009. ‘Conclusion.’ In Civil society under strain: the War on Terror regime, civil society and aid post-9/11. Edited by Howell, J. and Lind, J. Sterling, Virginia: Kumarian Press.
Lind, J. 2008. ‘The wealth of women? Social analysis of a cash for work programme in north- eastern Turkana District.’ Report prepared for Oxfam GB Kenya Programme. Nairobi. 59 pages.
Lind, J. 2007. ‘Civil society and the ‘war on terror’: preliminary analysis and reflections of pressures and responses in Sudan, Uganda and Kenya.’ Report prepared for Christian Aid. London. 32 pages.
Lind, J. 2007. ‘Aid, security and civil society in the post-911 context.’ Briefing report of an international workshop organised by the Centre for Civil Society. June 28-29th, 2007. Goodenough College, London. 6 pages.
Lind, J. 2005. ‘Relief assistance at the margins: meanings and perceptions of “dependency” in northern Kenya.’ HPG Background Paper. London: Overseas Development Institute. Published online. 52 pages.
Lind, J. 2005. ‘Poverty, power and relief assistance: meanings and perceptions of “dependency”in Ethiopia.’ HPG Background Paper. London: ODI. Published online. 49 pages.
Harvey, P. and Lind, J. 2005. ‘Dependency and humanitarian assistance: a critical analysis.’ HPG Research Report 19. London: Overseas Development Institute. 55. Published online. 55 pages.
Buchanan-Smith, M. and Lind, J. 2005. ‘Armed violence and poverty in northern Kenya: a case study for the armed violence and poverty initiative.’ Centre for International Cooperation and Security, Department of Peace Studies. University of Bradford. Published online. 34 pages.
Lind, J. 2003. ‘Review of “Transformation and Resource Conflicts: Approach and Instruments.”’ Environmental Change and Security Program Report 9. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson International Centre. Pages 97-99.
Presented on ‘Climate Smart Initiative of the PSNP and HABP: building resilience for Ethiopia’s chronically food insecure.’ Inception Workshop and Planning Meeting of the CSI. Addis Ababa. July 17th, 2013.
Presentations on ‘Pastoralism and Development in Africa: Overview of book themes’ for book launchesin London (November 29, 2012) and Nairobi (April 29, 2013).
Presented on ‘Structures for shocks: contingency funds, risk financing and appeals.’ Federal-level workshop on findings of the 2012-2013 evaluation of the performance of the PSNP and HABP in Ethiopia’s highland regions. Addis Ababa. April 25th, 2013.
Presented on ‘Applying a gender lens to the PSNP.’ Federal-level workshop on findings of the 2012-2013 evaluation of the performance of the PSNP and HABP in Ethiopia’s highland regions. Addis Ababa. April 25th, 2013.
Presented on ‘Pastoralism and Development in Africa: Overview of book themes.’ Book Launch Panel Discussion. Goodenough College. London. November 29th, 2012.
Organised roundtable on ‘Development frontiers in an insecure world: international security and the implications for development.’ Goodenough College, London. March 12th, 2012.
Presented on ‘Security and the reconfiguration of development in north-east Africa.’ Conflict, Violence and Development Seminar Series. Institute of Development Studies. October 24th, 2011.
Presented on ‘Early progress in implementing the Productive Safety Net Programme in Somali Region, Ethiopia.’ Food Security and Coordination Bureau, Somali Regional State. Jijiga, Ethiopia. September 23rd, 2011.
Presented on ‘Livestock, land the changing political economy of pastoralism: the bigger picture in the Horn.’ Workshop on ‘Livestock, land and the changing political economy of pastoralism in Laikipia, Kenya’. Future Agricultures Consortium. Nanyuki, Kenya. September 15th, 2011.
Presented on ‘Security and the reconfiguration of development in north-east Africa.’ World International Studies Conference. University of Porto. August, 20th, 2011.
Presented on ‘Security and the reconfiguration of development in north-east Africa.’ European Conference of African Studies. Uppsala, Sweden. June 16th, 2011.
Presentations on ‘Counter-terrorism, international aid and civil society responses’ for book launches in New Delhi (January 28, 2010), London (February 24, 2010), and Washington, D.C. (March 3, 2010)
Presented paper on ‘Violence follows the animals: armed violence and human (in)security in Turkana, Kenya.’ Global Environmental Change and Human Security Programme Synthesis Conference. Oslo. June 22-24, 2009
Led panel and gave paper on ‘Civil society, conflict and counter-terrorism since 2001.’ PoliticalStudies Association Annual Conference. Manchester. 7 April 2009
Presented with Jude Howell on ‘Counter-terrorism and civil society in the UK and US’. Non- Governmental Public Action Seminar Series. National Council of Voluntary Organisations (NCVO). London. 6 March 2009
Presented on ‘Security and subterfuge: civil society, the state and counter-terrorism in Kenya.’ Research in Progress Seminar Series. Department of International Relations. University of Sussex. 26 January 2009
Presented with Jude Howell on panel on ‘Violence, security and non-governmental public action’ at final conference for the ESRC Non-Governmental Public Action Programme. One Great George Street. London. 15 January 2009
Presenter with Jude Howell at Department of Social Policy seminar on Civil society under strain:security and aid in the United States post-9/11. London School of Economics. 17 November 2008
Presented with Jude Howell on Changing donor policy and practice on civil society in the post9/11 aid context at the Development Studies Association (UK) Annual Conference. London. 8 November 2008
Organised roundtable on Civil society, aid and counter-terrorism in eastern Africa post-9/11 with the Kenya Human Rights Institute. Nairobi. 21 July 2008
Presented with Jude Howell on Civil society, security and aid post-9/11 at roundtable on ‘Civil society, aid and counter-terrorism in eastern Africa post-9/11’. Nairobi. 21 July 2008
Organised roundtable on Civil society, security and aid in east Africa since 9/11 with ChathamHouse Africa Programme. Chatham House. London. 17 July 2008
Presented on Counter-terrorism, civil society and aid in Kenya since 2001 at Chatham House roundtable on ‘Civil society, security and aid in east Africa since 9/11’. London. 17 July 2008
Presented with Jude Howell on Security and subterfuge: aid, civil society and the state inKenya and 'Civil society with guns is not civil society’: civil society, security and aid post-9/11 in Afghanistan at the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) Biennial Conference. Barcelona, Spain. 10 July 2008
Presented with Jude Howell public address at Chatham House on Civil Society, Aid and Security inKenya Post-9/11. London. 19 May 2008
Presented with Jude Howell on Civil society, security and aid in the post-9/11 context: the cases ofKenya and Afghanistan at the Provost’s Forum on International Affairs at the University of Iowa.18 April 2008
Presented with Jude Howell on Civil society, security and aid: shifting donor perspectives. For Cinefogo Conference on ‘European Development Aid and NGOs: Changing Notions of Civil Society in “North and South”’. 14 March 2008
Presenter at Centre for Civil Society lunchtime seminar on Crisis in Kenya: questions and issues for aid and civil society. London School of Economics. 7 February 2008