
Do you have any nicknames?


City, State:

What TV station do you watch Millionaire on?

Will you be bringing a companion?

If yes, then who will that be?

What is their relationship to you?


Children? Names and ages?



If I wasn’t doing what I’m doing now with my life I’d be…

Three unique stories about you. Please be thorough & thoughtful.

(Examples; Major obstacles overcome to get here. Funny anecdotes about your work, family, friends, etc.)

·  Story #1-

·  Story #2-

·  Story #3-

·  What is the most uncomfortable situation you have ever been in?

·  Tell us about a time when you put your foot in your mouth by saying something you shouldn’t have.

·  Finish this sentence. You’d never believe it but I…

·  I could practically be in the Guinness Book of World Records for…

·  Among my friends and family, I am the one who always…

·  Have you ever been the center of attention before?

·  Have you ever had an extraordinary or fateful experience?

·  What is your biggest claim to fame win? (ex. raffle drawing, spelling bee, lottery, etc.)

·  Did anyone encourage you to try-out?

·  What did you have to go through to find time to appear on Millionaire? (ex. getting time off from work, getting a babysitter, borrowing money for plane tickets, etc.)

·  Have you had a dream about the show or your upcoming appearance on the show?

·  What is the biggest check you’ve ever received?

·  Are you a risk taker? (If so give us some examples of big risks you have taken.)

·  How would 1 Million Dollars change your life?

·  What do you plan to do with the money you may win on “Millionaire?” (Extravagant purchases, dream homes, etc.)

·  What one thing do you spend most of your spending money on now?

·  What will the audience be interested to learn about you?

·  What is it about Millionaire that you love most?

·  Have you ever done anything unusual or outrageous while watching Millionaire? (ex. Yell or throw things at the TV)

·  What is the furthest length you’ve gone to in order to watch Millionaire?

·  Do your friends & family ever bother you with ridiculous trivia questions? If so, please give examples.

·  Do you have any collections or obsessions with trivia games or game shows?

·  Have you ever gone out of your way to check a fact, then inform the person of their error?

·  Do you belong to any organizations or clubs devoted to trivia? Where & how often do you meet?