Together for Vanier – Working Group on Beautification
Ensemble pour Vanier – Groupe de travail sur l’embelissement
TUESDAY, September 21, 2010290 Dupuis Street, Vanier Room
6:30 PM – 8P.M. / Debbie St.Aubin, Chair (absent)
Lucie Marleau., Vice Chair
- Welcome and Introductions
- Luciewelcomed everyone. (10 attendees) I counted 13 attendees
- Lucie thanked Francine for being the notetaker and sending the meeting reminders
- Cards were distributed for Debbie St-Aubin’s father who passed away and a thank you card for BIA for letting us meet at their office in the past. Meetings will be at CSC Vanier for the foreseeable future
- Lucie thanked Elaine for having everyone over for the BBQ in June
- Kudos to Andrew for bringing snacks
- Updates from Vice-Chair:
- New Neighbourhood Watch at Marier and St-Monique-
- New Stop signto be installed at Pères Blancs and Marier
- 2nd reading of the Nuissance By-Law – proposed by Councillor Bédard
- Adopt a bin: still ongoing-for any area accumulating garbage. Volunteers needed
- Adopt flower pots: Elvira was given kudos for all of her work. All pots adopted this year
- QueensviewPark: clean up did not happen this year-there was no Lead organizer
- Movies in the Park: Thank you to all volunteers. Events were a modest success. Need more time to organizenext year
- Spring Clean up: 400 volunteers-most successful to date-focussed on family
- Open Letter in Perspectives Vanier in August from Allana– member of the Beautification Committee- “Poop’n scoop’n dump your own poop”
- Eyes on Vanier walkabout: In order to better accommodate faithful members of the Eyes on Vanier changes were made in the summer but it was not very successful this year. To be discussed at next meeting
- Updates from members:
- CityChurch: Free Store:furniture, clothes etc-details on
- Capital Bikers: moving at City Church-cool group
- CSC Vanier:
a)Youth program: for 44 youth 12- 15 years old
b)Restorative Justice –Vanier Chapter meets at the Centre on a regular basis
- Speeding on Marier-Signs to be placed, followed by news articles & petition
- Meeting on September 2nd with OPS:
- Looking forward to monthly meetings
- From here on we will all be responsible for reporting new information, pictures, suspicions, follow ups,etc. directly to Marc Daviault.
- Don't forget to inform Marc if you called in prostitutes or suspicious activities or whatever to 230-6211.
- Constable Marc ;
- S/Sgt Murray .
- Pleased that residents already have a Problem Address Task Force set up by our Councillor Georges Bedard. So, whenever information is given to Marc Daviault concerning a problem property we should also cc Georges Bedard's office .A list of problem addresses has been sent to our Councillor's office.
- Community Association:
- Outgoing vice president-Kim
- Incoming vice-president-Elaine
- Elections:
- Peter Graves was elected co-chair
- Francine and Peter to communicate regarding next meeting’s agenda
- To be discussed at next meeting –members to see who would be interested to co-chair with Peter
- Other business:
Drug and Prostitution meeting:
Tuesday, October 5th, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at City Church-e-mail to be sent
Website: Elaine updates the website
Sidewalk repairs : take pictures and call 311 and phrase it as to say “people can get hurt”
Bulb Planting: October 16th at Nault Park-at 10 a.m. members volunteered to help
- Open Forum / Ideas discussed:
- Build on how does Ottawa see Vanier
- Haunted walk tour
- Zombie walk – Could start at BeechwoodCemetery
- Need to focus on what is happening in Ottawa for the next 10 months and have Beautification represented at some of those events (ex. Lumière Festival)
- Stories about Vanier
- How do we attract people –try to target the novice
- EMC articles: ex. How to plant tomatoe plants
- Plant exchange-indoor and outdoor
Next meeting date:Tuesday, October 19th at the CSC Vanier - 6:30 pm. – 290 Dupuis Street