ACI Gynaecological Oncology (GO) Network & Cancer Institute NSW (CINSW)
“Reducing variation in cancer outcomes in NSW”
To join the ACI GO Network& CINSW working group, please complete the form below:
Delegate Details:
Role/position / place of worklocal health network
Contact Details:
phone / mobile / faxFor further information contact:
Violeta Sutherland, Network Manager
Tel.(02) 9464 4643
Fax.(02) 9464 4728
/ RSVP: 8 February 2013
The Cancer Institute NSW (CINSW) has embarked on a program of work to investigate variations in outcomes following treatment for cancer, commencing withsurgery. This work is intended to help us understand clinical variation which can inform decision making at State and local levels, to drive changes in the health system which will improve outcomes.
Clinical engagement is a key component of this program of work which is now moving to investigation of outcomes for women with gynaecological cancers. To this end the CINSW has partnered with the Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) Gynaecological Oncology (GO) Network to ensure that appropriate clinical input is obtained for analysis and reporting of information pertaining to treatment for gynaecological cancers. The analysis is now at a point where more detailed clinical input is required. As such the formation of a small sub-group of the ACI GO Network is proposed to guide this work to its conclusion.
Terms of Reference for reporting sub group of the ACI Gynaecological Oncology Network
The Terms of Reference for the sub-group are as follows:
- Provide expert clinical input into:
- interpretation of results from analyses
- additional analyses to inform reporting against the identified indicators
- Provide advice regarding procedure groupings relevant for each indicator
- Contribute to the development of reports and peer reviewed publications in accordance with CINSW publication and authorship guidelines
- Develop meaningful clinical questions and identify additional indicators and measures for future work programs as appropriate.
Data source(s)
Surgical outcomes
This work is being undertaken using a linked data set. Gynaecological cancer cases diagnosed from 2000-2008 and recorded on the NSW Central Cancer Registry (CCR) have been linked to the relevant records from the Admitted Patient Data Collection (APDC) to obtain hospital treatment information.
Following recent ethics committee approval, from 2013 this data set will be expanded to include Clinical Cancer Registry (ClinCr) data, Emergency Department Data (EDDC) and all causes of death.
The data items available for this project are as follows:
CCR / APDC / DERIVEDPerson project number / APDC record ID / Total length of stay by taking hospital transfer
Sex / Age at admission in years / Charlson co-morbidity index score
Year of birth / Age at separation in years / Length of stay greater than 21 day - Numerator
Age at diagnosis / Admission date / Length of stay greater than 21 day - Denominator
Year of diagnosis / Separation date / 30-day mortality - Numerator
Month of diagnosis / Date of principal procedure / 30-day mortality - Denominator
Date of diagnosis (15 as day of diagnosis) / Emergency status / 90-day mortality - Numerator
ICD-O-3 Topography code / Hospital / 90-day mortality - Denominator
ICD-O-3 Morphology code / Facility type / 28-day unplanned readmission - Numerator
Behaviour / Hospital role (ISCOS V10+) / 28-day unplanned readmission - Denominator
Cancer type / Health Area (2005) of hospital
Degree of spread at diagnosis / State of residence
Method of diagnosis / SLA of residence
Country of birth -SACC / Health Area (2005) of residence
Area Health Service (2005) of residence at diagnosis in CCR / Country of birth - SACC
Local Health District of residence at diagnosis / Transferred from Hospital
Age of death / Transferred to Hospital
Year of death / Readmission within 28 days
Month of death / SLA of residence (Australia-wide)
Day of death / Sex in APDC
Cause of death / Unplanned return to theatre?
Latitude of residence at diagnosis / Separation mode (M)
Longitude of residence at diagnosis / Separation mode
Principal Diagnosis
ICD10AM Diagnosis 2 - ICD10AM Diagnosis 55
MBS-E Principal procedure
Principal procedure flag
MBS-E Procedure 2 - MBS-E Procedure 50
Hospital role (ISCOS V10+)
APDC sequence number
CCR sequence number
CCR/APDC sequence
Facility type
Peer group
Surgical procedure flag
Final separation date by taking hospital transfer
Local Health District of hospital
Metropolitan / Rural of hospital