Chapter 6: Painting

Multiple Choice Questions

1.  The ground pigment is combined with a linseed oil vehicle and turpentine medium.
A. fresco B. encaustic C. tempera D. oil* E. acrylic F. watercolor

2.  Paint is applied to damp plaster.
A. fresco* B. encaustic C. tempera D. oil E. acrylic F. watercolor

3.  Pigment is in a wax vehicle heated to a liquid state.
A. fresco B. encaustic* C. tempera D. oil E. acrylic F. watercolor

4.  It offers many of the advantages of oil paint, but "without the mess."
A. fresco B. encaustic C. tempera D. oil E. acrylic* F. watercolor

5.  It was first used to apply glazes over tempera
A. fresco B. encaustic C. tempera D. oil* E. acrylic F. watercolor

6.  White does not exist; must be derived by allowing the white of the paper to "shine" through
A. fresco B. encaustic C. tempera D. oil E. acrylic F. watercolor*

7.  This one uses a vehicle of egg yolk or whole eggs thinned with water
A. fresco B. encaustic C. tempera* D. oil E. acrylic F. watercolor

8.  Fluidity of the technique is conducive to rapid sketches and preparatory studies
A. fresco B. encaustic C. tempera D. oil E. acrylic F. watercolor*

9.  A large painting done in this technique requires that the artist completely execute one section and then work on another
A. fresco* B. encaustic C. tempera D. oil E. acrylic F. watercolor

10. This is the name commonly used for aquarelle
A. fresco B. encaustic C. tempera D. oil E. acrylic F. watercolor*

11. The color in a paint derives from its
A. medium B. pigment* C. vehicle

12. The binding agent of paint
A. medium B. pigment C. vehicle*

13. Provides fluency and workability to the paint
A. medium* B. pigment C. vehicle

14. The prepared surface on which tempera paintings were done
A. ground* B. gesso C. gilding

15. Commonly used substance in tempera painting
A. ground B. gesso* C. gilding

16. A technique of applying thinly hammered sheets of gold to a tempera painting
A. ground B. gesso C. gilding*

17. One of the advantages of the medium is its portability.
A. fresco B. encaustic C. tempera D. oil E. acrylic F. watercolor*

18. The earliest use of the medium was in prehistoric cave painting.
A. fresco B. encaustic C. tempera D. oil E. acrylic F. spray paint*

19. This medium is a mixture of pigment and a plastic vehicle.
A. fresco B. encaustic C. tempera D. oil E. acrylic* F. spray paint

20. Slow drying facilitates the reworking of problem areas.
A. fresco B. encaustic C. tempera D. oil* E. acrylic F. spray paint

Completion/Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

21. The line between drawing and painting is sometimes ______.

22. Robert Motherwell said, "Suddenly I realized that each brushstroke is a ______."

23. Jackson Pollock said, "Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he ______."

24. The binding agent of paint is called ______.

25. The solvent used to thin and make paint workable is called the paint's ______.

26. Pigments are derived from chemicals and ______.

27. Although fresco color can be brilliant, some pigments will not form chemical ______with lime and therefore cannot be used.

28. Fresco painting was revived in the twentieth century by mural painters in ______.

29. A wax-based painting technique is ______.

30. Tempera dries quickly and is therefore difficult to ______.

31. Oil paint seems to have first been used as a finishing layer over ______paint.

32. Vasari said that fresco "is the masterly and beautiful [technique], because it consists in doing in a single day that which, in other methods, may be ______day after day…."

33. Despite being based on a wax vehicle, ______is an extremely durable medium whose colors remain vibrant and whose surface maintains a hard luster.

34. In Solstice, Walkingstick built her textural surface through successive layers of colored ______.

35. The application of thinly hammered sheets of gold to the tempera surface is called ______.

36. The fine details of the ornate costumes in Gentile da Fabriano's Adoration testify to the precision made possible by egg ______.

37. Oil paint can be diluted to barely tinted film to achieve subtle flesh tones, or it can be applied in thick ______that physically constructs an image.

38. Leonardo da Vinci said, "…I judge painting to be superior to ______."

39. Helen Oji's Mount St. Helen's used ______paint for an explosion of color.

40. A mixture of watercolor mixed with a high concentration of vehicle and an opaque ingredient such as chalk is called ______.

Discussion Questions

41. Compare and contrast the characteristics of oil and acrylic paint.

42. Explain what Leonardo da Vinci meant when he said, "A good painter is to paint two things, namely, man and the working of man's mind.

43. Imagine that Rembrandt had painted his Head of St. Matthew in tempera instead of oil. What would have been lost in using the different material?

44. What is meant by glazing in oil painting? What effects does glazing offer the artist?

45. Describe how Ralph Goings uses watercolor. What are his aims?

46. Describe what is meant by the assertion that the boundary between painting and drawing is often blurred.

47. We generally think of painting as a process in which the artist places colors on a flat surface. What other artistic uses have artists found for paint?

48. Describe the importance of medium in painting.

49. Distinguish between buon fresco and fresco secco.

50. Explain why many regard Leonardo's Last Supper as a technical disaster.