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Here are fragments from a number of materials on the general subject «NOVATIVE EDUCATION»
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-for teachers, scientists and experts
This textbook is prepared on the basis of the Conclusion and recommendations of the Ministry of education and a science of Russia. In all respects it can be named experimental: experimentally entered the subject "NEWSCIENCE", or «NEWKNOWLEDGE», «NОVISTICS»; experimentally after designing the structure of the textbook it is supposed to invite teachers and scientific community to "specifications" its basic sections and preparation of independent manuals for base subjects.
. At last, experimentally, but on already available pedagogical experience, is supposed study the material by pupils in total and at once for one year, but with recurrence of it at each new level next years.
From Its content it is possible to tell, well corresponding to spirit and the letter of our present, and desperately needing in imperative, once and for all, transition to an innovative way of development, having in mind the invention, development and realization of new and socially useful innovations.
The author of the textbook is in due time a military engineer, inventor, PhD, then the innovator of the affair and the expert on social development, Doctor of Economics, professor and academician of the All-Russia Academy of problems of safety, defense and the law and order, actually the founder of the Theory of social development and the author of a set of publications on this theme.
The obligatory invitation of teachers planned by the author and the scientific and technical public to perfection of the textbook and to preparation of obligatory "subject" appendices raises probability of that the teaching material will always be in spirit of time, as it has been noted by the Ministry.
Editing of the book will be also more carefully carried out.
The project «NOVATIVE EDUCATION» which on the basis of the conclusion of the MINISTRY now prepared for introduction in some educational establishments of Russia, since high school in structure of a constant curriculum of the theory and practice innovative (it is more exact, wider – NOVATIVE) perception pupils of reality and to skill to find new and effective decisions all over again in simple, and then in complex situations.
That is training to a science and art of creativity, skill to notice in world around lacks and to make highly effective inventions, including social. It should be the true CONSTRUCTIVE EDUCATION.
Difficulty of carrying out during a life of innovations including social, speaks just that all education system is based on transfer of knowledge as the God created for ever.
And, thus, it demands from the pupil only superficial understanding of a ready product, and is more often - simply to remember. The long, centuries-old stage of realization of the doctrine ofsenseless inflating to pupils huge weight of knowledge without an explanation of dialectics and sense for public need of their reception and storing this knowledge, practically useless in a life, dries up a brain.
It brings the huge contribution to sharp falling health of children and young men. It convinces many of them of the «professional unfitness», removes them from any science, from any knowledge, does not develop creative talent, and for many children natural and involuntarily conducts to antisocial behaviour, and can be also - to alcohol and drugs.
Numerous November strikes of pupils of schools of France and Germany of 2008 against the useless and complicated education prove that this conclusion exists not only for the Russian education.
We should show, that a life into which pupils enter, is not simply full of lovely secrets about which tell him the teacher at the school, interesting books and entertaining telecasts, a life is full of serious lacks and imperfection. It is impossible to tell children that the life in which they have already come, lays in harm and is full of dangers, but they should understand, that it is full of questions which is necessary to solve. That it is not made by their parents and parents of their parents. That it is absolutely correct, differently we shall continue to make from them dogmatic persons and conformists, for which meeting with something new is almost tragedy. Especially for professionals who all life differently learned and thought.
While this sector should enter as voluntary, under the decision of administration of schools and regional establishments of education, under the insisting of parents, and thus to exist as a parallel subject. In any case should be significantly, in 2-3 times, decrease in loading in each subject up to nowadays established base level, having made due to elimination unimportant and not basic subject material for allocated time accessible practically to each pupil without an overstrain of physical and nervous forces and with the close appendix to a modern life - technical, organizational, information... Thus should increase the volume of hours of powerful propagation of idea of philanthropy, bases of different cultures and religions, and also physical culture, art creativity, travel, etc. – up to 10 percent school hours. And so it will be gradually possible to forget about essential decrease in health of schoolboys. In fact for today a problem of health of the schoolboy – the well-known fact. All this - first.
Second, for the pupils interested in more detailed studying of those or other subjects, it is enabled the profound studying of any of subjects at additional lessons, consultations, with the same or specially picked up by teachers, naturally, in the classes which have been not overflown and in which there are no pupils, wish not interesting to the majority of details of sciences. The violence over it is not more humane than sexual violence, which, it is necessary to remind, is criminally pursued, probably, in all world. But remains unpunished at schools!
This textbook is the first of a series of teaching materials for high schools (9 -11 classes). It should gradually, with attraction of talented popular writers, be transformed to the simplified textbook for 3-4 classes and on the contrary - in more strict the written textbooks down to graduation classes (and special to universities of creativity).
Clearly, that all this will inevitably weight the textbook, therefore it is supposed to be released as 2 books. The material of 2-nd book which will include such sections as the World of the future; Bases of personal and public health; I am an inventor will be handed to publishing house only after the beginning of this book.
Simultaneously the school should lift humanitarian and humanistic aspect and increase the contribution of moral education of pupils: people of the future with the increased creative opportunities should have maximum clean belief.
It is possible to assume, that this book begins the new direction in the pedagogics, corresponding to a NEW SPACE AGE: not simply to trust and worship, but to create and improve.
Unfortunately, first book For 8-10 classes prepared and has been handed over in a printing house before we know about it, in our opinion, rather remarkable event, and its contents has surprisingly coincided with the basic theses of materials of the European Parliament. It has allowed us to add to its new more complex materials and to shift its applicability on one class forward.
We print here these theses,prepared by us on the basis of comparison and association of translations, made with two languages, on which these materials have been published on the Internet. The main thing, we now are sure, that themes in which we are engaged many decades, really important and are really socially necessary.
The basic theses of the «DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning the European Year of Creativity and Innovation (2009)» - COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Brussels, 28.3.2008
...Europe should lift the creative potential, creative and innovative ability for the social and economic reasons, learn to distinguish an innovation as the basic tool effectively to answer calls and on the other hand - to use opportunities of globalization.
It will demand involving all population in expansion of creative skills and his familiarizings with creativity, to become open for new ideas, to be able to advance an innovation. Innovative ability is closely connected to creative potential as the personal attribute based on cultural and interpersonal communicative opportunities.
Any one mastered combination of actions cannot be considered as the universal recipe in all circumstances. In the text of the Decision is repeatedly emphasized the main role of education and training as factors of expansion of creative potential, creation of innovations and increase of competitiveness of production.
The task of "lifelong" training and active youth politics is put for an exchange of experience and positive practice of development skills: mathematical, in a science and technical equipment, digital, social and civil as skill «studying to study», to comprehend “sense of the initiative and business”.
Planting public understanding, distribution of the information on positive experience, methods of stimulation of researches, increases of creative potential and creation of innovations is necessary performance of a principle competitions at all levels - national, regional and local, the openness and an opportunity of participation of interested persons should be observed everywhere. - Only then can be achieved "synergyс" [system, supertotal] effect.
Creation of a corresponding education system should be counted «as the central political task», without which innovative ability of a society will not be achieved. It should advance talent and creative potential from the early childhood and up to a pension age - contrary to existing position when the spark of creativity in people quickly dies away.
Creative potential is the human characteristic which appears in many areas and contexts, from works of art, design and craft upto large scientific achievements and business, including business social.
«The innovation is the successful transformation of new ideas; creative potential and it is an indispensable condition for an innovation». For occurrence of a new product, service, process, strategy and the organization are required people, Which can make new ideas and new associations between ideas, skills (competence) of creative thinking and the expanded horizon at the decision of problems and tasks. It is so necessary in economic and social, as in artistic areas (in art).
Between creativity and innovations in art - on the one hand and technologies, economy - with another frequently are available hardly appreciable connections. The important contribution of the European Year of Creativity and Innovations will consist in connection of these worlds.
The user, maybe, most of all requires it. He can become a starting point for development, improvement and-or designing of new, more competitive products, programs and services. With corresponding training users can not only provide the market environment favorable for an innovation, but also solve unforeseen problems and directly participate in development of products, programs and services.
Processes of an innovation become more and more connected in a network, i.e. multidisciplinary and problem-oriented, establishing higher requirements to ever established skills, in studying methods to be trained and train, to ability of change of qualification, etc.
The fundamental quality supporting creative and innovative ability - prompting and sensation of the initiative. Bases of such qualities are put in early stages of personal development. The creative potential takes essential a place in schedules of early educational years, but its resource decreases resolutely during education of pupils.
Therefore one of the basic problems, facing to education systems, is how to support a spark of creative potential in children and young people. The problem will be, «to rescue a life of a creative spark in children and young people». Perhaps, for example, «creating the greater accent on creative themes, developing new approaches to studying and creation of various nonlearning actions».
At the same time it is necessary to teach people a task «to participate in the effective and constructive way in a social and working life», especially in more and more various societies, to participate in a civil life, being based on knowledge of social and political concepts and structures, on skill to change during judgement and interpretation. While training occurs together with others, It is possible to change more easy in itself social behaviour and habits, creatively to estimate situations - and it is the deciding precondition for successful training to creativity.
Clearly, that the traditional approaches of training based on a direct command or lecturing, are not adequate any more. They are replaced with more concentrated training models which are based on active involving of the pupil during reflection and interpretation, Supporting an openness and creative potential is a vital preliminary condition for successful training and innovation.
The ultimate goal of the European Year will be to advance creative potential for all as the driver for an innovation and as the key factor for development of personal, professional, enterprise and social competence through lifelong studying, through the adaptation to all phases of lifelong training from preschool service through obligatory school up to incessant common and vocational training and further on all labour life up to a pension age.
The purposes of the program cannot be achieved up to a sufficient level by actions of separate, isolated States - members of EU, because action at a national level would not benefit by huge opportunities of the all-European exchange of experience.
Europe should strengthen the ability to creative development for the social and economic reasons. This opinion should be widely distributed everywhere among the population, It will demand development of methods of detection of innovative decisions among the personnel, in a professional and social life - first of all for development of professional, enterprise and social skills and finally for increases of well-being of all individuals in a society.
It is required "to illuminate", among other, the following factors of maintenance of social environment, which would favour to creation of an innovative atmosphere, flexibility and adaptibility, to development from the earliest phases of creative thinking and intuition, up to a level of requirements of enterprise views - among young people.
It is emphasized, that quite often some young people since early years to not suppose display of the best personal qualities of schoolmates, actively interfere with a variety of creative forms of their self-expression.
It is required to bring up understanding among people, that the creative potential, knowledge and flexibility are extremely important during fast technological changes and global integration For prosperity in private life to improve opportunities of career in all areas; the creative potential and ability to innovative behaviour take the major place in a today's life, they allow to increase appeal of people and therefore their chances in the market of labour forces. It is necessary for their personal development - and equally for economic growth of the country.
Herewith is giventhe compressed material from the project which under our initiative was prepared in 2008. It is now morally supported by the several official organisations of Russia.
Special role in the statement of our confidence of a correct direction of our jobs in sphere of social development and, in particular, in an education sphere, has played "opened" by us the decision of EuroParliament of 2008 «The European Year of Creativity and Innovation (2009)», unprecedented in accuracy and details, and in the subsequent decision of the government of the state Qatar about carrying out of scale search of the best decisions in the sphere of education.
a substantiation of necessity and further real possibility of introduction at schools of a new discipline – NOVISTICS,based not on remembering of a huge material, but on training to think innovatively, creatively ;
the description of structure of a new kind of the textbook for realisation of innovative trainingin an average comprehensive school and on initial courses of institutes; the textbook includes:
• the description of natural processes of evolution in the nature;
• an explanation of the organised and unorganized developments in a human society, rules and examples of supervision of defectsof a surrounding life, in the new technolodgy, in social life…, in environment… and persistently focused on their elimination;
• a substantiation and an explanation of criterions of economic, social and ecological efficiency of innovations, a whole concept of efficiency of updating (development) of a social production and a society. In the textbook also are given:
• algorithms of transformation of a teaching material and educational process of all existing subject matters for introduction of a new way of their teaching
- innovative;
the description of projects of creation of School of creativity and creativityAcademy.
After official introduction of discipline NOVISTICS receipt rules in high schools, structure EGE etc. accordingly should change.
We have all bases to consider that our modest project and the book (the first textbook on innovative training), will allow to begin a new era in the pedagogics, corresponding to a new Space age: not to believe and worship, but the main thing - to create and improve: to invent new and useful, in everything study to be the architect and the smith of the life.In the presence of detailed practical decisions of the European Union and firm statement of a question in project WISE these purposes seem quite real.
So, we suggest to begin urgently introduction in practice of teaching of schools, and then of institutes of the theory of creativity and practice innovative (we consider more precisely - novative activity, i.e. not only for Introduction). Thus it is necessary to lower essentially volume of compulsory injection in heads of all pupils, without dependence from their preferences. As already well-known, its only small part is remembered further, than before following examination. Offering it is essential to limit a submitted material, but we consider necessary to teach it in dialectic development, with an explanation, as well as in what social conditions it was created - opened or invented, what difficulties were overcome, with giving of indispensable exceptions of the accepted laws and it is obligatory - with examples of their appendix in practice.