AnnandaleCity Council
January 9, 2012
CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The City Council of Annandale, Minnesota met for a regular meeting on January 9, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers. MayorYoung called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
City Council Present: Councilmember’s Burd, Jonas,Gunnarson, and Mayor Young. Absent: McNellis. Also present were Police Chief Herr, Public Works Supervisor Haller, Assistant Fire Chief Hartley and Interim Administrator Derus.
SET AGENDA: A motion was made by Burd and seconded by Jonasto adopt the agendaas presented withsome additional claims. The motion carried unanimously.
MINUTES:A motion was made by Burd and seconded by Gunnarson to approve the Minutes of the December 05, 2012 regular meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
AUDITING CLAIMS: A motion was made byJonasand seconded by Burd,to approve the revised bill list and checks; check numbers. The motion passed unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARINGS:There were no public hearings.
CITIZEN’S FORUM: No one was present to address the Council for this item, so the Mayor closed the Citizen’s Forum.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made byBurdand seconded byGunnarson to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: Police NovemberReport;FinanceNovemberReport;Fire Department NovemberReport;Deputy RegistrarNovemberReport;Donations - Annandale Firefighters Relief $15,000 and $3,000 to Annandale Fire Department;Employment Anniversaries for Deb Jones – 21 years;and acknowledge Wastewater Commission Minutesof December 15, 2011. The motion carried unanimously.
ORDINANCE 333 – XCEL ENERGY FRANCHISE AGREEMENT:ScottJohnson from Xcel was at the meeting. It was noted that the City Attorney questioned some of the language regarding tree trimming in the Franchise Agreement that was adopted at the December 12, 2012 meeting. The language was worked out, so a new ordinance, superseding the ordinance approved at the December meeting needed to be adopted. A motion was made by Young and seconded by Burd to adopt Ordinance 333. The motion carried unanimously, with Gunnarson voting no.
- Resolution 12-01 Cardinal Athletic Foundation Lawful Gambling Permit
Moved by Burd, seconded by Jonas to adopt Resolution 12-01, A Resolution approving Cardinal Athletic Foundation Lawful GamblingPermit, Motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Burd, Jonas, Gunnarson, and Young. Nays: None. Absent: McNellis. Abstain: None. Resolution 12-01 adopted on a 4-aye, 0-nay, 1-absent, 0-abstain vote.
- Resolution 12-02 Annual Appointments
Moved by Gunnarson, seconded by Jonas to adopt Resolution 12-02, A Resolution approving 2012 annual appointments, Motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Burd, Jonas, Gunnarson, and Young. Nays: None. Absent: McNellis. Abstain: None. Resolution 12-02 adopted on a 4-aye, 0-nay, 1-absent, 0-abstain vote.
- Resolution 12-03 Fire Department Appointments
Moved by Young, seconded by Jonas to adopt Resolution 12-03, A Resolution Approving 2012 Fire Department Appointments, Motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Burd, Jonas, Gunnarson, and Young. Nays: None. Absent: McNellis. Abstain: None. Resolution 12-03 adopted on a 4-aye, 0-nay, 1-absent, 0-abstain vote.
- Resolution 12-04A Resolution Approving the purchase of a 2012 F-550 Truck and truck body for the public works department
Moved by Burd, seconded by Jonas to adopt Resolution 12-04, A Resolution Approving the purchase of a 2012 F-550 Truck and truck body for the public works department.Motion carried on the following ROLL CALL vote: Ayes: Burd, Jonas, Gunnarson, and Young. Nays: None. Absent: McNellis. Abstain: None. Resolution 12-04 adopted on a 4-aye, 0-nay, 1-absent, 0-abstain vote.
- Resolution 12-05 A Resolution Approving the Purchase of two electric variable speed fans for the fire department
Moved by Burd, seconded by Jonas to adopt Resolution 12-05, A Resolution Approving the purchase of two electric variable speed fans for the fire department. Motion carried on the following ROLL CALL vote: Ayes: Burd, Jonas, Gunnarson, and Young. Nays: None. Absent: McNellis. Abstain: None. Resolution 12-05 adopted on a 4-aye, 0-nay, 1-absent, 0-abstain vote.
- Resolution 12-06 Accepting the Resignation of Jack Driste from the City of Annandale Park Board
Councilor Jonas said that Jack Driste had talked to her and said he would like to sit down and discuss his resignation and possibly reconsider his resignation. There was a brief discussion. A motion was made by Jonas, seconded by Gunnarson, to table consideration of the Jack Driste’s resignation from the Park Board. Motion carried unanimously.
A.Multi Use Athletic Complex Update
Mayor Young reported that the Multi-use Athletic Complex Steering Committee had recently met and discussed the following items:
- There was an agreement with the School District for the use of the property where the old stabilization ponds were.
- They identified the most logical place for the road
- Discussed applying for legacy funding. It was also mentioned that they are missing a Surface Water Management Plan, which will be needed to be eligible for Legacy funds. The Legacy Funds will only cover the culvertand ponds.The next deadline for Legacy funding is August 2012, and we will know by October, 2012 if we are approved for funding. It was noted that Representative Dean Urdahl is Chair of the Legacy Committee and he’s 100% in favor of the project.
- The committee also discussed a need for T-Ball fields, including using the land adjacent to the cemetery site for emergency fields.
- They also discussed a minimum fee to get across the ravine, to begin dirt work. They will report back in March.
- The Council suggested that the matter remain on the agenda to keep monitoring progress.
- Chief Herr mentioned that he will be going back to days because the new officer training has been completed. He also mentioned that they are still investigating the homicide from last March. Herr also said that squad car bids will becoming in soon.
- Joe Haller briefly reported that he is working on retrofitting the canopy lights on Main Street with high efficiency lights. He said the pay-back in energy saving for the retrofit will be approximately 30 months.
- There was also a brief discussion on whether the city would consider a skating rink on the ice. However, it was noted that the City did not have the manpower to take care of it.
ADJOURNMENT:Moved by Burd, seconded by Jonas, to adjourn the meeting at 7:32p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Marlene A. Young, Mayor
Bob Derus, InterimCity Administrator/Clerk
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