Entrepreneur on Fire: An Interview with John Lee Dumas
December 2, 2013
● The 5 am Miracle - Episode #23
[Intro Song]
● Good morning and welcome to the 23rd episode of The 5 AM Miracle.
● I am Jeff Sanders and this is THE podcast dedicated to dominating your day before breakfast.
● My goal is to help you bounce out of bed with enthusiasm, create powerful lifelong habits, and tackle your grandest goals with extraordinary energy.
● In today's episode I interview John Lee Dumas, host of the wildly popular podcast, Entrepreneur on Fire.
● But first, let’s begin with the Tip of the Week!
[Musical Interlude]
● Today’s Tip is how you can give less effort in every workout and get better results!
● I know that sounds too good to be true. So, let’s break down exactly how this fantasy can become your reality.
● As you may have heard a couple of weeks ago during my interview with Rich Roll, we brought up the topic of heart rate training.
● I first learned about heart rate training from Rich’s book, Finding Ultra.
● I have known that athletes monitored their pulse for years, but I never knew the real benefits behind this strategy until just a year ago.
● After reading Finding Ultra, I picked up another book called, Heart Rate Training, by Roy Benson and Declan Connolly.
● This book is not a passive read. It’s very detailed, filled with scientific jargon, and reads like a textbook.
● The good news is that this book very clearly outlines exactly how heart rate training works and why it’s just so awesome for anyone wanting to train for any endurance race including marathons, triathlons, cycling events, swimming, or other high-intensity sports.
● Also, I will mention here that I wrote a blog post about heart rate training where you can read much more. Just visit JeffSanders.com/hrt, as in heart rate training.
● There will also be a link in the show notes at JeffSanders.com/023, as in Episode 23.
● Also, in one of the comments on the blog, a reader highly recommended a book that I have not read, but that has great reviews in Amazon.
● It’s called The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing. I will also provide a link that book as well.
● Heart Rate Training has many potential benefits including avoiding over training, tracking your progress with easy-to-understand data, and letting you know when to push harder.
● The best part is that as you train you should be able to get better results without working harder. For example, you could lower your marathon time from 4:30 hours down to 3:30, with the same effort.
So, What Exactly is Heart Rate Training?
● It is a strategic method to measure exercise intensity to achieve your customized goals.
● As you train, monitor your progress, and improve over time, your heart will be able to deliver more oxygen-rich blood to your muscles faster and more effectively.
● Monitoring your heart beats requires a heart rate monitor, which usually includes a chest strap and a watch.
● The prices vary considerably, but I bought one Amazon that was $35 USD and it works great.
● After buying a heart rate monitor, you would then need to calculate your Maximum Heart Rate, which is the fastest your heart beats while exercising at your maximum intensity.
● A rough estimate of your MHR is 220 – age. I am 29 years old, so mine would be 191 with this formula. However, a running test that I completed revealed my MHR as 194.
● To complete your own running test, simply sprint around a track 3-4 times with a 2-minute break between each lap, and monitor your heart rate at the end of each lap.
● By the end of the third lap you should be thoroughly exhausted and be able to see that your heart simply will not beat any faster.
● Using your Maximum Heart Rate, you would then set your athletic goal and train in one or more of the four zones.
● Endurance (less than 75% of MHR) - easy pace
● Stamina (75-85% of MHR) marathon pace
● Economy (85-95% of MHR) half marathon pace
● Speed (95-100% of MHR) weightlifting and sprints
Now, Here’s a Quick Summary of How to Get Started
1. Buy the book, Heart Rate Training.
2. Buy a heart rate monitor.
3. Calculate your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) with a simple running test.
4. Choose a training plan. Everyone should start in the endurance zone and build slowly over time. There are great training plans in the book I mentioned earlier.
5. Start training and tracking your results. Run, bike, swim, or exercise while wearing your monitor and recording all of the data.
● I hope you found that helpful. Now it’s time for the Feature Segment!
[Musical Interlude]
● I am very honored to have my guest, John Lee Dumas, on the podcast today.
● John is the host of Entrepreneur on Fire, a podcast that publishes a new episode 7 days a week, 365 days a year!
● Crazy! I know.
● John has also created some incredible products and services to help entrepreneurs and podcasters build their businesses, which I will let John explain in more detail.
● So, let’s jump right in.
● Welcome to the show John!
[Fade In Music]
● Just 2 quick announcements here at the end of this episode.
● The first, if you have not yet joined The 5 am Club, you can easily do so today for free.
● When you join the club you will get a free copy of The 5 AM Miracle eBook, which shows you exactly how to wake up each morning with vigor and make enormous progress on your biggest goals.
● To join The 5 AM Club AND jump start your morning - visit 5amMiracle.
● My 2nd announcement is that IN my next podcast episode I will discuss How to Effectively Plan and Execute Audacious Goals for the New Year.
● If you have a question you’d love me to answer here on the podcast, please leave me a voicemail message at JeffSanders.com/podcastquestion.
Final Thoughts
● Also, I would be grateful if you would rate my podcast in iTunes with a full 5 stars.
● That helps tremendously with keeping my podcast visible so that people who have never heard of it can discover it.
● Just head on over to JeffSanders.com/itunes
● Also, if you would like to see all of the resources I mentioned in this show, please visit the show notes page at JeffSanders.com/023, as in Episode 23.
● Well, that's it for this episode of The 5 AM Miracle.
● Until next time remember, you have the power to change your life, and the fun begins bright and early.
[Fade Out Music]