ANCHOR WORK – Unit Three

You must complete 3 of the following assignments over the course of the unit to be worth one test grade.

Create a “Facebook” profile for one of the characters from any of the stories or novels that we have read in class. Use the attached form as your guideline.
Create a diagram of a stage from ancient Greek times. Identify the following in your work: Chorus, Choragos, Strophe, Antistrophe, Deus ex Machina, Ampitheater, Greek Mask.
Adapt a story or a scene from a story or novel we have read in class to a skit. Provide stage directions, a cast of characters, and costuming details.
Evaluate Creon’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence. How is he wrong in his evaluation of Antigone?(2 paragraphs)
Choose one of the themes from Life of Pi. Create a comic strip based on this theme and depict the major events in the plot of the story in chronological order that best depict this theme. 8 frames minimum.
Write a one paragraph review of a book or a movie. Replace all of the nouns with *new* words that you have created. The meaning of these words should be clear to the reader through context. Make sure that each new noun correctly uses word patterns that indicate the part of speech. (Example: advocate = verb; advocacy = noun). Provide a list of the new words and their meanings with your paragraph.
Identify a deadly creature that lives in the sea. Create a short movie with editing that includes use of video, photographs, and music to present this creature to the viewer. Movie may be constructed as a story or as a nonfiction presentation (iMovie or Windows Movie Maker are examples of editing software that you may use). 3 minute minimum.
Reflect on Pi’s ideas about the different world religions. Conduct an interview (10 question minimum) with someone who is a member of a belief system that is different from your own. Transcribe or summarize the results of your interview. Turn this in with a one paragraph journal stating what you learned.
(Check that your questions are not offensive.)
Choose the main characters from two of the stories or novels we read in class, and write a new FLASH FICTION story centered on these two characters. Make allusions to the original work where each character was found in your original piece. (400 word minimum)