Name ______

Anatomy and Physiology

Mrs. Grant

Chapter 8: The Skeletal System Study Guide p. 110 - 135

  1. Skeleton overview:
  1. List 5 functions of the skeleton:






  1. Anatomy of Long Bone:

_____ 1. Articular cartilage /
  1. fibrous connective tissue covering

_____ 2. Compact bone /
  1. covers the bone in the joint region

_____ 3. Diaphysis / c. Expanded portion at the end of a long bone.
_____ 4. Epiphysis /
  1. fills the mudullary cavity

_____ 5. Epiphseal disc /
  1. fills the spongy bone

_____ 6. Mudullary cavity /
  1. makes up walls of the diaphysis

______7. Periosteum / h. space inside the diaphysis
______8. Red marrow / i. tube like shaft of the bone
______9. Spongy bone / j. type of bone tissue inside epiphysis
_____ 10. Yellow marrow / k. region of growth in length
  1. Define Ossification –
  1. What are the differences among osteocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts?
  1. What happens when the epiphseal disc is injured?
  1. Name and describe two types of bone tissue:



  1. Name the components of the haversian system in compact bone. What is the appearance of the haversian system?
  1. Name the bones related to the following:
  1. forehead –
  1. cheekbone –
  1. upper jaw –
  1. lower jaw –
  1. State the function of the atlas and axis?
  1. What are the differences among true, false, and floating ribs?
  1. What are the two bones of the shoulder girdle?
  1. What is the name of the bony part of the elbow? ______

Fractures: p. 117

  1. Broken bones pierce the skin in a ______fracture.
  2. The bone is broken into two parts in a ______fracture.
  3. A ______fracture results from the twisting of bones.
  1. The four steps in fracture repair (in the correct order) are:
  1. Axial skeleton / Appendicular skeleton:

_____ 22. Condyle / a. massive process found only on the femur
_____ 23. Crest / b. narrow, ridgelike projection
_____ 24. Foramen / c. rounded opening through a bone
_____ 25. Fossa / d. shallow depression
_____ 26. Head / e. sharp, slender processes
_____ 27. Spine / f. large, roughened process
_____ 28. Tuberosity / g. large rounded, articulating knob
_____ 29. Trochanter / h. rounded process at the articulating bone end.
  1. Label each of the following statements as describing the female (F) pelvis or male (M) pelvis. Place an F or M in the blanks on the left.

_____ a. bones that are more flared

_____ b. wider

_____ c. narrower inlet and outlet of the pelvis

_____ d. pelvic cavity is more funnel-shaped

_____ e. lighter and thinner bones

Fill in the blank: bursa, ligament, meniscus, synovial fluid, and synovial membrane.

  1. ______joint capsule lining that produces synovial fluid.
  1. ______lubricant for joint
  1. ______fibrous connective tissue that holds two bones together
  1. ______crescent-shaped fibrocartilage ring
  1. ______fluid-filled sac that eases friction
  1. Use the terms that follow to draw and label the parts of long bone. Articular cartilage, blood vessel, compact bone, diaphysis, endosteum, epiphysis, medually cavity, periosteum. Just use one of the diagrams below