Erasmus+ KA107 International Credit Mobility

Field-specific Application for the Cooperation of Leipzig University (UL) and a Higher Education Institution (HEI) in Partner Countries

Please hand in ONLY one document per country, which you have filled in jointly with your partners or, if agreed so, for your partners. Application language preferably will be German, however, English texts by the partners may be included.

  1. Contact Data (Please fill in completely!)

Application for / COUNTRY :
Institution / Leipzig University / Partner HEI 1:
PIC (Participants Identification Code[1]) / 999854564
Central Erasmus+ contact person / Name
E-Mail / Name
Departmental/ Academic
Contact Person / Name
E-Mail / Name
Academic Field/ Study Programme in which the mobility is foreseen
Already existing third-party funding at UL for/together with the Partner HEI (Project and funding period) / Project Name:
Funding Period:
Partner HEI’s Confirmation of the Application by E-Mail / Options:
  • Informal by E-Mail to
  • Digitally signed application
Note regarding the Erasmus+ Organisational Support (OS):
Each institution (here: UL) applying for Erasmus+ funding receives 350 € OS for every granted participant (irrespective of the length of the mobility period). UL can manage theErasmus+ project only by using the full amount of this supportsince the main workload of programme, the complete scholarship administration, and the overall responsibility for the correct use of the funds lies with UL. A split of OS between UL and its Erasmus+ partners HEIs is not feasible and not foreseen due to capacity restraints considering that UL cooperates with 26 countries and 50 partner HEIs. Furthermore, the OS also serves as a flexible budget to cover insufficient mobility funding, facilitates extensions or financiallysupports management meetings. Partner HEI are asked for their consent that the organisational support remains fully at Leipzig University’s disposal. When the application is handed in consent to this regulation is assumed.
Institution / Leipzig University / Partner HEI 2:
… / Please duplicate if necessary

B. Application for a Subject-Specific Cooperation in Numbers(Inbound to Leipzig and Outbound from Leipzig to the Partner HEI)

ULeipzig and Partner HEI 1
Mobility type / Number of Persons / Average Mobility Duration per Person / Conditions
Teaching Inbound / 5 - 60 working days(usually max. 14 days/person)
8 hoursof teaching/week OR 4 hours of teaching + 4 hours of training for curriculum design
Requirement: employment contract with the home HEI
Teaching Outbound
Training Inbound / 5 - 60 working days (usually max. 14 days/person)
Academic and/or administrative staff training and development
Requirement: employment contract with the home HEI
Training Outbound
Student Mobility Bachelor / Master Inbound / 3 - 12months/person
Requirement: enrolment at home HEI(Please respect possible regional restrictions for outbound mobility from Leipzig University to partner HEIs)
Student Mobility Bachelor / Master Outbound
PhD Mobility Inbound / 3 - 12months/person
Requirement: enrolment at home HEI
PhD Mobility Outbound
ULeipzig Partner HEI 2
… (Please duplicate if necessary)

  1. Application for Erasmus+ funding(ICM)

I)Relevance of the mobility for the internationalisation process of the HEI / Justification for the planned mobility(30 points, at least 15 required)

1)Please shortly describe those aspects of the internationalisation strategy of your subject-field / faculty / institution that provide the basis for applying for Erasmus+ funding.

2)WHY is the cooperation with its embedded Erasmus+ mobility you apply for relevant for the internationalisation? Which three key aspects support the relevance?

3)In your and your partner’s view, please explain in detail for what purpose and why you apply for the specific mobility activities as listed in part B. (Please refer to the envisaged participant profile, to the interaction of both HEI, to the curricula, and if relevant, to other projects with third-party funding.)

Please explicitly describe objectives that shall be achieved by the mobility in the upcoming two years of funding(if granted).

II)Quality of the cooperation agreement / Distribution of tasks and responsibilities(30 points)

4)Please shortly describe (max. 10 lines) your experience with the respective partner country in similar cooperation projects. Please especially describe the successful development of the cooperation with your partner (since when? Which scope and numbers? Based on which formal agreement?). Please include Erasmus+ funded projects.

5)Which specific results can you claim accomplished within your cooperation (joint curricular offers, publications, research etc.)? You and your partner, please name three of the most important results (maximum).

6)Pleasedetail the distribution and allocation of ROLES between you and your partner. WHO is responsible for the different facets of academic management within the Erasmus+ mobility project?(Note:The actual management processes will then be described in III).

Please consider the following points with regard to your subject and cooperation:

•Communication with the partner (incl. participants, management of the HEI, partner in the subject)

•Project planning

•Publication and promotion of the study options/ funding of the participants

•Contract management

•Transparent selection of students and nomination of staff (common criteria?)

•As sending institution–support of participants
(preparation, recognition of the mobility objectives, such as course performance)

•As receiving institution – support of participants
(integration into the academic daily routine, logistic and academic support, Learning Agreement and curricular offers for students, integration of proposed teaching activities)

•Project monitoring

•Quality assurance measures

•Dissemination of results

•Exploitation of results


III)Quality of the project management and support for participants BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the mobility period(20 points)

7)BEFORE the mobility period:
HOW will you and your partner organise a transparent process of selecting participants that is focussed on quality? Please also name common selection criteria andhow you will assure equal treatment and inclusion of disadvantaged groups.Please note that due to project regulations, bachelor or master mobility from Leipzig to partners in DCI and EDF countries is ineligible and hence needs no description.

8)BEFORE/ DURING the mobility period:
HOW do you and your partnerplan on supporting participants before and during their stay? Who exactly offers academic support? Please note that due to project regulations, bachelor or master mobility from Leipzig to partners in DCI and EDF countries is ineligible and hence needs no description.

9)AFTER the mobility period:
HOW will you and your partner utilise the international experience your participants accomplished during their stay? HOWand WHENare

-the study resultsor

-the international work experience

recognised at the respective home institution?

Please note that due to project regulations, only PhD and staff mobility from Leipzig to partners in DCI and EDF countries is eligible and can hence be recognised. Mobility in the opposite direction is fully eligible and thus, the issue of recognition shouldthen be addressed for all mobility types.

IV)Impact of the cooperation and dissemination of the project(20 points):

10)Pleaseassess your and your partner cooperation’s overall potential in the near future.

11)For the specific Erasmus+ funding and from your and your partner’s perspective please describe the expected impact for:

12)From your and your partner’s perspective, which impact does the Erasmus+ funding haveon a regional, national and international level. Please briefly describe four (realistic) effects.

13)How do you and your partnerassess the impact of the specific Erasmus+ funding in the frame of your cooperation (e.g. ongoing project planning, inclusion of new partners, other funding programmes, participants)? In your assessment, please be realistic in relation to the actual number of mobilities you are applying for.

14)You and your partner, please name three measures for dissemination and promotion of the achievements and results of your cooperation on subject and institutional level and which target groups will benefit.

15)Please name other measures for dissemination and promotion of the results beyond the scope of your institution and which target groups will benefit.

