
New Kosciuszko Bridge

Notice of Upcoming Work –Test Pits

Locations: PORTER AVENUE, between Cherry and Anthony Streets

ANTHONY STREET, between Vandervoort and Varick Avenues

Date: Phase 1 - on or about Friday, August 8, 2014

Time: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Date: Phase 2 - on or about Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Time: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Please look for and observe all construction signs and barriers so that work can proceed in a timely manner.

The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) has awarded a $555 million contract to construct Phase I of the new Kosciuszko Bridge. In preparation for construction, the contractor will be digging a series of test pits (holes) in the vicinity of the bridge to identify the location of utilities that need to be moved. The average size of each test pit is 4 feet x 4 feet with depth of approximately 5 feet. Work on each phase is expected to take one day.

Test pits at the above locations will be completed in two phases, separated by approximately two weeks. Phase 1 involves removal of asphalt and the concrete roadway base and replacement with temporary asphalt. During Phase 2, the test pits will be excavated using a high powered suction to prevent damage to existing utilities.

The new bridge will improve traffic safety, reduce congestion and improve travel speeds. The project will also include a new bikeway/walkway on the bridge; new parks and open spaces; improved access to the waterfront; and enhancements to local streets.

Due to the nature of the work, NO PARKING or STANDING will be allowed on either side of PORTER AVENUE or ANTHONY STREET between the above limits while work is under way. All vehicles must be removed from the street by 6:00 a.m. to allow work to begin. Traffic in the work area will be restricted to one lane, and a FLAGPERSON will be present to facilitate two-way traffic flow.

The project team will make every effort to minimize impacts during construction. However, some disruption and inconvenience typically occur on any construction project, including changes to vehicle and pedestrian traffic patterns, loss of parking, noise, vibrations, and dust. To promptly and proactively address community concerns, NYSDOT has hired a full-time community liaison, Christine Holowacz. Christine will be available to answer your questions, provide additional information and assist you in resolving construction-related issues. She can be reached at (347) 988-4412 or .

Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation

during construction.