Minister of Health of Ukraine
Mr Ilya Yemets
An open letter
Dear Mr Yemets,
the Ministry of Health (MH) has committed a crime against the Ukrainian society. Under the guise of prevention of and a fight against AIDS its mass spread and silent genocide of Ukraine began.
In November 2010, two conferences took place in Kiev. Both conferences sought to amend the Ukrainian laws with a hidden purpose – promotion of homosexuality and no-holds-barred spread of AIDS. The source of deadly AIDS infection and its carriers are mostly homosexuals (MSM), although they fraudulently act as the main fighters against AIDS.
The first conference took place from 17th to 19th November 2010 and the second one from 21st to 24th November 2010. In both of them participated actively representatives of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health.
The second conference was entitled “International consultation on the issues of men practicing sex with men (MSM) and transgenders”. Ms Natalia Nizova from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine said in her speech: “It is very topical that activity strategy is being developed for the social centres for men practicing sex with men (MSM). Today, Ukraine is ready to analyze the issue of their support from the state budget.”
With these prospects, thanks to Ms N.Nizova, not only the state budget will turn bankrupt but under the auspices of the MH deadly AIDS will wipe out the entire young generation. Ms. Natalia Nizova has failed to fulfil her obligation to protect the health of the population against the mass epidemic of AIDS – she is doing quite the opposite. She should be justly punished for this crime of abuse of the MH’s authority.
The most effective means of protection against AIDS is moral restraint. That suggests even the former U.S. President Bush as well as civic organizations of parents in Ukraine. This most effective and cheapest means neither international organizations nor MH take into account.
Projects funded by the International Alliance of HIV/AIDS in Ukraine have nothing to do with effective prevention and fight against AIDS. They have the opposite effect.
The International Alliance of HIV/AIDS even supported trainings in promotion of homosexuality, focusing on changes in legislation. These trainings took place from 7th to 8th June and from 10th to 11th June 2010.
On 23rd September 2010 a protest action was held against the Ministry of Health. Public figures (organization “Love against homosexuality”, scientists, not indifferent parents, representatives of religious organizations) stood up against the MH because of the fact that it promotes antifamily technologies and finances destructive social projects. Under the guise of AIDS prevention programs the MH finances propaganda of homosexuality, premarital sexual relations and other types of demoralization. The Ministry has caused young people to fixate on condoms which it distributes to minors. In fact, this is propaganda of immorality.
In the U.S., on the packets of condoms is a sign: “Caution! Condoms do not protect against AIDS”. The so-called sex education in schools coupled with handing out of condoms bore fruit of 3 million cases of venereal diseases, including AIDS, within one year.
Therefore, such propaganda was prohibited by the U.S. Congress already in 1996. Instead of it there is promoted the safest way of AIDS prevention, which is premarital continence and marital fidelity.
In Ukraine, the hidden intention of the so-called fight against AIDS is creation of markets for Western companies manufacturing contraceptives.
By the WHO’s estimates there are 360,000 Ukrainians infected with HIV so far. Each year this figure grows. Ukraine is #1 in European HIV epidemic spread. Only for the last 10 months of 2010, 20 000 people were infected in Ukraine. Every day 12 Ukrainians die from AIDS.
The Conference admitted the following statistics: In Ukraine there are 10 times more AIDS-infected homosexuals than normal people (see pt. 4.6. of the Action plan issued by the MSM Conference “For every life together”). Each year this number increases by 10-15% and this refers above all to the MSM and not to injecting drug users.
The result of the conference on the issues of HIV/AIDS, “For every life together”, which was held from 17th to 19th November 2010, was the “Resolution” and the “Action Plan”. These documents do not show practical solution to the problem but promote homosexuality through which AIDS is spread the most. In the “Action plan” adherents of the MSM determine how the highest government authorities should promote the interests and privileges of homosexuals in the society.
a) Instructions for Parliament – requirement for changes in legislation leading to the legalization of narcotics and homosexuality.
b) Instructions for the State Statistical Office
Quotation from pt. 18.1.: “To destroy the records of men who practice male sex in order to avoid detection of the representatives of risk groups (HIV / AIDS).”
Previously, people infected with AIDS were compulsorily registered, which reduced the spread of AIDS. Now, homosexuals demand destruction of the records.
c) Instructions for the MH
In essence, a hidden goal in pts. 5.1.9. and 5.1.10. is promotion and spread of narcotics through introduction of the so-called methods of treatment of drug addiction.
Quotation from pt. 5.30.: “To take preventive and disciplinary measures in relation to a breach of medical ethics by medical staff (the disclosure of HIV status, sexual practices and sexual orientation of the patient ...).”
Commentary: This means that neither physician nor medical staff are allowed with a single word or through a medical card to make public that the MSM concerned is infected with the AIDS virus. If one does so, it is considered a breach of medical ethics and against such health care worker will be taken disciplinary measures.
d) Instructions for the Police – requirement for the abolition of punishments for certain offences such as prostitution, drug abuse... The authors of the Action Plan hypocritically declare abolition of punishments to be an effective prevention of and fight against AIDS.
Specifically: a change in paragraph 21, Article 10 of “The Police Act” – police always had an obligation to identify and notify health authorities of those persons who belong to AIDS risk groups. Duty of the police was to ensure that the AIDS carriers were brought to medical examination. If one was infected with AIDS, one had to have it clearly written in one’s medical card in order that other residents be protected. The proposed amendment to the Act seeks to delete the protective task of the police concerning the spread of AIDS. In addition, it is intended to prohibit the detection of persons belonging to risk groups, for this, as the authors of the “Action Plan” state, is stigmatization and discrimination. This is a big fraud, a crime against society and even instructions for the mass spread of AIDS. The police will no longer be allowed to gather or have in its files or use the information about the people infected with AIDS to protect the population.
e) Instructions to the Ombudsman (pt. 2.1.) – requirement of the Action Plan for “effective response” to the complaints in the case of so-called homophobic violation of the rights and discrimination. This means that if for example a doctor, police officer or any other person points out that a certain MSM person is a carrier of the AIDS virus, they will be punished as “homophobes”. The parents who would protect their son against the danger of AIDS infection and therefore prohibit him from a relationship with a boy who is publicly known to be gay infected with AIDS might be punished by law. We ask: What kind of an effective fight against AIDS is it? It is quite the opposite!
f) Contents of the document “Action Plan” (for fight against AIDS) by points:
- the abolition of the punishment for prostitution,
- promotion of homosexuality,
- just an attempt to cure homosexuals is the so-called breach of medical ethics and stigmatization,
- promotion of narcotics (e.g. methadone programs) aimed at the gradual legalization of drugs.
Apart from these instructions to Ukrainian governmental departments and other authorities, the “Resolution” requires training of teachers and the introduction of the so-called AIDS prevention courses (condom distribution) in schools as well as trainings in tolerance for risk groups (for homosexuals). Under the guise of prevention of and fight against AIDS immorality and homosexuality are promoted in schools.
The Resolution also promotes juvenile justice, claiming that family violence is the cause of the spread of AIDS. It is transparent demagoguery with the purpose of obtaining children for gay adoption.
Next, the Resolution covertly seeks enforcement of gay pride parades leading to the expansion of homosexuality and thus also of the AIDS infection.
In addition, the authors of the Resolution and of its Action Plan encourage representatives of risk groups – homosexuals, prostitutes and drug addicts – to become social workers.
In the Action Plan of the Resolution is often repeated the phrase “permissive approach to risk groups”. Who are these risk groups and what does a permissive approach to them mean? These are in the first place homosexuals (MSM) who spread AIDS the most, then prostitutes and drug addicts. All these three groups lead an immoral life, carry the AIDS virus and infect other people. They are called “risk groups” because whoever keeps friendly contacts with them, and then even intimate, will sooner or later be infected with AIDS.
A month after the conference was closed, on 22nd December 2010, document No 22.01/07-2998 was issued on the assessment of the conference. Ms S.Cherenko, representative of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health department for fight with AIDS, writes there: “We transmit the documents for practical implementation.” A responsible employee of the Ministry, Ms Cherenko, deceived the Ukrainian public. In fact, the documents do not deal with the protection against deadly AIDS infection, but its planned expansion.
Ms Cherenko and Ms Nizova abuse the authority of the MH and thus open the door to the silent genocide of Ukraine. Therefore, these representatives of the MH ought to be degraded from their posts, stripped of their degrees associated with medicine and brought before the national court.
The fruit of false prevention and of the so-called fight against AIDS is the following: silent genocide of Ukraine within a few years. To give consent to silent genocide by approving of the Resolution is a crime against the Ukrainian nation. Every responsible government official who will approve of the Resolution should be deposed from his position and brought to justice.
What is the most effective measure to stop AIDS infection?
1) Keeping of public records of all the infected (including record in the passport).
2) Radical prevention of the infected people from spreading the lethal infection further.
3) Protection of the young generation through education in premarital continence (through effective courses provided by teachers, doctors and practising Christians).
Prepared by the UOGCC bishops
+ Markian OSBMr
+ Samuel OSBMr
+ Elias OSBMr
+ Methodius OSBMr
Lvov, 12th January 2011
- President of Ukraine V. Yanukovych
- Prime Minister of Ukraine M. Azarov
- Head of the Ukrainian Parliament V.Lytvyn
- MPs and Ministers of Ukraine
- General Prosecutor of Ukraine O.Medvedko
- Head of the State Security Council V.Khoroshkovskyi
- Orthodox bishops of Russia and Ukraine
- MPs of Russian Duma
- Presidents of the EU member states and MEPs
Address: Synod of the UOGCC, 3 Sosnova St., Lvov - Bryukhovychi, 79491, Ukraine,;