Issue 12December2017
Welcome to issue 12 of the e-Newsletter from the RCOT Scottish Western Regional Committee.
This issue includes; details of the forthcoming 2018 RCOT Roadshows; a report from the 2017 Roadshow; educational updates from Clyde College and Glasgow Caledonian University; our annual lifelong learning grant update; an updated list of current committee members.
The next RCOT Roadshow will take place at The House for an Art Lover, Glasgow, on Wednesday 9th May 2018, entitled “Leadership- Working to the Top of your Game”. Keep checking the e-Newsletter, the Regional Committee webpage, Twitter and Facebook for more details.
Our next Committee meeting date is Wednesday, 10th January at 5.30 p.m.. If you would like to come along as an observer please contact us at .
2017 RCOT Roadshow:
The 2017 RCOT Roadshow, entitled “Championing Occupational Therapy”, took place on Thursday, 28th September 2017. The day proved very popular, with all of the places filled well in advance.
Once again the weather favoured us and we had an afternoon and evening of lovely sunshine in the beautiful surroundings of the House for an Art Lover. Paul Cooper, Professional Advisor (Practice) RCOT, and Rena Findlay, Chair of the RCOT Scottish Western Regional Committee, both presented.
Paul opened the day with a short video detailing what RCOT can offer to its members.
Rena Findlay asked- “Are you making the most of your RCOT Region?” and highlighted the benefits of joining the professional organisation, including the crucial benefit of indemnity insurance provision.
Paul Cooper presenting the afternoon session of the 2017 RCOT Roadshow
Paul encouraged us to:
- share reports and other information on the benefits of occupational therapy with managers and other influential people within our organisations
- consider who we can influence and how
- understand the challenges influential people may face and offer them solutions
- consider how we can promote the profession
- find ways to influence the media
In summary- don’t be afraid to promote the value of occupational therapy!
Education Update:
Glasgow Clyde College (GCC) is now accepting applications for the following -
- Professional Development Award: (PDA) Health and Social Care
- Promoting Enhanced Professional Practice (SCQF Level 8)
PDA Occupational Therapy Support Level 8 is designed to provide a flexible progression route from relevant Higher National Certificate (HNCs) at SCQF level 7 for individuals currently employed as support workers within occupational therapy.
HNC Occupational Therapy Support distance learning group is for those currently employed as support workers within occupational therapy across all sector areas. Candidates must demonstrate ability through work experience and/or formal qualifications.
For more information or application forms please contact:
Lesley Newton
Practice Education at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU)
The next practice educator training event is taking place on 18th December 2017 (9am – 4.30pm) at GCU. The event is free of charge. If you are interested in attending, please book your place on Event Brite:
The next practice education placements commence in May 2018 for 7 weeks and placements are being sought. If you would like to find out more about practice education opportunities please contact GCU on 0141 273 1314.
RCOT Scottish Policy Officer - Scotland:
Alison Keir has been appointed as the new RCOT Policy Officer for Scotland and started in her post on 9th October 2017. Alison will be supporting members in Soctland on policy issues. To get in touch email Alison on .
Lifelong Learning Grants (LLE):
Two people benefitted from a Lifelong Learning Grant this year with a total of £400 awarded. One was awarded towards an MSc in Health and Wellbeing of the Older Adult, and the other towards volunteering as an occupational therapist in Cambodia.
New Committee:
Most of our existing committee vacancies were recently filled and we have welcomed several new faces to the committee. We have also said a sad farewell and thank you to Shirley McCourt who has ably filled the post of Vice Chair/Regional Forum Lead for the past two years.
Our Committee now comprises:
Chair – Rena Findlay
Vice chair / UK Regional Forum Lead – vacant
Secretary – Tara McMillan
Treasurer – Lesley Monaghan
Regional Communication Lead – Fiona Byng
Social Media Lead – Helen Griggs (new appointment)
Member Activity Lead – Laura Hall (new appointment)
Co-opts –
Glasgow Caledonia University 4th year Student Representative – Nicole Tulloch
Glasgow Caledonia University Student Representatives – Naomi Youngman/ Katy White (role-share)
Glasgow Caledonia University Educator Representative – Katie Thomson (new appointment)
Glasgow Caledonia University Educator Representative – Lesley Newton (new appointment)
RCOT Specialist Section Neurological Practice Scottish Western Group- Paula Gribben
Are you interested in contributing to the future of the profession, enjoy debate and see
the bigger picture?
The Scottish board is looking for someone who:
• thinks strategically
• is politically aware, committed to best practice
• represents the profession
There is a Country board for each of the four UK nations. Membership is a valuable opportunity for RCOT members in professional practice to influence the profession through the board activity, where key issues for the profession are discussed.
Boards normally meet three times a year within their country and travel expenses are reimbursed by RCOT.
This post is available due to a resignation so the term of office will run from the next Country Board meeting and then a further three years from June 2018.
Application deadline: 17 January 2018
Scotland: Caroline Hill,
The Career Development Framework Learning Plan:
The Career Development Framework: Guiding Principles for Occupational Therapy is an over-arching set of guiding principles for occupational therapy and offers a structured process to guide careers, learning and development within the profession. A new learning plan has been developed in response to member feedback and aims to enable effective self-mapping of your current position and future development needs.
1) It is for everyone who works in the profession to use along with the Career Development Framework – students, support workers, registered professionals, across all 4 UK countries (and maybe even beyond!) and in every type of setting (NHS, Social Care, Academia, Independent Practice, Diverse settings etc.);
2) The spirit of the new Learning Plan is to allow members to summarise their current career levels across all four Pillars of Practice, identify their future career development goals, using the guiding principles from the Framework, and then think of ideas to help achieve those goals.
To access the new Learning Plan please visit the website at:
Learning Together event 27th February 2018 - RCOT HQ
What are the magic ingredients that help us to learn? How do we like to learn? What can we do to support our learning within the profession? In February, we are hosting an event to explore these questions together, so we can identify some short term learning and development goals. The event is free and lunch will be provided. Participants are expected to cover their own travel costs. To register your interest please email by Wednesday 10th January with your name, job title and address.
UK Occupational Therapy Research Foundation (UKOTRF) Grants 2018 – Call for Proposals:
The UKOTRF is now inviting research proposals to be submitted for the 2018 funding round. The aim of funding support is to meet identified research priorities within the profession and to build research capacity and capability within occupational therapy. The following grants are available:
- Research Priority Grant (up to 2 grants of up to £80,000 each)
- Research Career Development Grant (up to 3 grants of up to £10,000 each).
All enquiries should be directed to the Research and Development Administrator, in the first instance:.
Resources for Professional Development Support:
We are pleased to report that an exciting new Hub entitled Resources for Professional Development Support has gone live and is replacing our previous Mentorship scheme. The Hub is a curated list of mentorship and coaching services available throughout the UK. These resources have been collected with the aim of helping you in your professional development. Further information can be found here:
Please feel free to pass this information to your networks.
Quick Facts Documents:
The RCOT is pleased to announce that a new series of ‘Quick Facts’ documents is now available, for members, on the RCOT website at:
Occupational Therapy - Improving Lives, Saving Money Campaign - The Value of Occupational Therapy for Children and Young People:
Building on the successes of the "Occupational Therapy - Improving Lives, Saving Money" campaign, The Royal College of Occupational Therapists will be focusing a workstream on the value of occupational therapy for children and young people over the next year.For more information visit:
Committee Chairman: Rena Findlay
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Royal College of Occupational Therapists.
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