Ouachita Area Youth Council
Meeting of Sept. 26, 2017
Alumni Room @ Wolf Arena, Lake Hamilton High School
- Meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m. by Chair, Denice Davis.
- Denice offered general and background information on purpose and goals of OAYC for benefit of new attendees. Shen then thanked Jody Chalmers for hosting this OAYC meeting at LHHS, after explaining the discussions of the Steering Committee with regards to merits of holding meetings in various agency locations so as to see and learn more about different agencies. Introductions were then completed all around the room, including guests from EAST Lab of Lake Hamilton High School.
- Minutes of July OAYC meeting were approved as written.
- Denice then introduced the program on Services of Lake Hamilton School District, to be given by Lake Hamilton’s Director of Alternative Programs, Jodi Chalmers,
Jody Chalmers proudly told OAYC attendees about the services of the LHSD Parent Center, run by Renae Carrouth—including a Resource Center, lending library, on-site computers and specific classes such as Love and Logic Parenting. Phone number for Parenting Center is 501-760-5443. Additional special services include a food pantry for students and their families and a clothes closet. Of course, various special school-based services are provided through McKinney Vinto funds such as ESL and translation, or general parenting support. There are some 4,000 children enrolled at LHSD, and the District intends to be a school for ALL their youth. Several instructional departments are developing special academics for career preparation and readiness. There are multiple counseling services on site at LHSD, including medical doctors who can see students. The ALE –or Alternative Learning Education program—called “New Horizons” provides on-going credit recovery (which is much better than students waiting until summer to try and catch up with class). The “Opportunity Academy” is specifically for working or parenting youth who cannot attend regular classes, but are given option of 5 hours/week at school with another 15 hours/week on computer for educational services. Jodi stated LHSD continues to be concerned and always better addressing why some kids are not graduating, as this is one of their most important goals for students.
Jodi Chalmers then introduced Traci Britt with LHHS EAST Lab, and Denice Davis provided background on the “resource” focus of OAYC to include not only an on-line directory of services, but idea of developing some small information cards as a way to enhance citizens’ knowledge of help and services. LH EAST Lab instructor Traci Britt then introduced 2 EAST Lab students, Michael and ______, who explained they were working on various \ templates for a lanyard-style or wallet size laminated info card that would include critical agency info for someone in need of urgent housing or food services. They expect to be able to have final version completed soon, then have 1000 printed in-house at LHSD and distributed in conjunction with the January 2018 homeless count and for inclusion in variously offered backpacks and “blessing bags.” A suggestion was made that distribution also be made in coordination with a specially designated day (much like resource info is given out during red ribbon week). Additional ideas or questions on this project can be directed to Traci Britt who can be reached via… or 501-318-6799.
- Committee reports:
- Community Awareness - Linda Ragsdale asked the Council members to recall and acknowledge there had been some good publicity in past few months in conjunction with various back-to-school events/concerns, the suicide prevention and awareness series in The Sentinel Record, recent news that Arkansas Dept of Education has a new campaign to support mental health awareness, and others. Sallie Culbreth with Ouachita Children’s Center gave an update on services, resources available through the Partnership for Success/ “Drink? Drugs? Nah” campaign at OCC—including information and free medication lock boxes.
- Resource Guide – Jane Browning was unable to attend, but work continues on the OAYC resource guide at (which is now informing the resource cards we heard about earlier from LH EAST Lab students.
- Mentoring – Elan McAfee was unable to attend. It was suggested that OAYC may need to rethink their focus on mentoring in the coming year.
- Advocacy – Denice Davis reported on an issue of much concern to OAYC and their newly formed OAYC legislative Task Force: the City of Hot Springs agreed to continue their funding participation with Garland County for full service continuation of the Health Department! Denice stated it was not clear who was most responsible for that resolution, but thanked all who were involved and summarized that many were glad it worked out such that there will be no cut in local health department services. Denice Davis asked members to please send policy/advocacy issue ideas to her to put on future agendas.
e. Denice gave highlights of the 5 September “Action Academy” program provided
through OAYC by Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, noting we received good instruction on relative benefits of communicating with legislators (via phone, email, twitter), importance of developing an “elevator speech” to make your case whenever opportunity presents.
VI. No old business offered.
- New business: Denice asked for volunteers to serve on the nominating committee. The next meeting is set for 11/28, but some members noted that is “Giving Tuesday” and therefore may not be the best day for our next meeting. To be considered and announced later.
- Announcements: None offered. Jody Chalmers offered tours of LHSD facilities and even use of space by reservation.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Ragsdale, for Secretary Jane Browning