Template Installation Procedures

The following details how to install the 2 Week Wait templates, but the same general guidelines apply to any others that may come along (Diagnostics, for example):

EMIS LV Installation

1.  Right click the start button

2.  Select Explore

3.  Locate My Network places

4.  If necessary, go up to View Menu and press Refresh

5.  Click on Entire Network

6.  Double click Microsoft Windows Network

7.  Navigate to the EMIS server for the practice

8.  Locate the MSW Docs folder

9.  Create a 2WW & RACP templates folder

10.  Copy & Paste templates

11.  Test templates by completing the following process:

·  Within EMIS main screen and press F5 and select test patient

·  Go into WP, K (or WP, W, K where necessary)

·  Select a template

·  The template will then be open with the current patients details

·  Check that the practice name is present

·  Check that the forms actually work when you click in any of the fields (especially the Breast template)

·  If all ok, close the document, without saving the changes.


12.  If they don’t work – contact Virginia Franklin &/or Andy Edwards

EMIS PCS Template Installation

1.  Right click the Start button and select Explore

2.  On the left, click on Desktop

3.  Go to Tools à Folder Options à View and uncheck Hide extensions for known file types

4.  Rename each of the Templates, replacing .doc with .dot, clicking OK to the warning messages

5.  In EMIS, click on Modules (top left hand corner), select WC from the main menu (alternatively, click the drop down arrow to the right of Modules and select Word Configuration)

6.  Select Create New Folder

7.  Name the folder 2 Week Wait and RACP (“” doesn’t work)

8.  Select the new folder

9.  Select Import/Export

10.  Navigate to the Desktop, hold down the Ctrl key and click on each of the 13 templates

11.  Open/OK

12.  Templates are imported

13.  To test:

14.  Click Search and search for a test patient (ask locally but usually “test”, “edit” or “mouse” will find one) – double click the patient name

15.  In Word Configuration, select Patient Documents and then Add, New from Template

16.  Lather, rinse repeat for each template – when closing do not save the changes

17.  Finally, delete the templates from the desktop.

Vision Installation

Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the drive that is most likely named Data (P:) and in the folder named WORDPROC there should be a subfolder named TEMPLATES. Create a 2WW & RACP folder and copy the templates into it.

These should not be protected.

To test, search for a test patient then go to Add à Correspondence, click the Letter button at the lower right of the window and navigate to the template you wish to test.


Breast Template (no X)

First, open the template directly from the server (don’t use a copy merged with patient details). Initially, just try unprotecting (Tools à Unprotect Document) and then reprotecting it (Tools à Protect Document. Save the file, close, reopen and test.

If this does not work, open the document directly from the server and click into the first square on the grid. Press Backspace and Tab repeatedly until you have worked through every square in the grid. Save and close and test – this should fix the problem.

No Gridline on Breast Image

Open the template directly from the server and select Table à Show Gridlines

Breast Image disappears

When scrolling, you may find that the image of the breasts disappears from the page. The following is not HIS’s preferred method and they would like a call logged and they can update drivers to overcome this (however, this takes time and I have not known the following create any impact at all in practices – unless they’re playing some heavy duty games!).

Navigate to the desktop (Windows Key+M), right click and select Properties.

Select the Settings tab

Click Advanced

Select the Troubleshoot tab

Reduce the Hardware Acceleration to about half

Go back to the document and test, if still not having an effect, reduce the Hardware Acceleration by another notch, retest and repeat as necessary.

Practice Name Missing in Template

This mostly happens for EMIS LV sites. To fix, open the template directly from the server, unprotect it and manually type in the practice name – reprotect and save.

Incorrect Patient Address

All templates on sharepoint should now be correct. There have been instances where the Practice address was merging into the Patient’s address field. If you come across this, just download the newest version from sharepoint


For the templates to work in EMIS LV & PCS, the documents all need to be protected.

Open each template directly from the server and go to Tools à Protect Document and then save and close.

Vision templates should not be protected (Tools à Unprotect Document)


EMIS LV templates should end in the file extension .rtf

EMIS PCS templates should end in the file extension .dot

When installing EMIS PCS templates, save them from sharepoint onto the local desktop; invariably they will be saved with the .doc extension.

To change this, right click the Start button and left click Explore – this opens Windows Explorer.

Go to Tools à Folder Options

Click the View tab

Untick Hide extensions for known file types

In Windows Explorer, scroll to the top of the left hand side window and click on Desktop; you should now be able to see all the templates.

Right click each template and select Rename. Change the .doc to .dot

Press enter when renamed and click Yes when prompted.

Vision templates should end in the file extension .doc