L. Wurzbacher Session 8
Session 8: Lesson Planning Guide
Use this guide to help you as you plan out a lesson. Be sure to click on each link as they will lead you to valuable resources to provide a more in-depth look at various parts of lesson planning.
- What standard will your lesson address?
- What skills or prior knowledge do students already need before tackling this standard?
- What new skills will need to be introduced or taught throughout this lesson?
- What objective will you use? Be sure it clearly explains to students what they will be learning or doing, how they will demonstrate their learning, and why they are doing this assignment/activity.
- What materials will you use to teach the lesson? Gather anything you may need, map out any anchor charts, prepare student work and be sure to account for differentiation of materials.
- Consider making your space more learner-centered by browsing this resource.
The Lesson
- Quick Review (5-10 minutes): Review with students any prior knowledge or skills they will need to complete the lesson. Reviews should be engaging, quick, and productive.
- Engagement (3-5 minutes): Use something exciting to grab student attention to excite them for the new skill. This could be a quick game, a YouTube video, a challenge, etc.
- Whole Group (20-30 minutes): This is the meat of your lesson. In whole group, students should be working with the teacher and each other to frontload the knowledge needed for the lesson. If you flip a part of the whole group piece, students who are more accelerated could work at their own pace with your flipped lesson while you have time to work more closely on the same skill with a group of students who will need more support. Here is a good resource to use for flipped classroom help.
- Small Group (40-60 minutes): Differentiate, differentiate, and differentiate! Effective small groups have students working at their instructional level. Plan out in advance how you want small group time to flow and which group(s) you will be targeting. Consider assigning group roles so that each student is aware of his/her contribution requirements.
- Assessment (5-10 minutes): Now that whole group and small group work is complete, give the students a quick assessment to easily see what they are mastering and what may need to be retaught.
Student Accommodations
- Which students have 504 Plans or IEPs? How will you meet the needs of these students? What accommodations need to be implemented for success in this lesson?
- Are there any challenging behaviors that you should plan for? Have an arsenal of strategies ready to go so learning does not get off-track.
- What went well with today’s lesson?
- What could be improved upon?
- What are next steps for continuing the learning or re-teaching?