Governing Board Meeting
April 19, 2017
1. Roll Call
Fred Moore, Robert Sket, Marisol Rodriguez, Jill Wilch, Debra Woithe, Scott Brownell.
Also present: Kim Penman, Mihija Daniel, Sandra Pridemore, Jamara Clark, Cathy Choate, Brian Flynn, Annette Egan.
2. Review of Public Notice
Meeting was noticed on school website and on sandwich board.
3. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve minutes.. Motion approved.
4. Reports and Discussion
A. Principals Report
- Have received medical insurance quotes back. Choosing BCBS. There is a 29% increase which has been reduced to an 11.4% increase. Hoping to get it down to approximately 9%.
- In process of hiring for open positions for the elementary school. Looking to be complete by next week.
- Staff has inquired about raises for the upcoming year.
- We would like our bio to remain up and updated on the Giving Partner. The next challenge will be May 2018.
- Student count is 924 at this time, yet 9 are leaving. We have updated the count to 918 now.
- Social worker position in on hold. Instead the plan is to hire an additional 3rd grade teacher due to the increased number of 3rd graders.
- Cathy Chaote: have been testing for 1 month. Going well. This year its impact has been decreased by use of ipads in the classroom. At this time, testing is approximately half way complete.
- Student led conference have recently concluded. Nest year, there will be a focus on the 7 Habits with parents.
- Odyssey of the Mind recently competed at the state level (elementary through high school). 3 teams are moving on to Worlds. Odyssey Angels worked with Easter Seals of SW Florida and were awarded “Outstanding Angels” by creating a way to allow students in wheelchairs to use easels. This is going to be submitted for national recognition.
- Tomorrow is the Rowlett Film Festival.
B. Committee Reports
Finance –
- Review of budget amendments. Motion to approve: motion approved.
- Final budget must be approved by final board meeting in June.
- Review of March financials, statement of financial position. Motion to approve March financials pending final audit: motion approved.
- Annette to move out of state, but to assist virtually with HR and bookkeeping.
- Bank has asked us to sign promissory note. Prepayment penalty not included. Motion to authorize Fred Moore to sign note: motion approved.
- Motion to approve agent affit davit for Debra to act on behalf of board related to permits: motion approved.
Middle School –
- Carpets removed, tile installed, message board being installed. Deep cleaning of entire school. Addition of gutters and roofing work to take place in near future, as well.
- April 27th is next open house. 6 open houses to date. 174 sixth graders, and 45 seventh graders are currently enrolled. Have hired 2 math teachers, 2 science teachers, 2 social studies teachers, and 4 language arts teachers thus far. Entertainment night on May 4th, (DJ, game truck, etc.) for children to come on campus and connect. Beautification Day at middle school 4/22, have 60 parents attending thus far.
- CSP grant – received notice of progressing to phase 2. $525K award. Budget must be submitted by 4/28 to state level.
- Leveling rear of school for PE. Portables (3) are being removed next week.
- Review of proposed costs for renovations for school opening in August.
- Teachers’ children are automatically eligible to enroll at either campus. We currently have a number of middle school students with younger siblings that younger children will have priority on wait list for elementary.
- Ave Maria initially inquired about renting space at Rowlett Middle. They have returned voicing interest again to rent space. Decision must be made during tonight’s meeting.
C. Other
6. Action Items
7. New Business
- Board evaluation of principal, board self-evaluation, policy review. All to be addressed at future meeting.
8. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
9. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm. Meeting added May 24, 2017 at 5:30pm at Rowlett Middle School. Meeting location to be rotated between the elementary and middle school campuses.