Actions arising from the 4th CAMELS meeting

Met Office, Exeter, UK,

21st – 22nd June 2004


Met Office: Peter Cox, Richard Betts, Venkata Jogireddy, Pete Falloon, Debbie Hemming

LSCE: Pierre Friedlingstein, Roger Dargaville, Diego Santeren

MPI-BGC: Jens Kattge

ALTERRA: Isabel van der Wyngaert, Mart-Jan Schelhaas, Bart Kruijt

UNITUS: Dario Papale, Ilaria Palumbo

EFI: Ari Pussinen, Gert-Jan Nabuurs

CEH: Chris Huntingford

JRC: Nadine Gobron


Wolfgang Knorr (MPI-BGC), Philippe Peylin, Andrew Friend, Philippe Ciais (LSCE), Martin Heimann (MPI-BGC), Ronald Hutjes (Alterra), Riccardo Valentini (UNITUS), Richard Harding (CEH), Thomas Kaminski (FastOpt), Michel Verstraete, Bernard Pinty (JRC)

Date of next meeting: EFI, Helsinki, 27th – 28th January 2005

ACTION 3(e): Hadley (RB) to check for consistency between inventory data and land-use


ACTION 3(k): LSCE (PF) to design the protocol for WP3 simulations, based on the discussion summarised in the minutes of the 3rd meeting.

ACTION 3(s): MPI-BGC(JK) to lead on paper on “Use of eddy flux data to reduce uncertainties in TEM parameterisation” (for submission in December 04).

ACTION 3(t): CEH(CH) and ALTERRA (IvdW) to lead on paper on “Robustness of land-surface parameterisation within plant functional type” (for submission March 05).

ACTION 4(a): EFI (AP) to provide link to gridded data on fractional cover of forests (June 04)

ACTION 4(b): EFI (AP) to provide detailed land use inventory data (July 04)

ACTION 4(c): ALL MODELLING GROUPS to provide EFI with specific requirements from inventory data. (Aug 04)

ACTION 4(d): JRC (NG) to provide FAPAR data in netCDF format (July 04)

ACTION 4(e): MPI-BGC (JK) to provide protocol on optimisation (July 04)

ACTION 4(f): ALL MODELLING GROUPS to complete optimisation runs for LeBray and Loobos (October 04)

ACTION 4(g): EFI (M-J S) to provide VJ with web pages on inventory data and methods

ACTION 4(h): UNITUS (RV) to coordinate brochure for COP10 based on WP reports for 2nd Annual report (Oct 04)

ACTION 4(i): LSCE (PF) to circulate protocol for WP3 simulations (Sept 04)

ACTION 4(j): Hadley/CEH (VJ/CH) to circulate climatic driving data for WP3 simulations (July 04)

ACTION 4(k): LSCE (RG) to provide flux estimates from inverse models for comparison with forward models (Mar 05)

ACTION 4(l): ALL MODELLING GROUPS to perform offline simulations of 20th century carbon balance with a priori and a postiori parameter sets (Mar 05)

ACTION 4(m): EFI (AP) to provide flux estimates and uncertainties from inventory data for CCDAS

ACTION 4(n): Hadley (RB) to circulate link to CAMELS Technological Implementation Plan (June 04)

ACTION 4(o): JRC (NG) to write 1-2 page report on D1.5 and forward to RH for WP1 final report (Aug 04)

ACTION 4(p): Hadley (RB) to write 1-2 page report on consistency between historical land use datasets and inventory data and forward to RH for WP1 final report (Aug 04)

ACTION 4(q): EFI (AP) to write 1-2 page report on work inventory data for WP1 (Aug 04)

ACTION 4(r): ALL MODELLING GROUPS to write 1-2 page report on work on parameter uncertainties and forward to JK for WP2 annual report (Aug 04)

ACTION 4(s): Hadley (VJ) to write 1-2 page report on climatic driving data for WP3 simulations, and forward to PC for WP4 annual report (Aug 04)

ACTION 4(t): ALTERRA (RH) to write WP1 final report and forward to RB and RV (Sep 04)

ACTION 4(u): MPI-BGC (JK) to write WP2 annual report and forward to RB and RV (Sep 04)

ACTION 4(v): LSCE (PF) to write WP3 annual report, including plans for WP3 and draft protocol for simulations, and forward to RB and RV (Sep 04)

ACTION 4(w): Hadley (PC) to write WP4 annual report, detailing plans for WP4, and forward to RB and RV (Sep 04)

ACTION 4(x): Hadley (RB) to edit 2nd Annual project report and submit to EU (Oct 04)

ACTION 4(y): MPI-BGC (JK) to hold WP2 meeting/teleconference to prepare for joint paper. (end Oct 04)