/ GRAZ (Austria) 2017
Cultural Capital of Europe 2003 /
/ Reactive Oxygen Species
and Lipid Peroxidation
in Human HealthandDisease /
/ Special Meetingofthe International HNE-Club
in Memory ofthelate Professor Hermann Esterbauer (Graz)
Thursday, 14th – Friday, 15th September 2017

Hermann Esterbauer


„I have a visionoflaboratorieswithoutwalls!“

Twentyyears after hisdeathHermann Esterbauerisstill themostcitedscientistworldwidein thefieldof oxidative stress. And he isthe spiritual rectorofthe International HNE-Club.

Scientific Sessions

0. Memorial Session for Hermann Esterbauer

1. HNE in BiochemistryandPhysiology

2. HNE andOxidized Lipids in Pathology

3. Analytical Strategies

4. Lipid Peroxidation

5. Oxidative Stress


Giancarlo Aldini (Milano)
HuveydaBasaga (Istanbul)
Nikolaus Bresgen (Salzburg)
Maria Fedorova(Leipzig)
Henry Jay Forman (Los Angeles)
Ana ČipakGašparović (Zagreb)
Tilman Grune(Berlin)
Françoise Guéraud(Toulouse)
Luigi Iuliano (Rome)
Randy Jirtle (Durham)
Sepp Kohlwein(Graz)
Norbert Leitinger(Charlottesville) / Gabriella Leonarduzzi (Turin)
Giovanni E. Mann(London)
Anne Nègre-Salvayre(Toulouse)
Etsuo Niki (Kyoto)
Dennis Petersen (Aurora)
Giuseppe Poli(Turin)
Werner Siems (Bad Harzburg)
ElżbietaSkrzydlewska (Białystok)
Corinne Spickett (Birmingham)
Koji Uchida (Nagoya)
Willibald Wonisch (Graz)
Huiyong Yin(Shanghai)

Hermann Esterbauer Award

Withinthemeetingthe Hermann Esterbauer Award foryoungresearchers will bedonated.

Hermann Esterbauergothisdoctoraldegree in 1963 asstudentof Erwin Schauensteinatthe University of Graz, with a thesis on theproductionofhydroxyalkenals (including HNE) byautoxidationofunsaturatedfattyacids. In the University of Graz, he headedthedivisionofanalyticalbiochemistrysince 1967, then he becamechairmanofthe Institute ofBiochemistryfrom 1988 untilhisdeparture.

Key pointsofhisgreatscientificcareerhavebeentheinteractionwith Trevor F. Slater and Mario U.Dianzani on the qualitative and quantitative analysisofthealdehydic end-productsoftheperoxidationofbiomembranelipidsandtheactiveinvolvement in theAssociationfor International Cancer Research (USA) whichbroughthim in connectionwithseveral top scientistslike AlbertSzent-Györgyi, Lester Packer and David Steinberg. Around1984, he discoveredthat LDL modifiedby 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) was poorlyreactingwith LDL receptors but avidlyreactingwithscavengerreceptors, beingbythiswayquicklytakenupbymacrophages. Such a finding still represents a milestone in theinvestigationofpathomechanismsofatherosclerosis.

“Hermann Esterbauer was oneofthemostgiftedbiochemicalscholarsofthe 20th century, whopioneeredourunderstandingofrelationshipsbetweenlipoproteinoxidation, antioxidantsandatherosclerosis. He trained an entirenewgenerationofscientists. This conferenceis a tributetohisenormouscontributionstoscience”

(Lester Packer, Hermann Esterbauer Memorial Meeting, October 2007).

The scientificmeeting will beorganizedjointlybythe International 4-Hydroxynonenal-Club andthe University of Graz.


Thankstothegenerosityofoursponsorsandthecooperativityofthespeakerstheadmission will befreeofcharge, but registration will benecessary (seebelow).


Valery Bochkov (Chairman), Brigitte Winklhofer-Roob, Rudolf Joerg Schaur, Willibald Wonisch, Gholam Ali Koschsorur, Rudolf Zechner


Valery Bochkov, phone: ++43 (0)316 380 5398


Rudolf Jörg Schaur, phone: ++43 (0)650 691 30 22



International 4-Hydroxynonenal-Club (HNE-Club)

Society for Free Radical Research Europe