November 18, 2009
Approved December 16, 2009
Present: Rosemary Olander-Beach (Acting President), Tom Weingarten (Treasurer), Barbara Singer (Secretary), Ken Lawson, and Jayne Davison. Guest: Carl Spatt
Absent: Arlene Brown, Anne Fleming, Martha Chamberlain, Rev. Catherine Torpey.
Chalice Lighting & Opening Words:
Rosemary Olander-Beach called the meeting to order.
Tom Weingarten agreed to be process observer for the meeting.
Personal check-in
Action Item:
The minutes of the October 21st meeting were approved. These minutes will be sent to Peter Larsen for posting on our web site as well as being posted on the bulletin board and filed in the office.
Old Business:
Nominating Committee Report: Rosemary reported that Mary Brower, Chair of Nominating Committee was confident they would be able to present a slate by next Sunday’s deadline. Rosemary expressed concern that there had been no communication to the congregation in the Open Line relative to the nominating process and that more Board outreach to the Nominating Committee be in place for next year.
Board Vacancy: Rosemary reported that several people had been approached to fill the vacancy left by Rob Esformes. To date, the vacancy has not been filled.
50/60th Anniversary Celebration: Billur Weigell, Jeanne Menoutis, Lorrie Bellafiore and Rosemary Olander-Beach have chosen the date of February 6, 2010 for the celebration. Three venues are being considered and a decision will be made soon.
Chalice Lighter Procedure Presentation by Carl Spatt: Carl distributed packets of information to Board members outlining the process required to participate in the Chalice Lighter Program. There are two calls a year, in November and May and since a comprehensive report including the congregation’s long range plan, financial commitment, and rationale for the request is required, Carl recommended that the earliest call we could be ready for is May of 2011. The Board thanked Carl for his detailed presentation and acknowledged him as an invaluable resource.
New Business:
Minister’s Sabbatical – Part I: A Ministerial Leave Agreement among Long Island Congregations was presented to the Board. This document describes the support a congregation would provide to congregations during the time a minister is on sabbatical. There was a discussion about the contents and the potential financial impact such an agreement would have on our congregation.
Action Item: A motion was made and seconded to approve the Ministerial Leave Agreement as presented. Motion passed
Minister’s Sabbatical – Part II: Minister’s formal request for sabbatical (Jan – May, 2011) was presented to the Board for approval.
Action Item: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minister’s formal request for sabbatical (Jan – May, 2011). Motion passed.
At 8:30 pm. the Board went into Executive Session to discuss the details of sabbatical coverage.
The Board came out of Executive Session at 8:45 p.m.
LIAC Delegates: The Board received a request from Bernie Kaplan to formally approve two delegates from SNUUC to LIAC. The proposed delegates are Ilene Corina and Ellen Minzner.
Action Item: A motion was made and seconded to approve Ilene Corina and Ellen Minzner to be SNUUC’s LIAC delegates. Motion passed.
Rosemary will complete and submit the LIAC Delegate Sign Up Form.
Standing on the Side of Love Banner: Discussion was tabled pending more information.
Safety Issue: Rosemary reported that several car windows were broken in our parking lot during the time of the Sunday evening Improv Class. A police report was taken and Rosemary will call the Freeport Police to request a special patrol.
Testimonial Volunteer: Based on suggestions received at Leadership Development Day at Shelter Rock, the members of the Board agreed to incorporate a brief testimonial as a regular part of its meetings. Barbara Singer volunteered to give the first testimonial at the next meeting.
At 9 p.m. the Board went into Executive Session to discuss videotaping of services.
The Board came out of Executive Session at 9:10 p.m.
Minister’s, Treasurer’s and DRE’s Reports: These reports were received by the Board.
Action Item: A motion was made to accept the three reports submitted. Motion passed.
Board Homework:
· Rosemary will contact the Freeport Police Department requesting a special patrol.
· Rosemary will research information regarding Sabbatical Planning Committees.
· Barbara will prepare a testimonial for the next meeting.
Process Observer Comments:
The meeting ran on time with the exception of the Chalice Lighter presentation. Straw polls taken on two items – the sabbatical and the safety issue - worked well in limiting discussion. The Board needs to be brought up to speed prior to the meeting on items discussed at length at the executive committee meetings.
Closing words: “Your daily life is your temple and your religion.” Kahlil Gibran
The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 p.m.
Reports received: Minister, DRE, Treasurer.
NEXT MEETING: December 16 at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara A. Singer, Secretary