Local Enhanced Service for Pharmacy Based Needle Exchange Service
South Tyneside PCTService Level Agreement
1.Period of service
2.Scope and definition of the service
3.Parties to the agreement
4.Service aims
5.Service outline
6.Location of Service
7.Integrated Governance
8.Information Management
9.Service Monitoring and Evaluation
11.Contract Management
12.Review, Variation and Re-commissioning Process
1.Period of service1.1This Local Enhanced Service willrun from 1stApril 2010 to 31stMarch 2011.
2. Scope and definition of the service2.1The service is to be delivered by community pharmacists within the South Tynesidelocality.
3.Parties to the agreement3.1This document constitutes the agreement between the Pharmacy Contractor and the PCT with regard to the Local Enhanced Service for aPharmacy Based Needle Exchange Service.
Pharmacy Code:
Pharmacy Stamp/Details:
Names of Pharmacists undertaking the service on behalf of the contractor:
Signature on behalf of the Pharmacy:
Signature / Name / DateSignature on behalf of the PCT:
Signature / Name / Date4.Service aims
4.1Needle exchange services have been set up to provide a public health function to reduce the spread of HIV and latterly hepatitis.
4.2The service aims to reduce the sharing of injection equipment and reduce the risk of needle stick injuries to others.
5. Service outlineOnly Pharmacy Contractors that are signed up to the LocalEnhanced Service for the Pharmacy Based Needle Exchange Servicecan operate under this service specification.
5.1.1Safety of staff, other pharmacy customers and clients is of paramount importance. The NPA pamphlet “Hypodermic needles and syringes: code of practice and safe operation” must be displayed and all staff must sign a written declaration that they have read and understood it.
5.1.2 All staff must be immunised against Hepatitis B as a contractual obligation. This is provided by the Occupational Health Departments of the Queen ElizabethHospital, Gateshead or SouthTyneside GeneralHospital.
5.1.3 Properly designed sharps containers will be used for the collection of returned works, as supplied by the contracted waste collection agency. No staff will handle waste but the collection receptacle will be offered to the client who will place the waste into the container. Advice may be sought from the local environmental health officers on satisfactory storage of waste.
5.1.4 Staff should be carefully instructed about the risks of infection and told to refer all queries concerning needle exchanges to the pharmacist. In the event of a needle stick injury the wound should be bled under running cold water, the surrounding area disinfected with chlorhexidine and the recipient sent to the casualty department of the local hospital.
5.2Ordering of Equipment
5.2.1 Packs for supply will be obtained from the pharmacy department of South District General for Hebburn, Jarrow and South Shields pharmacies. Citric acid, ascorbic acid and water for addicts will be available via the DAT.
5.2.2 Packs will be assembled as follows. No “mix and match” will be possible.
Pack 1
7 x 2ml syringes
5 x 1 inch blue needles
10 x isopropyl swabs
1 x condom
1 x personal sharps container carrier
Pack 2
7 x 5ml syringes
5 x 1 inch blue needles
7 x 5/8 inch orange needles
10 x isopropyl swabs
1 x condom
1 x personal sharps container carrier
Supplies of such packs will be ordered from the local contracting hospital allowing seven working days for delivery. The orders should be made on the pre-printed order form and posted or faxed to the contracting hospital. All telephone orders should be confirmed in writing.
5.2.3 At the end of each financial year a stock take of equipment on the pharmacy premises will be required and this information should be sent to the needle exchange co-ordinator. If a change in contents of equipment packs is required, e.g. different gauge needles or larger syringes the matter should be agreed with the needle exchange co-ordinator.
5.3 Collection of Waste
5.3.1 Waste will be collected from the pharmacy premises in the sharps bins provided. The container will not be used for the disposal of any item outside the scheme. The contractor retains responsibility for storage of the containers and for compliance with the relevant waste disposal and environmental regulations.
5.3.2 The waste collection contractor will call at two monthly intervals to collect waste. The pharmacy contractor is responsible for ensuring that sufficient waste bins are left to cope with the two months waste. Arrangements for emergency collections should be made via the needle exchange co- ordinator.
5.4Recording of Transactions
5.4.1 All pharmacies taking part in the scheme will display the “logo” to identify the premises being a participating pharmacy. Upon presenting at a pharmacy seeking to register, a client will be given a blank key ring on which to record a code number. It is suggested that initials offered by the client, date of birth, sex and if possible the following letters; A (Amphetamines), O (Opiates), S (Steroids), should be included in the code. All information offered by clients is confidential and it is important that the client cannot be identified by the code. The code will be proffered at each exchange and recorded against what was supplied and exchanged.
5.4.2 Clients will be encouraged to return used material in exchange for clean equipment on a “one to one” basis but supplies will not be refused on the grounds of non-returns if the pharmacist fears aggression.
5.4.3Activity sheets will be provided by the PCT,(Appendix A) which will be used to record the age and sex of the client (if not identifiable from the client code), the date of the exchange, the quantity and type of equipment supplied, the quantity of material returned and any relevant comments. Completed activity sheets need to be retained by the pharmacy for inspection by the needle exchange co-ordinator acting on behalf of the PCT. Alternatively this information can be stored on the patient’s PMR screen.
5.4.4Completed data return forms (an example is attached as Appendix B) should be sent to :
Dene Outterside
DAT Analyst
South Tyneside Substance Misuse Commissioning Team
17 Beech Road
South Shields
NE33 2QA
to arrive no later than the tenth day of the following month.
6. Location of Service6.1The service is to be provided within the South Tyneside localitywithin the opening hours of the contractors. The service shall be delivered from facilities and settings which are suitable for the purpose and support the confidentiality and dignity of the patient .
7. Integrated Governance7.1 Indemnity
The pharmacy/accredited pharmacist must notify their professional indemnity insurers and maintain adequate insurance cover for their participation in this service.
The contractor and their staff must not disclose to any person other than a person authorised by the PCT, any information acquired by them in connection with the provision of the service which concerns:
- The identity of any patient;
- The medical conditions of, or the advice received by, any patient .
The contractor must allow the PCT’s internal and other nominated auditors access to all or any papers and service records relating to this Agreement for the purposes of audit and consent to the disclosure of relevant information for the purpose of fraud prevention, detection and inspection. The contractor is to undertake audits as defined by the PCT.
7.4 Complaints
7.4.1The Pharmacy is required to have a system in place for the handling of complaints.
7.4.2The Pharmacy is required to ensure patients are informed they have the right of complaint to PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) at the PCT. All information shall be provided to the patient in order for them to access the NHS SOTW complaints procedure.
7.5Significant Event Reporting
In the event of any ‘adverse incident’ or ‘near miss’ relating to the provision of this service, the pharmacist must complete the appropriate incident reporting form and forward a copy to the PCT.
7.6 Equality of Access
The Service Provider shall at all times comply with the requirements of the Race Relations Act 1976, Race Relations Act (Amended) 2000, Disability Discrimination Act 1995, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Sex Discrimination Act (Amended) 1986 and the Equal Pay Act 1970 and shall not discriminate against any person or organisation, or supplier on the grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or religious preference.
7.7Obligations of the Contractor
The Pharmacy contractor is responsible for the delivery of the service as detailed in the Service Level Agreement.
7.7.1The pharmacy contractor has the duty to ensure that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service have the relevant knowledge and are appropriately trained in the operation of the service.
7.7.2The pharmacy contractor has a duty to ensure that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service are aware of and act in accordance with local protocols and national guidance.
7.7.3The pharmacy contractor is responsible for ensuring the PCT is informed of thedetails of the Pharmacists providing the service on behalf of the contractor.
7.7.4The pharmacy contractor is required to maintain appropriate records to ensure effective ongoing service delivery and audit.
7.8Obligation of the PCT
The PCT will ensure that appropriate systems are in place to support the contractor in the delivery of the service as defined in the SLA.
7.8.1The documentation required to deliver the service will be provided by the PCT.
7.8.2The PCT will provide any framework for the recording of relevant service information for the purpose of audit and the claiming of payment.
7.8.3 The service will be periodically reviewed by the PCT.
7.9 Care Quality Commission
7.9.1The pharmacy must provide information requested by the PCT in relation to assessments and or special reviews as specified by the Care Quality Commission.
8. Information Management8.1Pharmacies should be able to produce and maintain an up-to-date list of all patients who have been treated under this Local Enhanced Service.
8.2The Pharmacywill maintain adequate records of the service provided, incorporating all known information relating to any significant events.
8.3The Pharmacy must have a system for collecting data on adverse incidents, which should be aligned to the relevant guidance contained in NHS SOTW Incident Reporting Policy (the PCT will provide a copy of the policy upon request and training can be arranged). In primary care, adverse incidents should include, but are not limited to, incidents relating to:
- Death occurring on the premises;
- Patient complaint;
- Prescribing-related events;
- Other medical;
- Other administrative; and
- Other incidents.
8.4When appropriate, the pharmacy must put in place appropriate governance and security for the IM&T Systems to safeguard patient information.
8.5The Pharmacy must ensure that the IM&T Systems and processes comply with statutory obligations for the management and operation of IM&T within the NHS, including, but not exclusively:
- Common Law Duty of Confidence;
- Data Protection Act 1998;
- Access to Health Records Act 1990;
- Freedom of Information Act 2000;
- Computer Misuse Act 1990; and
- Health and Social Care Act 2001
8.6The pharmacy must meet prevailing national standards and follow appropriate NHS good practice guidelines for information governance and security, including, but not exclusively NHS Confidentiality Code of Practice;
9. Service Monitoring and Evaluation9.1The Pharmacy must supply the Primary Care Trust with such information as it may reasonably request for the purposes of monitoring the contractor’s performance in relation to this enhanced service.
9.2 Monitoring of the service may include but not exclusively:
- Activity
- Annual review
- Patient and staff experience evaluation
- Audit of service
- Value for money analysis
10. Funding10.1The contractor will receive:-
- A payment of £267.90per quarter
10.2Payment Method
10.2.1Payment will be made by the PCT to the contactor on a quarterly basis.
10.2.2All claim forms should be sent quarterly to the PCT by the 5th of the month following the end of the quarter, using the claim form in Appendix C.
11. Contract Management11.1For the purpose of the Local Enhanced Service for Pharmacy Based Needle Exchange, the contract manager is the commissioner of the service. The contact for the service is Julie Cox, Primary Care Commissioning, Pemberton House, Colima Way, Sunderland Enterprise Park, Sunderland, SR5 3XB, telephone 0191 5297253.
12. Review, Variation and Re-commissioning Process12.1The agreement shall be in place until31st March 2011. Monitoring of the service will be on-going and will inform the end of year service review.
12.2Contract variations will be discussed and agreed by both parties.
12.3Termination of agreement
12.3.1The PCT will be entitled to terminate this agreement forthwith in the event that the pharmacist or their staff commits a serious irremediable breach of his/her obligation in providing the service arising out of or in connection with the provision of the said Pharmacy Based Needle Exchange service.
12.3.2The agreement may be terminated, without penalty, if the contractor or the PCT gives the other party a minimum of 1 months notice in writing.
12.3.3The agreement may be terminated by either party if the terms of the agreement are broken.
Appendix A
Pharmacy Based Needle Exchange – Activity SheetClient code / OR Age and sex of client / Date of exchange / Quantity and type of equipment supplied / Quantity of material returned / Comments
This form is to be retained in the pharmacy for inspection by the needle exchange co-ordinator acting on behalf of the PCT
Appendix B
Pharmacy Address
Pharmacy Needle Exchange Data Return Form
Month: ______
Number of Needles Given Out:
Number of Needles Returned:
Number of Visits:
Please return this form to: Dene Outterside, DAAT Information Analyst, South Tyneside Drug & Alcohol Action Team, 17 Beach Road, South Shields, Tyne & Wear NE33 2QA, by the 10th of each month. (Contact: email: Tel:0191 4967963)
Appendix C
Pharmacy Based Needle Exchange Claim Form
Claim for quarter Apr-JunJul-SepOct -DecJan-Mar
(please circle as appropriate)
DeclarationI declare that this claim is eligible for payment as defined in the contract between the PCT and the pharmacy contractor for the provision theLocal Enhanced Service for the Pharmacy Based Needle Exchange Service.
(Please print)
Please return this form to: Carole Turnbull, Contract Monitoring Officer, Primary Care Commissioning, Sunderland Teaching Primary Care Trust, Pemberton House, Colima Avenue, SunderlandEnterprisePark, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear SR5 3XB, by the 5th of the following month following the end of the quarter. (Tel:0191 5297250)
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