June 25, 2015
The Regular Meeting of the Schuyler County Hospital District was held in the Classroom at Culbertson Memorial Hospital on Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. Roll call was as follows:
Billingsley X
Hester X
Peters X
Tolle X
Trone X
Walters X
Worthington X
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Lynn Stambaugh, CEO, Alan Palo, CFO, Lisa Downs, Chief Nursing Officer, Leah Wilson, Director of QI/RM, Tim Ward, Foundation Directorand Lisa Adams, Executive Assistantwere also present as well as County Board Member Jim Corrie and David Haneywith the Rushville Times.
The Board reviewed the minutes from the regular meeting ofMay 28, 2015.
Director Tronemade the motion, seconded by DirectorWorthington to approve the minutes. There was no opposition.
Shannon McKay with Adkisson Consultants gave an inservice about physician recruiting.
Lynn Stambaugh gave the Medical Staff report from the meeting of June 17, 2015:
- Dr. Smith gave an overview of her OB/GYN clinic that will be held at CMH starting July 21, 2015.
- More ALP machines for the DVT prophylaxis prevention will be ordered.
- Dr. Anderson spoke about the expansion at MDH which will include a floor for geriatric/psych patients.
- The Physician’s QI report was reviewed. The average LOS for March was 3.1 and there were 30 admissions.
- The P&T Committee report was reviewed.
Lynn Stambaugh gave the CEO’s report:
- Met with the County Board subcommittee regarding denials for claims and are working toward improving the situation.
- eClinical Works training started June 1 and went live June 22.
- The 11th Annual Dohner Golf Outing was a huge success.
- The NHSC was here for an on-site review. The hospital must get recertified every 2 years.
- Attended the IHA Small & Rural meeting which focused on hospitals changing from volume to value based care and using more evidence based practice.
- There were no delinquent records.
Alan Palo gave the financial report for May, 2015. The total operating revenue for the month was $3,057,948.87. Contractuals were up for the month. The net operating revenue was $1,638,140.04. Operating Expenses were $1,696,313.26, leaving an operating loss of $58,173.22. After the addition of non operating revenue and expenses of $31,675.43, there was a loss for the month of $26,497.79.
On a year to date basis, the operating profit was $329,683.49. After the addition of non operating revenue and expenses, the net income was $420,665.15.
The balance sheet showed cash was down approximately $151,000 from the prior month but has increased year to date. Receivables increased, payables were down and expenses were up.
Tim Ward gave the Foundation Board report from the meeting held earlier in the day. The Board heard the Annual CAH report, financial report and investment report. Linda Butler had reported that she is working on an estate settlement for the hospital of approximately $270,000. The Golf Outing grossed over $41,000, had 36 teams and 100 sponsors. The expected net should be around $30,000. Tim and Wayne Crum attended several high school awards presentations to award several scholarships from the Foundation. The Foundation also received a gift from the Harold Davis life insurance policy in the amount of $31,160. There will be an article about this in the next newsletter. Tim also reported that Culbertson Gardens is nearly full, with only 1 studio apartment vacant.
The Finance Committee recommended approval of the Annual Prevailing Wage Ordinance.
Director Walters made the motion, seconded by Director Peters to approve the Prevailing Wage Ordinance. Vote as follows:
Billingsley X
Hester X
Peters X
Tolle X
Trone X
Walters X
Worthington X
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Motion passed.
The Finance Committee recommended approval of the Radiology electrical project in the amount of $44,500.
Director Walters made the motion, seconded by Director Tolle to approve Radiology electrical project in the amount of $44,500. Vote as follows:
Billingsley X
Hester X
Peters X
Tolle X
Trone X
Walters X
Worthington X
7 0 0 0
Motion passed.
The Finance Committee recommended the replacement of 29 windows in the 1952 edition of the hospital by Macomb Glass in the amount of $37,300.
Director Walters made the motion, seconded by Director Trone to replace the windows. Vote as follows:
Billingsley X
Hester X
Peters X
Tolle X
Trone X
Walters X
Worthington X
7 0 0 0
Motion passed.
Having no further business to discuss, Director Tronemade the motion to adjourn at 7:37 p.m. There was no opposition.
Ron Peters, Vice Chairman/Secretary