2014 Improved Systems for Household Problem Wastes - Application FormPage 1
Waste Less Recycle More Initiative
Major Resource Recovery Infrastructure – Round 2
Stage 1 Expression of Interest (Preliminary Business Case)
Closing date: 5.00 pm 2 December 2014
2014 Improved Systems for Household Problem Wastes - Application FormPage 1
2014 Improved Systems for Household Problem Wastes - Application FormPage 1
1.Have our transported waste generated in the Regulated Area out of NSW where, at that time, there was a lawful disposal facility for that waste within NSW, where transport commenced on or after 2December 2014?
Yes or No
2014 Improved Systems for Household Problem Wastes - Application FormPage 1
2014 Improved Systems for Household Problem Wastes - Application FormPage 1
If you are a Local Government Council and have answered Yes to the above go to question 2.
If you are any other type of organisationand have answeredyesto the above, your organisation is not eligible to apply for funding.
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2. Do you have a plan to transition away from interstate waste transport and disposal within a set timeframe?
Yes or No
2014 Improved Systems for Household Problem Wastes - Application FormPage 1
If you have answered Yesto the above the NSW government may consider an exemption from this requirement for NSW local government entities:
Local government entities: if you are currently transporting waste out of NSW you may be considered eligible for funding for a Community Recycling Centre grant if you demonstrate a commitment to transitioning away from out of state waste transport and disposal within an acceptable timeframe.
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3. Are you applying for this exemption?
Yes or No
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If you are a local council and are applying for this exemption you must attach your request with evidence demonstrating your commitment and plan to transition away from out of state waste transport signed by the General Manager or CEO with your grant application.
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4.Has your organisation purchased any of the equipment/infrastructure prior to the opening of this round for which you are applying for in this application?
Yes or No
2014 Improved Systems for Household Problem Wastes - Application FormPage 1
If you have answeredyes to the above, your organisation is not eligible to apply for funding for that equipment/infrastructure already purchased or any milestones completed.
Organisations that are eligible must also meet the following conditions to qualify for funding:
- Answer all questions in the application form
- Submit your entire application by email to:
- Complete and attach the Application Budget (Section E) ensuring that only eligible activities/items have been included.
- Complete and attach the Project Plan (Part F) including the design concept plan for the site.
- You will need to read the NSW Environmental Trust’s Major Resource Recovery Infrastructure Grants Program‘Guidelines for Applicants’to help you fill out this Expression of Interest form.
- Please answer every question. Where a question does not apply to your application, write ‘not applicable’ or preferably briefly explain why.
- Grantsbetween: $1,000,000 and$10,000,000
Section A – Registration
Applicant details
A1 / Organisation’s details: Individual Application (if alliance or partnership skip to A3)
Name of organisation
What is your ABN? / Registered for GST / Yes or No
Postal address
Suburb / State / Postcode
A2 / Contact person for this project
Title / First name / Surname
Position / Daytime phone / (0)
Mobile / (0) / Email
A3 / Organisation’s details: application by an alliance or partnership
Lead applicant:
Alliance/partners members (list all) / Registered for GST / Yes or No
Postal address
Suburb / State / Postcode
Additional partner details (where partnership exists or an alliance with another council/s)
A4 / Contact details for partners in the alliance (details of lead council to be completed on page A3)
Partner Name
Contact Name: / Contact phone:
Contact Email:
Postal address
Suburb / State / Postcode
Partner Name
Contact Name: / Contact phone:
Contact Email:
Postal address
Suburb / State / Postcode
Partner Name
Contact Name: / Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Postal address
Suburb / State / Postcode
Partner Name
Contact Name / Contact phone:
Contact Email
Postal address
Suburb / State / Postcode
Administrator details (if applicable, see Guidelines for further details)
A5 / Administrator
Name of organisation
Administrator’s ABN / Registered for GST / Yes or No
Postal address
Suburb / State / Postcode
A6 / Contact details for administrator
Title / First name / Surname
Position / Daytime phone / (0)
Mobile No. / Email
A7 / Nominate one primary contact for correspondence
Applicant / Administrator
Organisational structure and systems
See page7 of the Guidelines for applicants for the eligibility of your organisation to apply for a grant. Please ensure that your organisation meets the eligibility criteria before submitting your application.
A8 / What is the legal status of your organisation?(Select only ONE box)Local government organisation / Regional Organisation of Councils
Other local-government controlled organisation / Not-for-profit organisation
Private business/industry / Other (please specify below):
A9 / Does your organisation have formal management systems for quality, environmental management and/or work health and safety?
Management System / System in place and internally audited / System in place and independently audited / System in place and independently audited/ certified to ISO9001, ISO1400, OHSAS 18001 or other.
Environmental management
Work Health and Safety (WHS)
Business Structure (individual applicant or lead organisation of alliance/partnerships)
A10 / Management structure
Name / Position title
Details of key individuals
(Attach CV to back of application. CVs are to be no more than 2 pages per person)
Years trading / No. of years trading / Years trading under current owner
Number of employees / Full-time employees / Total full-time equivalent (FTE)
Section B – Project details
B1 / Project title (maximum of 68 characters including spaces)
B2 / Project category
What is it that the project is undertaking? Select only ONE box from the following choices.
Materials recovery facility / Processing facility for source separated waste (paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, metals, tyres or wood/timber)
Residual waste treatment (mechanical/biological treatment) / Residual waste treatment (energy from waste)
Transfer station / Other (please specify below):
B3 / Type of waste to be processed by the proposed facility (tick relevant boxes)
Municipal waste / Commercial and industrial waste
Mixed dry recycling / Mixed dry recycling
Separated paper of cardboard / Separated paper or cardboard
Separated plastics / Separated plastics
Separated glass / Separated glass
Separated wood/timber / Separated wood/timber
Separated metals / Separated metals
Mixed, residual waste / Mixed, residual waste
Separated tyres / Separated tyres
Other (please specify): / Other (please specify):
B4 / Project description
Please describe your Major Resource Recovery Infrastructure project in 100 words or less. The description should address staging of the project, corresponding costs, government funding sought, applicant’s contribution, other source of funding planned, quantities and source of feedstock for processing; plus quantities and markets for the end product(s).
Note: This summary will be used for all promotional material relating to the grant. i.e. media, website etc.
B5 / If the project has been identified in a regional waste strategy and action plan, include the following details.
Name of region
Document name
Status of document (e.g. draft or final)
Priority status of the project
Brief statement on the need for the project in the context of the regional waste strategy and action plan
B6 / Project Location(please specify where your project is located).
Name of site:
Post Code:
Main local government area/s
State electorate/s
Will your project receive waste primarily from a levy paying region? *
*Projects that do not receive waste from a levy paying region will not be eligible for funding. Please see page 7 of the Guidelines for more information. / Yes or No
B7 / Project milestones and estimated timeframe
Milestone / Estimated completiondate / Funding instalmentrequired / Brief description of activities
to be undertaken to achieve milestone
Milestone 1:
Signed Deed of Agreement / $
Milestone 2:
Detailed project plan / $
Milestone 3:
Facility design and detailed costing complete / $
Milestone 4:
Planning and investigations complete / $
Milestone 5:
Detailed engineering design, planning and approvals / $
Milestone 6:
Environment protection licence approved / $
Milestone 7:
Awarding of tender for construction / $
Milestone 8:
Building and slab construction complete / $
Milestone 9:
Process equipment and installation complete / $
Milestone 10:
Electricals, safety and testing successfully completed / $
Milestone 11:
Commissioning of infrastructure completed / $
Milestone 12:
Facility commissioned and operational / $
Milestone 13:
Project completion - submission of final evaluation report / $
Please Note:
- A report will be requiredfor each Milestone of the project and a Final Evaluation Report at Project Completion.
- All grant projects to be completed by 30 June 2017.
- Not all milestones may be appropriate for your project. Choose milestones which suit the preferred delivery strategy for your project
- Any equipment/infrastructure purchased or milestones completed by 15 September 2014 will not be eligible for funding.
B8 / Has your organisation previously received Environmental Trust, OEH or EPA funding? / Yes or No
If YES, please provide project reference number or name of project/ and amount of grant/s and year/s
B9 / Please provide information as to why this project would not go ahead without external (this) funding? In your explanation, please include the payback period with and without funding and what steps have been undertaken to date.
Section C – Regulatory/licencing
C1 / Environmental Protection Licensing status of site (tick relevant options)
Site has no Environmental Protection License in place
Site has an existing Environmental Protection License in place but needs amendment to accommodate the proposed Resource Recovery Facility
Site has all Environmental Protection Licensing in place and no further licensing is required
C2 / Status of site for proposed resource recovery facility (tick relevant options)
Site identified, to be purchased / Also, specify date of purchase
Site under lease by grant applicant
(If so, please give details on lease status, lease term, site owner and any restrictions on capital improvements)
Site owned by grant applicant
C3 / Planning approval status of selected site (tick relevant options)
Site is a greenfield or brownfield site with no planning approvals for a Resource Recovery operation
Site has planning consent for an existing Resource Recovery operation, and planning consent needs to be amended for proposed development
Site is an existing Resource Recovery operation, greenfield or brownfield site and a planning application for the proposed development has already been submitted
Site is a greenfield site and has full planning approval for proposed development
Site is a brownfield site and has full planning approval for proposed development
C4 / What Environmental Protection Authority licence/s do you currently hold
(Include all licenses held for resource recovery operations you hold in NSW)
C5 / In the last five years have you, or any alliance/partner organisations received any penalty notices, clean up notices, prevention notices, license suspensions, licence revocations, convictions or prosecutions under NSW environment protection laws including National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 and the Native Vegetation Act 2003? / Yes or No
If you answered yes to the above, please provide details below and what improved processes you have implemented to correct these breaches (attach additional supporting information if needed).
C6 / Have you contravened any provision of the POEO Act with the result of avoiding, minimising or undermining the requirement to pay any waste contributions required under section 88 of the POEO Act?
See Guidelines for more information on relevant sections of the Act and the Regulation. / Yes or No
If you have answered yes to the above, please answer ALL questions below:
The date(s) of the contraventions
The sections or clauses contravened
The person or person(s), including the full names of any relevant directors or managers, who contravened the sections or clauses
The nature of the contravention
The waste activities being undertaken at the time of the contravention
The amount in tonnes and types of waste (including by waste classification) involved
C7 / Has any of the applicants transported waste generated in the Regulated Area out of New South Wales for disposal where, at that time, there was a lawful disposal facility for that waste within New South Wales, where that transport commenced on or after 2 December 2014? / Yes or No
If you have answered yes to the above, your organisation is not eligible to apply for fundingunless you are a local government and request and are granted an exemption.
C8 / Has your organisation already purchased any of the equipment/infrastructure for which you are applying for in this application? / Yes or No
If you have answered yes to the above, your organisation is not eligible to apply for funding.
Section D – Assessment criteria
Criterion 1: Amount diverted
D1 / Materials recovered or subject to energy recovery
Please list the materials you intend to recover identifying any priority materials as detailed in the guidelines.
Material type / Proportion of total
recovered for recycling (%) / Proportion of total
recovered sent for energy recovery (%)
Municipal / Commercial
and industrial / Municipal / Commercial
and industrial
Mixed dry recycling
Separated paper or cardboard
Separated plastics
Separated glass
Separated wood/timber
Separated metals
Mixed, residual municipal waste
Separated tyres
Other (Please specify):
D2 / Quantity of waste diverted – municipal waste stream
(include table as an attachment with tonnes over 10 FYs 2014/15 to 2024/25)*
waste stream / Tonnes per annum
Mixed dry recycling / Paper/
cardboard / Plastics / Glass / Wood/
timber / Metals / Mixed residual waste / Tyres / Other (Please specify)
Resource recovery capacity of the new facility
Estimated quantity of waste diverted 6 months after commissioning
Estimated quantity of waste diverted two years after commissioning
D3 / Quantity of waste diverted – Commercial and industrial waste stream
(include table as an attachment with tonnes over 10 FYs 2014/15 to 2024/25)*
Commercial and industrialwaste stream / Tonnes per annum
Mixed dry recycling / Paper/
cardboard / Plastics / Glass / Wood/
timber / Metals / Mixed residual waste / Tyres / Other (Please specify)
Resource recovery capacity of the new facility
Estimated quantity of waste diverted six months after commissioning
Estimated quantity of waste diverted two years after commissioning
Criterion 2: Market analysis
Note: There are two markets, one for supply of waste and one for demand for the recovered resource.
D4 / Please provide information on the expected supply of the source material?
- Who do you expect to obtain the waste from (provide a list if more than one)
- How much from each supplier or supplier type?
- Where does their waste currently go?
- What gate fee do you expect them to pay? ($/tonne)?
- Why will they use your new site/service at this rate?
D5 / Describe the competition that currently exists in the market for the source material that you propose to accept.
D6 / Please provide information on the expected demand for your end product?
- Who do you expect will buy the additional resources or energy recovered?
- How much for each buyer or buyer type?
- What products/services are you replacing?
- What are the resource recovery exemption(s)*, standards and/or specifications you plan to meet?
- What do you expect to sell the recovered waste or recovered energy for ($/tonne of product; or $/kw of energy recovered and exported to grid)
- Why will they buy your new product/service at this rate?
- Identify market destination – local, interstate or export
No. / Product description / Tonnage
per annum / Product application / Status of
regulatory compliance
* Under Clause 51 and 51A of the Protection of the Environment (Waste) Regulation 2005, compliance with a Resource Recovery Exemption is required in order for a waste to be lawfully used on land or as a fuel.
D7 / Considering the last three years, trend prices for the target recovered resource are:Select only ONE from the following choices.
Increasing / Decreasing
Stable / Fluctuating
Recovered resources of this type have not been marketed for three years or longer / Other
Criterion 3: Technical analysis
D8 / Describe the process of your proposed resource recovery facility including:
- Recycling performance (type and capacity)?
- Types of materials processed and efficiency?
D9 / Describe, based on the market analysis done, what infrastructure is needed to establish your resource recovery facility?
- What is the selected technology/process?
- How mature is the technology/process?
- Are there any reference sites where the technology/process is currently in use?
D10 / What analysis has been undertaken of the infrastructure and/or processes to make your selection including:
- How suitable is the technology/process to the targeted waste and waste stream?
- How suitable is the technology/process for the location?
- Operational performance – including any Workplace Health & Safety considerations?
- Environmental performance?
Criterion 4: Cost benefits analysis
D11 / Please provide a detailed cost benefit analysis of the project (attach documents as necessary). At a minimum, your analysis must:
- Identify all costs (capital, operating, maintenance, provision for contingencies)
- Identify the benefits (e.g. avoided costs, savings, revenue from sale of recovered materials)
- Assess net benefits (using the discounted stream of costs and benefits based on NSW Treasury Guidelines*), and include data on:
- net present value with and without grant funding
- benefit cost ratio
- internal rate of return (percentage)
- dollars of grant funding per tonne of additional material recycled
- Sensitivity testing (analyse option under different scenarios and discount rates)
- Document all references to data sources and assumptions
D12 / What is the operational life-span of the facility?
- Outline any staging of infrastructure
- Asset Management Strategy and plans developed
Criterion 5: Planning and environment protection licensing
D13 / Describe what consultation has been done with your planning consent authority, including any planning, site environmental or engineering investigations have been undertaken.
(For example: council or Department of Planning and Infrastructure)
D14 / If planning consent is required, what planning approvals are needed and what are the likely timeframes for consent?
D15 / Describe what consultation has been done with the EPA in relation to the licensing of the new facility?
Name of EPA
officer consulted: / Date EPA
officer consulted:
D16 / Does your project involve energy from waste technology?
Yes / - go to Question D17
No / - go to question D18
D17 / What investigations have been performed to ensure your energy from waste project will comply with the NSW EPA’s Energy from Waste Policy?
Criterion 6: Project impacts
D18 / It is expected that the project will implement best practice in sustainability, please detail how you intend to achieve this?
D19 / What will be the key environmental benefits generated by the project and when will these be realised and for how long?
D20 / What social benefits (e.g. strengthened communities, jobs for disadvantaged people) will be generated by the project and when will these be realised and for how long?
D21 / What economic benefits (e.g. new jobs, new products, new markets) will be generated by the project and when will these be realised and for how long?
Section E – Milestones and budget
Criterion 7: Value for money
This will be determined using the information provided in Section E – Milestones and Budget. Applicants that are willing to contribute more will be favoured in the EOI assessment process.