The Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) sets out benchmark statements which set out expectations about what students attaining qualifications in a range of subjects, inlcuding social work, should have demonstrated. The statement for social work includes a range of ICT and numerical skills
The GSCC has advised universities to ensure ‘that robust arrangements are in place to meet the revised QAA…ICT requirements...’ The programme at UWE considers that students will achieve many of these skills through successful completion of academic modules. But some of them must be evidenced in the course of practice placements.
The table below sets out the specific ICT and numerical skills that must be evidenced in practice, and gives examples of appropriate evidence. Practice supervisors / assessors at each Level of practice learning are asked to indicate in final column whether they have seen evidence of the kind indicated and confirm this by signing at the bottom of the page. At least one of the forms of evidence shown under each of the three requirements should have been seen by the end of the placement.
This form should be made available at the final placement meeting, but should not be included in the portfolio. The student should keep it and include it in their GDP progress portfolio, and present the form for each placement to their tutor to submit with their final transcript at the end of the programme.
Advice about the full range of requirements and how they are met within the programme will be provided separately.
Use ICT effectively for professional communication, data storage and retrieval and information searching / Evidence seenUse of a word processor to produce letters and / or reports / Yes / No
Use of agency e-mail / Yes / No
Use of agency database / Yes / No
Use of agency computerised record systems / document filing systems / Yes / No
Search electronic resources for information to inform practice / Yes / No
Use ICT tools to produce posters or presentations / Yes / No
Use ICT in working with people who use services
Produce information in an appropriate / accessible format / Yes / No
Use of a word processor to produce letters and / or reports / Yes / No
Use ICT tools to produce posters or presentations / Yes / No
Apply numerical skills to financial and budgetary responsibilities
E.g. Travel claims, supporting people calculations, spreadsheets
(Paper evidence is sufficient evidence of numerical skills) / Yes / No
Name of Student. Practice placement Level 1 / 2 / 3
I confirm that the student has provided evidence of ICT and numerical skills as shown
Name Role
Signature Date