2014 NE District Ag PAC Summary
Cattle and Forages
- Animal Health Issues - to include new laws, what items are vets allowed
to sell producers, antibiotic availability, difficulty of prescription usages
by veterinarians. Washington County
- Adding Value Practices to Beef Cattle. Delaware, Okfuskee, Osage
- Using by products for Beef cattle. Lincoln County
- Bull Selection Criteria, Okfuskee county
- Efficient nutrition and supplementation decisions for bulls, heifers, and cow/calf, Rogers
- Biosecurity Plan. Lincoln county
- Mineral Programs for Beef Cows, Rogers
- Water quality for livestock, Payne County
- Herd Health Issues and Information. Craig County, Lincoln County Ottawa, Rogers, Sequoyah
- Crop and Forage Insurance Questions and Issues. Craig County and Ottawa
- Enforcement of thistle laws. Washington County, Cherokee , Okfuskee, Ottawa
- EPA water regulations. Washington County
- Control of Threeawn, Red Cedar, Blackberry and Broomsedge. Washington County, Lincoln county, Rogers County, Sequoyah County
- Winter Forage Options. Craig County
- Improve Haying Practices, Osage, Tulsa
- Forage Management Practices and/or School. (Most counties)
- Using legumes to minimize fertilizer on forages. Lincoln County
- Advertise Cow Calf Boot Camp, Mayes County
- Cow Efficiency Contest. Mayes County
- Tax Implications of Higher Profits in Beef Cattle. Most Counties
- Master Cattleman Program. McIntosh, Tulsa
- Post-drought forage management and invasive plant species control. McIntosh, Okmulgee, Osage, Payne
- BQA Certification. Mcintosh
- Promote Proper Stocking Rates, Muskogee, Tulsa, and Osage
- Using Goats and Sheep in the forage plan, Okmulgee
- Feedstuffs Education and Economics, Osage, Ottawa
- Johnsongrass control in native range, Osage and tulsa
- Using turnips and radishes with introduced forages, Pawnee
- Programs to reduce cattle theft, Pawnee
- Stocking Rate Recommendations, Many Counties
- Introduction of legumes into improved pastureland and rangeland to reduce fertilizer expense and contribute to increased quality of available forage ,Lincoln
- Continued interest in potential use of by-product feed as an alternative feed source for livestock, Lincoln.
- Johnsongrass control in native hay meadows, Osage.
- Brush and tree control , Osage.
Commercial Horticulture
- Drought stressed trees, Payne.
- Assist with training for pesticide and fertilizer applications, Payne
- Addressing weed control failure, Tulsa and Payne.
- New emerging pest issues – both insect and disease, Payne and Tulsa.
- Cultural care issues – water and fertilizer, Tulsa.
- Post-harvest handling/storage/processing, Tulsa.
- Teach people how to grow/harvest/cook their food & nutrition information, Tulsa.
Consumer Horticulture and Urban Forestry
- Promote Master Gardener Program, Muskogee, Washington, Tulsa, Rogers
- Recovery of Drought Stressed Trees, most counties
- IPM for Gardeners. Washington County
- Landscaping with Native Plants. Washington County
- Landscaping, Muskogee County
- Pruning, Muskogee County
- Pecan Classes, Muskogee County
- Fall Gardening, Tulsa County
- Farmers Market Outreach, Muskogee County
- Raised bed gardening, Muskogee
- Youth Education on where food comes from, Osage
- Basic Gardening, Osage
- Proper Tree Selection and Care of Trees, Payne
- Community Gardens Implementation and Volunteer Management,, Tulsa
Crop Management
- Weed resistance to herbicides, Sequoyah
- Soybean Rust Monitoring and Updates, Sequoyah
- Planter Calibration Clinic, Payne
- Sprayer Calibration Clinic, Payne
- Promotion of Testing Services, Most Counties
- Johnsongrass grass education. Adair, McIntosh, Muskogee, Osage
- Pesticide Education and Applicators License. Mcintosh, Muskogee
- Hay Quality. McIntosh, Tulsa
- Continue Variety Plots for wheat and canola, Ottawa and payne
- Control of Feral Hogs, Ottawa
- Cover Crop Usage, Washington, Tulsa, Osage,
Ecosystem Management, Conservation and Restoration
- Water conservation (Washington)
- Value of land regarding mineral exploration and production as well as damage, Osage
- wildfire hazards, Lincoln and Pawnee
- Erosion of pasture/rangeland, Lincoln.
- Flood control structures, Lincoln.
- Wild hog control, Muskogee and Pawnee
- Firewise Programs, Pawnee
- Improving Wildlife Habitat, Pawnee
- Water laws and rights, most counties
- Cedar control , most counties
Environmental Quality and Waste Management
- Educate poultry liter applicators on the proper way to apply litter, Delaware.
- Pesticide recycling, Lincoln.
- Additional recycling programs for the county, Lincoln.
- Disposal of animal waste and remains, Lincoln.
Farm and Agribusiness Management
- Tax Management, Rogers
- Farm Policy changes, Rogers
- Business management tools, Rogers
- Cattle Recordkeeping Options, Ottawa,
- Increase knowledge of options for business management and how to use them, Osage.
- Managing farm estates and their transfers, Osage.
- Lease agreement education for recreational leasing, Osage.
- Marketing cattle and crops to capture market highs, Rogers, Sequoyah.
- Farm policy changes, Rogers.
- Property rights, Washington.
- Water rights, Lincoln.
- Estate planning, Muskogee.
- Tax implication of a high cattle market. Most Counties
Agricultural Biosecurity
- Water Well Safety and Monitoring, Osage
- Biosecurity plan, Lincoln.
- Livestock herd health issues, Lincoln.
Other challenges
- Farm and Ranch safety, Osage
- Marketing and expanding Extension services and programs , Payne
- Ag Education to the public, Wagoner