
Spring Semester 2012

Teacher Information:

Name: Stephanie FowlerPlanning Period:7th

Email Address:

Phone Number Extension/HW Hotline:699-3500 extension 69138

Webpage URL Address:

Course Description:

Geometry is the mathematical study of shapes, their properties, and their relationships. Emphasis is placed on student discovery and exploration of these shapes. This course includes an in-depth study of reasoning, polygons, congruence, similarity, right triangles, circles, area, volume, and transformations. Students will use a variety of approaches, such as coordinate, transformational, and axiomatic systems. Connections between geometry and other disciplines such as art and architecture will be developed.Pacing for this level course will correspond to the pacing and rigor established by the Richland School District Two/State Department of Education.

Need Extra Help?

There are many resources for you to be successful in this class. First and foremost is our free after school tutoring program. This runs every Monday through Thursday from 4-5 in the media center. There are two math teachers always available to answer questions that may arise. Secondly, there is the ALEKS program. ALEKS is an online tutorial (available for a $35 fee) designed to increase student performance and retention. (This program works best if started early in the semester). A link for the registration form is found at the bottom of my website. You can ask me or contact Dr. Cheryl Guy for more information. Finally, you can log on to USA Test Prep. This is a free online resource to help students with standardized testing. The website for this is Students were given the login information in class.

State/National Standards URL Address:

Textbook Name:Geometry Concepts and Skills

Textbook Replacement Cost:$53.37

Material Supply List:

  1. Geometry Concepts and Skills Textbook
  2. Notebook/3-Ring Binder specific for Math
  3. Pencils
  4. Notebook Paper
  5. Graph Paper
  6. Protractor and Compass for home use
  7. TI-83/84 Graphing or Scientific Calculator
  8. Colored pencils

General Course Information:

You must print all assignment sheets from my web page as well as other documents that will be announced in class. Progress reports for this class will be sent home for all students with a D or F average, otherwise you may contact me via email or phone to request a copy of the progress report. The Parent Portal system will keep you up to date with secure access to grades via the internet. The Parent Portal can be accessed from the district website at under the parents section. Please allow adequate time for grades to be updated, especially for tests and projects. Thank you for your consideration of my time. Please contact the school office for more information regarding Parent Portal.

Scope and Sequence (approximate days):

  • The Language of Geometry: define terms and how they relate conceptually
  • Reasoning and Introduction to Proof: kinds of reasoning, t-proofs, if-then statements, postulates, theorems
  • Parallels: conditions for parallel lines, angles formed and their relationships, distance and midpoint relationships, constructions
  • Congruent Triangles: recognize, use, and prove statements about congruent triangles
  • Application of Congruent Triangles: define special segments of oblique and right triangles, direct and indirect proofs, theorems of inequality
  • Quadrilaterals: identify, use the properties of, and prove statements about quadrilaterals
  • Similarity: identify and solve problems with similar triangles using properties of proportions
  • Right Triangles and Trigonometry: geometric mean, Pythagorean theorem, introduction to trigonometry
  • Circles: define, use, and prove statements dealing with the parts, characteristics, and properties of circles
  • Polygons and Area: characteristics of polygons, formulas for perimeter and area, geometric probability
  • Surface Area and Volume: exploration of definitions, formulas for surface area, volume of solids
  • (Optional) Coordinate Geometry: linear equations in various forms

Grading Procedures:

All grades are based on a point system. The assessments include homework, classwork, quizzes, and tests. A final exam will be given at the end of the semester. This final exam grade will represent 20% of the final grade. Each nine weeks period will represent 40% of the final grade.

Homework Policy:

Homework must be displayed on your desk at the start of class to receive credit. If you are absent on the day that an assignment is checked, you must have that completed assignment upon your return to class. Late work will not be accepted. Your homework will be checked daily for completeness. In addition, homework assessments will be given at the end of the week or at the teacher’s discretion.

Late Work:

A student is required to bring an excuse to the attendance office and is given up to 3 days after returning (except for long absences or suspensions in which case the amount of time may be longer) to make up the work. If not made up after the deadline, the grade is a zero. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to get the assignment when they are absent. If he/she is absent one day, he/she is expected to have the homework due for that day. In addition, he/she should be expected to take assigned test or quiz they missed the day they were absent. If a student has been out for 2 or more days, they will have one week to make up their work. If after this time the work has not been made up, a zero will be recorded. Any student in E-2 on a test day will be responsible for letting Dr. Swilley knowthat they have a test. Students who stay in E-2 on test days will receive a zero on the test.

Make-Up Policy:

Make-up work and tests are allowed for students who have obtained a re-admit slip from the Attendance Office or E-2, by turning in an appropriate written excuse. The responsibility for arranging makeup tests and work rests with the students and must be scheduled at the conveniences of the teacher within three days of the students returning to class and completed within five days upon return. A student may not miss one class in order to complete or make up work in another class without prior approval from both teachers.

Classroom Procedures:

*All school rules will be enforced. Please see student agenda book for full details.

  1. Do not talk when someone else is talking. Raise your hand to speak and you will be recognized at the appropriate time.
  2. No food, drinks, or gum are allowed in the classroom. You may drink water that is contained in a CLEAR water bottle only.
  3. Be in class on-time and participate.
  4. Do not pack up your materials before the bell rings to dismiss class.

Failure to comply with classroom rules and procedures will have the following consequences:

  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Lunch detention and/or teacher conference.
  3. Disciplinary referral and parent phone call.

Consent: I have read, understood and I am willing to comply with the principles and procedures established by Mrs. Fowler and Spring ValleyHigh School. I will accept the consequences stated if I should refuse to abide by them. I sign under no undue compulsion, but by my own free will. I acknowledge my responsibilities in undertaking such a rigorous and challenging course.

Student SignatureDate


Please sign that you have read the information from this class syllabus and the consent including the following topics:

Teacher Information

Course Description

Material Supply List

Scope and Sequence

Grading Procedures

Homework Policy

Late Work

Make-Up Policy

Classroom Procedures


We have read and understand the expectations for ______and will support Mrs. Fowlerin her effort to provide an effective learning environment. We also understand that this course is a rigorous course that will require a significant amount of effort on the part of the student.


Student’s Signature/Date Parent’s Signature/Date

Parent’s Email: ______

RichlandSchool District Two Honor Pledge

On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this assignment. I understand that any violation of the Richland School District Two honor code will result in academic and discipline action.


Student’s Signature/Date

Richland School District Two does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability,age, or other protected characteristicin its programs and activities.