New Books in the Zoology Libraries – October 2009


·  Austin, G. E. 1957-, The UK Wintering Waterbird Indicator : new developments towards a more comprehensive assessment of trends in the wintering waterbird assemblage / G.E. Austin, A.N. Banks and M.M. Rehfisch. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2009)

·  Banks, A. N. 1975-, South west London waterbodies SPA wildfowl population analysis / authors: A.N. Banks, G.E. Austin & M.M. Rehfisch. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2004)

·  Banks, A. N. 1975-, Winter gulls in the UK : population estimates from the 2003/04-2005/06 Winter gull roost survey / authors: A.N. al. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2007)

·  Birds of the Cotswolds : a new breeding atlas / Ian Main and Dave Pearce (principal editors); Tim Hutton (species accounts) et al. (Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 2009)

·  Blackburn, Tim M., Avian invasions : the ecology and evolution of exotic birds / Tim M. Blackburn, Julie L. Lockwood, Phillip Cassey. (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009.)

·  Buckley, P. A., The birds of Barbados : an annotated checklist / by P. A. Buckley ... et al. (Oxford : British Ornithologists' Union : British Ornithologists' Club, 2009)

·  Burton, N. H. K., Indexing winter gull populations in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland : an analysis of data from 1953 to 2004 Winter gull roost surveys / authors: N.H.K. al. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2005)

·  Calladine, John, Development of methods for surveying and estimating population size of short-eared owls (Asio flammeus) / John Calladine, Humphrey Crick and Chris Wernham. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2008)

·  Carter, Nick, Westfield Farm, Cambridgeshire (plot 1572) : the Countryside Restoration Trust report on breeding birds 2004 / author Nick Carter; fieldwork carried out by: T. Roberts & R. Buisson. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2006)

·  Carter, Nick., Lark Rise Farm, Barton, Cambs (Plot 1571) : the Countryside Restoration Trust report on breeding birds 2004 / author Nick Carter ; field work carried out by R. Buisson & R.E. Scott. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2006)

·  Collier, M. P., A survey and assessment of the birds of the Cam Washes and Berry Fen SSSIs, Cambridgeshire, focussing on breeding and wintering waterbirds / Collier, M.P., Burton, N.H.K. & Baylis, S. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2006)

·  Coster, Bill., Creative bird photography / Bill Coster. (London : New Holland, 2009.)

·  Couzens, Dominic, Top 100 birding sites of the world / Dominic Couzens (London : New Holland, 2008)

·  Evans, L. G. R., The ultimate site guide to scarcer British birds / Lee G. R. Evans. 3rd ed. ([S.l.] : Birdguides, 2009)

·  Everard, Mark, Association of British breeding birds with freshwater wetland habitats / authors: Mark Everard & David Noble (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2008)

·  Fray, Rob, The birds of Leicestershire and Rutland / Rob Fray ... [et al.]. (London : Christopher Helm, 2009.)

·  Galapagos : preserving Darwin's legacy / Tui De Roy, editor and principal photographer. (A&C Black : London, 2009)

·  Gillings, S., The potential implications for birds of reform of the sugar beet industry in England / Simon Gillings et al. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2009)

·  Grieve, A., Qurm Environmental Information Centre (QEIC) development project : creation of natural lagoons and visitor facilities / al. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2006)

·  Gubin, B. M., A natural history of the Houbara bustard / Boris Gubin (Dubai ; London : Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD) in association with Motivate Publishing, 2008)

·  Haynes-Sutton, Ann., A photographic guide to the birds of Jamaica / Ann Haynes-Sutton, Audrey Downer & Robert Sutton ; photography by Yves-Jacques Rey-Millet. (London : Christopher Helm, 2009.)

·  Hughes, Janice M. 1958-, The migration of birds : seasons on the wing / Janice M. Hughes. (Buffalo, NY. : Firefly , 2009.)

·  Jackson, Sarah F., Monitoring methods for non-breeding snipe / Sarah F. Jackson (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2004)

·  Leech, D. I., The effect of climate change on bird species in the UK / Leech, D.I., Crick, H.Q.P. & Rehfisch, M.M. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2004)

·  Moss, Stephen, 1960-, A sky full of starlings : a diary of the birding year / Stephen Moss. (London : Aurum, 2008.)

·  Newson, S E., Waterways breeding bird survey : preliminary analyses of mammal data, Stuart E. Newson, David G. Noble & John H. Marchant. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2005)

·  Newson, Stuart E., Preliminary BBS-based habitat-specific indicators for wild bird populations : 1994-2002 / Stuart E. Newson, David G. Noble & Mark A. Eaton. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2004)

·  Newson, Stuart E., The production of population trends for UK mammals using BBS mammal data : 1995-2003 update / authors Stuart Newson & David Noble. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2005)

·  Newson, Stuart E., The status of inland and coastal breeding Great cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo in England / Stuart E. al. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2006)

·  Newson, Stuart, Comparison of London wild bird population trends with those in the surrounding area : update 1994-2002 / author: Stuart Newson. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2004)

·  Noble, David, Winter mammal monitoring : a pilot study / authors David Noble ... [et al.] (Thetford : London : British Trust for Ornithology ; the Mammal Society, 2005)

·  Ridgely, Robert S., 1946-, Field guide to the songbirds of South America : the passerines / Robert S. Ridgely and Guy Tudor. 1st ed. (Austin, TX : University of Texas Press ; [Philadelphia] : In association with the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ; [Washington, DC] : World Land Trust-US, 2009.)

·  Vickery, Juliet A., Predicting the impact of future agricultural change and uptake of entry level stewardship on farmland birds / authors, Juliet Vickery ... [et al.]. (Thetford : British Trust for Ornithology, 2008.)