WASH Board Meeting For May April 22, 2015
President Patty Larsen opened the meeting at 1:00 p.m.
Board Members attending: Phyllis Barrette, Ed Bostley, Sally Bostley, Patty Larsen, Rose Sloan, Teresa Steinbach-Garcia, Diane Tharp, Joyce Wilson. Also attending: Rebecca Jaggers and Gail Jones.
Minutes: There was one correction, under Program; Stephany Nickel’s name was misspelled. The minutes were approved with the one correction.
Treasurer’s Report: Ed reported the March balance was $9,354.77 and the April balance for April is $8,209.26. The end of April balance for the High School Scholarship Fund is $2,329.03. There was a double entry for the WASH Show Catalogue that Ed will take care of and there was still a question about the Camellia show entry fees that did not show up on the report.
SFAC Board Report: Patty gave a report on some changes in job descriptions; Sharon is now the Office Manager and David is Events Coordinator. A copy of job descriptions will be available soon, that will help us to know who to go to for help in certain areas.
We did receive a Grant and there is work in progress. We have just 7 months to make this happen so we can reapply for the Grant again next year. The aim is to attract and support younger artists in the 18 to 30 year old age group. We have an opportunity to support a group that is planning a trip to Southern California. After a lot of discussion, Teresa made the motion to contribute $150 to the SFAC in support of the Grant. Diane seconded the motion and it was passed.
Old Business: Patty gave us an update on her reapplying for the tax exemption status. It is slow but coming along as she works with the Franchise Tax Board.
New Business:
Newsletter editor: Patty gave a report on the resigning of our Newsletter Editor, Phawnda Moore. With Gail Jones and “David Petersons help”, the new heading with the WASH logo was completed in time for the newsletter deadline. We are now looking for a person to fill the spot of Newsletter Editor. Several names were suggested and Patty plans to make some calls. In a case like this one, the president appoints a new person to take on the job until we hold our elections in the fall.
Committee appointments: We need to have a Nomination Committee for next year and we are going to have an early start this year. Patty has appointed Joyce as Chairperson from our WASH Board and Rebecca has been appointed from the general membership and we will need another person from the general membership. We also need to consider appointing a Standing Bylaws Revision Committee. One item that needs to be looked at is our fiscal year begins February 1 and ends January 31. If anyone on the Board is interested in being on the committee let Patty know.
Online Show Entry Report and Recommendations: Rose gave us printed materials to look over. One was financial over-view, and the other was pros and cons of using an online show entry system instead of doing it manually. The discussion was good and Rose answered many questions. Rose made a motion and Sally seconded the motion to go ahead and work towards using “Online Juried Shows” in the near future and to charge $25 for the first painting and $10 for each additional painting (up to five paintings). It will be up to the Show Committee to decide when to use the online entry and to decide if they will accept shipped paintings or only hand delivered. The Board voted and it was passed. Members Show 2016: Patty brought to our attention that a change of dates has been made by the SFAC for the 2016 WASH Members Show. The new dates are April 26 to May 14, 2016. The second Saturday would be on May 14. There was discussion on having the Second Saturday Reception on the same night of taking down the show, or having the reception on an earlier Saturday. It was decided by the Board to let the Show Committee make the decision when to have the reception. 2015 Members Show: Teresa reported the 2015 Spring Members show went very well. The income was $1,492 and with the expenses $1,447.46 there was a profit of $44.54. There were 4 paintings sold during the show.
WASH Board Members Reports:
Workshop: Joyce reported that Sonja Hamilton will give a workshop on November 21, 2015.
Membership: Sally reported we now have 124 members.
Program: Diane reported that Stephaney Nickel will be our demonstrator for our General meeting on May 11. Stephany will present a harmony wheel and also demonstrate varnishing water media. David Peterson will be our program presenter on June 8, in the evening.
Webmaster: Gail reported the slide show from the Second Saturday is still up and will be moved into past events page when information comes up for the Open show.
Scholarship: Jo is traveling so in her absence Rebecca reminded us of a Georgia O’Keeffe Print. There was discussion on what to do with the large poster. The Board decided to have a raffle at the June general meeting, each raffle ticket for $5. The poster will be the single item for the raffle and the money will go towards the High School Scholarship for 2016.
Rebecca reminded the Board that we always donate $100 toward the Magnum Opus show. Sally made a motion to make the donation and Teresa seconded the motion. The motion passed.
The next meeting will be May 27 at 1:00.
Meeting adjourned at 3:00.
Submitted by Phyllis Barrette, Secretary