Graduate Fall 2008
Professional Development Code: ADE 7081001
- ELAD 6053 Planning & Resource Allocation
B.Professor:Steve Bounds
Office-Chickasaw 445
Address—P.O. Box 14850
State University, AR72467
- Primary Text:
Thompson, David C. & R. Craig Wood. Money & Schools (3nd Edition).
Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education, 2005.
American Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (Fifth Edition).Washington, D.C.:
American Psychological Association, 2001.
- Assigned Readings:
ELCC Standards
Additional readings for each session located on Blackboard in Assignments.
- The focus of this course is to prepare educational leaders with skills
and experiences to promote the success of all students through anunderstanding of the relationship between money and student achievement and to provide a broad overview of funding concepts and daily funding operations.
- This course is a requirement for the MSE in Educational Leadership.
- Course objectives are as follows:
- To understand financial management (e.g., budgeting, planning, account auditing, monitoring, cash flow management, and financial forecasting).
- To understand the development of the school building budget and its specific implications for the school.
- To understand how to involve staff and representative members of the community in the development of school budget priorities and the effective utilization of school personnel and available resources.
- To understand how to plan, prepare, and justify the school budget in accordance with district budgeting and state procedures.
- To become familiar with the school site budget and expenditure reports and the state and district financial management system utilized by the district and state.
6. To apply and assess current technologies for school management,
business procedures, and scheduling.
A.ELCC (Educational Leadership Constituent Council) Standards for
Advanced Programs in Educational Leadership for Principals, Curriculum Directors, and Supervisors
1.1.3. b Develop plans and processes for implementing the vision (e.g.,
articulating the vision and related goals, encouraging challenging standards, facilitating collegiality and teamwork, structuring significant work, ensuring appropriate use of student assessments, providing autonomy, supporting innovation, delegating responsibility, developing leadership in
others and securing needed resources.
1.5a Demonstrate the ability to involve community members in the
realization of the vision and in related school improvement
1.5. b Acquire and demonstrate the skills needed to communicate
effectively with all stakeholders about implementation of the
2.2.c Demonstrate the ability to use and promote technology and
information systems to enrich curriculum and instruction, to
monitor instructional practices and provide staff the assistance
needed for improvement.
3.1.bDevelop plans of action for focusing on effective organization and management of fiscal, human, and material resources, givingpriority to student learning, safety, curriculum, and instruction.
3.1.c Demonstrate an ability to manage time effectively and deploy
financial and human resources in ways that promote student
3.2.a Demonstrate the ability to involve staff in conducting operations
and setting priorities using appropriate and effective needs
assessment, research-based data, and group process skills to
build consensus, communicate, and resolve conflicts in order to
align resources with the organizational vision.
3.2.cDemonstrate an understanding of how to apply legal principles to promote educational equity and provide safe, effective, and efficient facilities.
3.3.a Use problem-solving skills and knowledge of strategic, long-
range, and operational planning (including applications of
technology) in the effective, legal, and equitable use of fiscal,
human, and material resource allocation and alignment that
focuses on teaching and learning.
3.3.b Creatively seeks new resources to facilitate learning.
3.3.c Apply and assess current technologies for school management,
business procedures, and scheduling.
4.1.f Demonstrate the ability to involve families and other
stakeholders in school decision-making processes, reflecting an
understanding that schools are an integral part of the larger
4.3.c Demonstrate an understanding of ways to use public resources
and funds appropriately and effectively to encourage
communities to provide new resources to address emerging
student problems.
5.3.a Make and explain decisions based upon ethical and legal
6.1.d Demonstrate an understanding of the policies, laws, and
regulations enacted by local, state, and federal authorities that
affect schools, especially those that might improve educational
and social opportunities.
- Diversity Related ELCC Standards
3.1.a Demonstrate the ability to optimize the learning environment
for all students by applying appropriate models and principals of
organizational development and management, including
research and data driven decision-making with attention to
indicators of equity, effectiveness, and efficiency.
4.2aDemonstrate involvement within the community, including
interactions with individuals and groups with conflicting
4.2cProvide leadership to programs serving students with special
and exceptional needs.
6.1.e Demonstrate the ability to describe the economic factors
shaping a local community and the effects economic factors
have on local schools.
6.2.b Apply understanding of the larger political, social, economic,
legal, and cultural context to develop activities and policies that
benefit students and their families.
- Arkansas Standards by Code Number (For the complete wording of each code, go to
ArkansasBuilding Administrator Standards (ABAS)
1.K1, 1.K5, 1.K7, 1.K11, 1.D1, 1.D3, 1.P1, 1.P7, 1.P.14, 1.P.15, 2.K.1, 2.K.4, 2.K.7, 2.K.8, 2.K.10, 2.K.11, 2.K.13, 2.K.14, 2.K.17, 2.D.1, 2.D.3, 2.P.3, 2.P.4, 2.P.5, 2.P.6, 2.P.7, 2.P.10, 2.P.11, 3.D.10, 3.D.5, 3.P6, 5.K.4, 5.P.8, 5.P.9, 6.K.1,
- Technology Standards for School Administrators
I.D. Uses data to drive leadership decisions.
III.AModels the routine, intentional, and effective use of technology.
III.BEmploys technology for communication and collaboration
among peers, staff, parents, and the larger community.
III.DEngages in sustained, job-related professional learning using
technology resources.
IV.BImplement and use integrated technology-based management and
operations systems.
IV.CAllocates financial and human resources to ensure full implementation of the technology plan.
IV.DIntegrates strategic plans, technology plans, other improvement plans, and policies to align efforts and leverage resources.
V.DUses technology to assess and evaluate managerial and operational systems.
VI.AEnsures equity and access to technology resources that enable and empower all learners.
- Online Class Discussion-Each session questions or discussion topics will be posted related to the textbook and/or assigned readings. The student will log on the course on-line discussion forum and engage in an interactive exchange. The goal is to respond to the questions/discussion topics and to engage other students in a reflection practice and allow each student to be actively involved in the class. (35 points possible-highest 7 out of 8 scores)
- Case Study Analysis-The student will respond to questions related to the scenarios where the student will apply the information learned to a real-life situation faced by a school leader. No discussion is required. (21 points possible-highest 7 out of 8 scores)
- Field-Based Activities-The student will complete at least 30 clock hours of internship activities and maintain a log accounting for the time actually spent to perform the field based activities listed below. These field based activities are to be included in the professional portfolio.
Community Survey on School Funding & Allocation of Resources
Interview (face-to-face) six taxpayers in your school community regarding their attitudes and understanding of school funding and how schools spend money. A pool of questions for the community survey will be developed by participants in the course (see attachment A). Select persons (living in the same district) who might have conflicting opinions and represent diversity in age groups, race, socioeconomic, occupations, etc.; for example, a businessperson, a parent of younger children, a retired person living on a limited income, etc. Describe each participate (do not use their names) and tell why you included them in the survey. Complete and submit Attachment B to show diversity of the interviewees.
Submit a summarized written report of your findings (try to limit to no more than 8 double spaced pages). Include a reflection on the findings and recommendations to the school board for improving collaboratiion with the community and way to inform the community in regards to how the school obtains funds and allocates resources.
ELCC Standards: 1.5.b, 4.1.f, 6.1.e. (25 points-see Attachment C for rubric)
D. District & School Building Budgeting and Expenditures Report
Obtain a copy of your school district budget and identify the relative contribution of federal, state, and local units of government.
Interview the district’s superintendent and/or chief fiscal officer to learn his/her opinions regarding the following areas:
- state aid formula
- how the district obtains its money
- the general strengths and weaknesses of district funding
- budgetary changes that have taken place in the last few years
- administrative responsibility
- guidelines for budgeting and spending for principals
- training required or provided for principals
- other major needs or concerns that the finance office requires of the principal
- the accounting system required by the state
- the effect the use of computers has on school district accounting and budgeting practices
- the overall process of estimating revenues and expenditures
- the involvement of employees and the school board in the budget process
Obtain a copy of the school building budget and interview the school principal and the individual responsible for financial management to determine the following:
- how the principal is involved in the budgeting process
- the extent of the principal’s involvement
- frustrations regarding the budget
- ways to improve the budget planning process
- how the principal involves the building staff and/or parents
- how requests from faculty are prioritized when expenditures exceed budget allocations
- building responsibilities for the Arkansas Public School Computer Networking System
- principal’s responsibilities for the financial management and the student management aspects of ASPCN
Submit asummarized written report of your findings (try to limit to no more than 10 double spaced pages). Include your assessment of the level of collaboration and involvement at the district and building level. Make recommendations for the building principal for involving faculty and parents in the establishing the building budget.
ELCC Standards 3.2.a, 3.3.c. (25 points-see attachment D for rubric.)
E.Budgetary Proposal for New Classroom
As the principal or program director in your school, develop a formal proposal and budget to add a new class in your school. This proposal will be presented to the superintendent and the school board for their approval. The class will be housed in an existing empty classroom in your school.
- Background information:
- Name of proposed class
- Purpose for the new class
- Justification for why it is needed in your school
- Relationship of the new class to the mission of your school
- Students to be served by the class—number of students and age/grade levels
- Information about the teacher and other personnel to staff the classroom
- Licensure and other requirements
- Salary (according to your district salary scale) based on years experience and educational level
- Cost of fixed charges, including benefits
A copy of the salary scale for your district should be attached.
- Itemized listing of furnishings & equipment (non-consumable):
- Desks & Chairs (teacher & Students)
- Computers
- File Cabinets
- Other non-consumable items
- Itemized listing of textbooks and other instructional materials
- Textbooks
- Consumable materials & supplies
- Other instructional materials
- Other startup costs
- Total budget by category (include shipping charges and taxes)
- Personnel
- Furnishings & Equipment
- Textbooks and Instructional Materials
- Other (be specific)
Purchase orders to specific vendors should be prepared for the furniture, equipment, textbooks, instructional supplies and any other products purchased for the new classroom.
(25 points-see attachment E for rubric.)
Session 1Schools, Values, and Money-The Context of Public Education; What Public Schools are Becoming; Where Public Schools may be Headed; the Scope of Education Finance in America; Relationship of Education and
Economics Related; the Structure of School Governance
Session 2Federal, State, and Local Support for Schools; Adequate and Equitable Funding for Schools; Serving Economics, Equality Productivity, & Liberty
Session 3Basic Funding Structures; Revenue for Schools; Federal, State, & Local Tax Systems; State Aid Formulas & State Funding
Part Two: Operationalizing School Money
Session 4Accountability & Professionalism; Fiduciary Responsibilities; Accounting Processes; School Budget Allocation; TrackingSchool Money
Session 5Budget Planning-Conceptualizing Budtgets; Organizating for Budgeting; Constructing Budgets; Role of Stakeholders
Session 6Budgeting for Personnel-The Personnel Function; Personnel Compensation Policies & Procedures; Issues of Personnel Budgeting
Session 7Budgeting for Instruction-Instructional Planning; Organizational Options; Site Based Management; Sources of Revenue for Instructional Budgets
Budgeting for Student Activities-Role of Student Activities, Activity Funds; Controls on Activity Funds; Activity Fund Reports
Session 8Site-Based Leadership-The Site Concept; Framework for Implementation; Role of the Principal; Budget Issues
- Instructional methods-Web based instruction with class discussions/debates, cooperative learning, case studies, papers, and field-based activities are employed to increase learning and accommodate a variety of learning styles.
- Students are required to access Blackboard to check for announcements, retrieve course documents, and participate in on-line discussions and assignments (TASS standard III.B).
- Students are required to complete 30 clock hours of internship activities that are concomitant to course assignments.
- Students are required to use word processing and APA Publication Manual, 5th Edition to prepare the course papers. (See all rubrics in course documents.)
- Students are required to utilize LiveText for portfolio construction.
- Flexibility Clause: Circumstances may arise which will prevent us from fulfilling each and every component of this syllabus. Therefore, the syllabus is subject to change. However, you will be notified of any changes that occur prior to any due date for assignments.
- Academic Conduct: All acts of dishonesty in any work constitute academic misconduct. The academic disciplinary policy will be followed, as indicated in the ASU Student Participant Handbook, in the event of academic misconduct. Students should familiarize themselves with the handbook and especially the policy pertaining to plagiarism.
In face-to-face and/or compressed video network classes:
- Cell phones and pages must be turned off unless arrangements have been made with the professor.
- Food and drinks are not allowed in class.
If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share, or if you need special arrangements, please notify the professor ASAP.
Questions for Community Survey
Select from these questions to ask the interviewees. You do not have to ask all of the questions and you can modify or add questions. All of the interviewees should live in the same district. (Remember, most of the people in your community do not know specific details unless they are closely involved with the school district. Don’t expect them to deal in specifics.)
- Students are often given the grades A, B, C, D, or FAIL to denote the quality of their work. Suppose the public schools themselves, in your community, were graded in the same way. What grade would you give your community’s public schools —A, B, C, D, or FAIL? Why?
- How about the public schools in the nation as a whole? What grade would you give the public schools nationally—A, B, C, D, or FAIL? Why
- Is the grade you give to the public schools in the nation as a whole based mainly on your own experience, on what you've learned from friends and family, or on what you've seen and heard on television or radio, in newspapers, or other things you have read?
- In your opinion, how much does the amount of money spent on a public school student's education affect the quality of his or her education—a great deal, quite a lot, not too much, or not at all?
- Do you know how much money your school spends to educate the children in your district? Do you know the current millage rate?
- Here is a short list of possible changes that could cost more money and require additional tax dollars. Please tell me if you would favor or oppose making each of the following changes in your community to improve your public schools. Do you (favor/oppose) strongly or not strongly?
(a) Paying teachers more
(b) Placing more computers in classroom
(c) Reducing class sizes
(d) Fixing run-down schools
(e) Adding more security at schools
(f) Adding or upgrading gyms or other athletic facilities
(g) Adding or upgrading space for band, choir, drama, and visual arts
- To pay for this/these change(s), would you be willing to raise your taxes each year by... $500? $200? $100? not willing to raise taxes
- Do you think all extra curricular activities should be funded by the school?
- Do you think that the amount of money that goes to education in your state should or should not be the same for all students, even if it means taking funding from some wealthy school districts and giving it to poor districts?
- Should wealthy school districts be allowed to spend as much as they want on their schools, or should their spending be capped so that poor districts are not left behind?
- How do you think schools in poor communities should be funded?
- Do you favor or oppose the government offering parents money or "vouchers" to send their children to private or religious schools, or public schools outside their district?
- (Answer only if the interviewee favors vouchers) Would you still favor this if it meant there would be less money for public schools in your area?
- Do you believe our school operates with a budget that properly funds each student’s schooling?
- What is your understanding of how schools receive money for operations & payment of debts?
- What can you do as a taxpayer to ensure that public funds are used to benefit children?
- Does your school communicate with the public about how they are spending the money that is available to them? How?
- Do you believe that faculty, parents, and the community should have input on how the school budgets and spends the monies provided by taxpayers?
- What suggestions do you have for the school district that you believe could be a better use of the funds available to the school?
- What changes would you make in your district and how your district spends money?
- Should the school publish a listing of all checks written monthly on the school website along with all monies received during the month?
- In light of recent fuel price increases which have caused almost everything to increase in price, how should the school adjust its budget to account for these increases? Ask for a local tax increase? Cut extracurricular activities? Go to a 4-day, 8-hour school week? Others?