• This report must be completed and signed by the Contact person
  • Please complete the report using a typewriter or computer
  • Please expand the paragraphs as necessary.
  • Please refer to the Special Conditions of your grant contract and send one copy of the report to each address mentioned
  • The Contracting Authority will reject any incomplete or badly completed reports.
  • The answer to all questions must cover the reporting period as specified in point 1.6
  1. Description

1.1.Name of beneficiary of grant contract:

1.2.Name and title of the Contact person :

1.3.Name of partners in the Action:

1.4.Title of the Action:

1.5.Contract number:

1.6.Start date and end date of the reporting period:

1.7.Target area(s):

1.8.Final beneficiaries &/or target groups[1] (if different) (including numbers of women and men):

  1. Current implementation status of the Action: Assessment of activities, results, specific objectives and overall objective

2.1. Activities and related results

Please list all the activities and related results in line with Annex 1 of the contract during the reporting period.Please give quantitative and qualitative information if possible.

A) Major activities undertaken as well as related results (as compared to the implementation schedule)
Activity X:
Topics/activities covered <please elaborate>:
Related results of this activity <please quantify results where possible; refer to the various assumptions of the Logframe>:
Activity Y:
Topics/activities covered <please elaborate>:
Related results of this activity <please quantify results where possible; refer to the various assumptions of the Logframe>:
B)Current and anticipated problems in implementing activities
Please appraise compliance/non-compliance with the time schedule and any deviations from the project proposal, and state reasons. In case of modification of planned activities (e.g. delay, cancellation, postponement of activities) please elaborate on implemented/planned remedial actions.
C)Planned major activities and schedule for the next reporting period (next three months)

2.2 Results, specific objectives andoverall objective

Please refer to specified results, specific and overall objectives in line with Annex 1 of the contract during the reporting period. Please give quantitative and qualitative information if possible.

A) Summaryof the current status of project’s results, specific objectives andoverall objective(against indicators and elaborating on sources of verification; see Log frame).
Results indicators:
Specific Objectives:
Specific Objectives Indicators:
Overall objective (only if applicable at this stage):
Overall Objective Indicator:
B)Assessment of thecurrent status of the project (written summary) :
  1. Expenditure against Budget subheads

Please include excel table here which shows expenditure to date against each budget heading for the reporting period in question.


Report submitted:

Name and title of the contact person for the Action: ……………………………………………

Signature and stamp: ………………………………………

Location: ………………………………………

Date report due: ……………………..…………

Date report sent: ……………………………….

Report Approved By:

Date / Signature
Monitoring officer (PISU) / Name
Finance Department / Name
Project Management Unit (PMU) / Name

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Annex XI_en.doc

[1]“Target groups” are the groups/entities who will be directly positively affected by the project at the Project Purpose level, and “final beneficiaries” are those who will benefit from the project in the long term at the level of the society or sector at large.