Deneholm Primary School Prospectus2016-17
Headteacher Mrs S Basnett
Chair of Governors Mr A Van Lancker
Telephone 01375 373405
Thank youfor your interest in our school. As a team we constantly strive to achieve the very best for the children here.
This prospectus aims to give you a picture of Deneholm Primary School and give you an idea of how your child will be educated, as well as the opportunities and facilities available.
Governing Body
Our Governing Body is responsible for the running of the school. The Governors bring a breadth of interest, experience and expertise and play a full part in the life of the school. We currently have a Governing Body made up of staff, members from the Local Education Authority, parents and other members of the community with an interest in the school. Occasionallythere may be a vacancy for a parent or individual from the community which would be advertised to parents. Nominations would be requested and in the event of more than one nomination the parents would be asked to vote. No previous experience or qualifications are required and governors give their time voluntarily, providing a commitment to help to raise standards in our school. Further information can be obtained from the school or Thurrock Local Education Authority.
Visits To The School
If you would like to visit the school, an appointment can be made with the Headteacher who will be pleased to meet you, show you round the school, provide you with further information and answer any questions you may have. Prospective parents wishing to visit the school should phone to make an appointment. Please call the school office on 01375 373405.
We pride ourselves on having an Open Door policy. Parents of children already in school are also encouraged to come into school to speak with the class teacher, Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher if they have any queries or concerns.
Admission Arrangements
Pupil admissions are organised by the admissions department of Thurrock Education Authority. The Admissions Procedure is clearly explained in the Information For Parents booklet that is published each autumn term by the Local Education Authority. All applications should be made to the Education Office. In the case of an application being refused, an appeal process is in place.
If you are looking for a school place for an older child, please contact Thurrock Admissions to establish if there any spaces in the appropriate year group.
All pupilsstart school in the autumn term of the academic year in which they have their fifth birthday. Initially they start school part time, building up to full time by the end of September. We hold an open time for parents / carers considering a place for their child in our reception classes. This open time takes place in the autumn term and provides an opportunity to meet some of our children, staff and governors. Details will be available on our website.
Ethos and Values
It is our aim that pupils at Deneholm will develop a love of learning and become literate and numerate. They will become independent, have a positive selfimage and demonstrate respect, consideration and understanding for others, enabling them, as citizens, to make a valued contribution to the community in which they live.
Learning Skills
We focus on the children developing skills for learning as we believe these are essential skills for life. We teach these skills explicitly then positively identify and value them as they develop.
We recognise 5 key elements as being essential to personal, educational and spiritual awareness and growth:
- Resourcefulness We make good choices for ourselves
- Resilience We know working can be a challenge but we stick at it
- Reasoning We reason things through, checking our thinking
- Responsibility We are responsible for ourselves, others and our environment
- Reflection When we do something, we always reflect on what we have learned and what we could do differently
Pastoral Care
The class teacher, who knows each child well, is responsible for the care of children in the class. Children are encouraged to share any problems with their class teacher with particular issues being referred to the
Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher. If parents feel there is a problem,
we are always willing to discuss it and work together for a solution. The school places considerable emphasis on creating a happy and caring environment for everyone.
The school has a clear responsibility for the welfare and well being of all our pupils. The school has clear, written Child Protection procedures which are followed when concerns arise. Regular staff training takes place.
The School
Deneholm Primary School is a two form entry school. Our published admission number each year is 60 and children work in single aged classes of 30 pupils.
The school, which is situated in a residential area on the northern outskirts of Grays, was built in 1937. The main school building is of wooden construction, giving a ‘traditional’ feel.
We have fourteen classrooms [three of which are demountables], a hall, an ICT suite, a library, a learning support room, an intervention room, a kitchen, a dining hall, a disabled toilet and shower, offices and a staffroom. All classrooms have direct access to playground areas and are equipped with Interactive Whiteboards. Outside, there is a large playing field and hard surface play areas with adventure trim trails and sports pitches. There is a fenced Early Years playground with a canopy to allow all-weather outdoor play.
Children spend seven years in primary school and each age group is classified as follows:
4-5 years old Foundation Stage [Reception]
5-6 years old Year One [Year1]
6-7 years old Year Two [Year2]
7-8 years old Year Three [Year3]
8-9 years old Year Four [Year4]
9-10 years old Year Five [Year5]
10-11 years old Year Six [Year6]
Children are taught in mixed ability classes according to their age. Within each class, pupils are taught individually, as a group, or as a whole class always according to their needs and abilities. The class teacher is responsible for overseeing the curriculum for the class, including most of the teaching but the children may work with other teachers or teaching assistants during the day.There are two classes in each year group.
Classes are kept as balanced as possible. As appropriate, at the beginning of each academic year, pupils may be changed into the other class in their
year group to ensure the best working mix.
Staffwork hard to ensure that the children at Deneholm receive a broad, balanced, and creative curriculum which engages them and stimulates their learning.
As a primary school we educate children aged from 4 – 11 covering the Foundation Stage, Key stage 1 and Key stage 2.
Foundation Stage Reception Classes [4-5 year olds]
Children in Reception classes follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum which underpins all future learning by supporting, fostering and promoting children’s development. The Foundation Stage makes a crucial contribution to children’s early development and learning. We provide children with a rich variety of teaching and learning experiences that are appropriate to their needs. The Foundation Stage is about developing key learning skills; such as listening, speaking, concentrating, persistence and learning to work and co-operate with others. The six areas of learning that make up the Foundation Stage Curriculum are:
- Communication and Language
- Physical
- Personal, Social and Emotional
- Literacy
- Maths
- Understanding Of The World
- Creative
The outdoor environment is also an important part of the Foundation Stage curriculum. As such, it is carefully planned for and used all day.
Key Stage 1 [ages 5-7] Infants
Key Stage 2 [ages 8-11]Juniors
The core curriculum at Key Stages 1 and 2 comprises of:
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Computing
As part of the National curriculum, children also study the following Foundation Subjects:
- Art and Design
- Design and Technology [ DT]
- History
- Geography
- Music
- Physical Education
- Personal Social, Health and Citizenship Education
- French predominantly in Key Stage 2
Each child receives a broad and balanced curriculum that is differentiated and takes account of the differing needs and abilities of individuals. As a school we pay particular attention to the acquisition of the basic skills of reading, writing and mathematics, which we regard as the essential building blocks for all future learning. Literacy, Numeracy and Science are taught as separate subjects. Other subjects will be taught through a Creative Curriculum, a new, exciting integrated curriculum to inspire and engage pupils and develop cross curricular skills to prepare them for life in the 21st century.
Religious Education
Non-denominational Religious Education is provided for all children as part of the Curriculum. Assembly is an important part of the school day. Assemblies can be whole school, key stage, or held in individual classes. It is a time when we place emphasis on the development of values and attitudes towards each other and the world around us. Assemblies are non-denominational and although they are of a broadly Christian nature due consideration is given to the multicultural society in which we live.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education and collective worship should they so wish. If parents do not wish their child to be taught the agreed syllabus or take part in short acts of collective worship then they should contact the Headteacher. Their child can then be excused and suitable alternative arrangements made.
Inclusive Provision
The school has an inclusive curriculum, which enables all children to access learning. It is our aim that every child has access to a meaningful, broad and balanced curriculum. This is an entitlement regardless of varying starting points, life experiences or abilities and difficulties. It will be obtained through a differentiated curriculum, building on what is known, to ensure continuity, progression and high self esteem.
Everyone in the school community has a positive and active part to play in achieving this aim.
Governors are required to fulfil their statutory duties to pupils with SEN and secure appropriate resources.
Pupils must take ownership of their learning, be actively involved in reviewing their needs and treat their peers with respect.
Parents, by being consulted on the needs of their child, and by working in partnership with the school, help pupils to meet their aims.
School Staff, by following the 2002 Code of Practice are responsible for planning learning objectives, delivering the teaching programme and assessing outcomes.
Within each class work is differentiated to suit the needs of each individual child.
Assessments ensure the needs of children of all abilities are met. Specialist provision is made where necessary. Inclusive provision includes children with learning difficulties, sensory impairment, physical difficulties, behavioural and emotional problems as well as meeting the needs of gifted and talented pupils.
Children With Special Educational Needs
For the identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs, the school follows the Code of Practice laid down by the Department for Education. In the first instance, we assess the nature and extent of a child’s needs. In the normal course of events, these will be catered for by differentiating the curriculum to enable the child to learn at his/her own pace. At later stages the class teacher and Special Educational Needs Coordinator[SENCO] may liaiseand receive support from outside agencies such as Speech Therapists and Educational Psychologists. Parents are fully consulted and encouraged to actively participate at all stages.
Parents of children with Special Educational Needs,on entry to school, will discuss with the Headteacher how their child can best be integrated into school. Outside agencies will be contacted for advice and support as necessary.
The school building is one storey with disabled access. The building also has a toilet and shower for the use of disabled pupils.
Sex Education
Sex Education is included as part of the personal and social education of
the children. It is taught as part of the Science curriculum and is presented in the context of family life in a moral framework. It is not taught in isolation, taken out of context or over-emphasised. A specific Sex Education programme will be provided for upper key stage 2 pupils.
Close liaison with parents takesplace before the introduction of the programme. Parents will have the opportunity to see all the materials that are to be used. Any parent wishing to withdraw their child from Sex Education lessons should contact the Headteacher.
Home Learning
Home learning complimentsand enriches the learning taking place in class. Homework is set for all pupils, the amount increasing with the age of the child. Children throughout the school are encouraged to read at home on a daily basis and ask that this is recorded in their learning log. If children talk about what they have done or experience at school, we would ask parents to encourage that interest. Details of the homework policy are contained in the school’s Home / School Agreement which parents are required to sign. We ask for the co-operation of parents in all these matters.
Learning Outside The Classroom
The school provides a variety of opportunities for learning to take place outside the classroom. These learning opportunities take the form of visitors, in-house performances, educational and residential visits. Educational visits play an important part in children’s learning and take place on a regular basis. They are designed to support the curriculum, promote independence and confidence and develop social skills.
Charging And Remissions Policy
Parents are asked to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of Educational Visits.
No child will be penalised by a parent or carer’s inability to pay but neither Local nor Central Government finance visits and if the cost of the visit cannot be recovered then the visit will not take place.
Equal Opportunities
We ensure that all individuals are entitled to learn, teach or work in a non-threatening and supportive environment in which selfesteem is
enhanced. Discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion, gender,
disability or home circumstances is not tolerated at Deneholm Primary school.
Extra Curricular Activities
We offer a range of extra curricular activities. During the last academic
year activities have included Reading, Art, Infant and Junior Choir, Lunchtime Activities Club, Cricket, Football, Karate, Dance, Athletics, Gardening, Music Tuition,Netball and Multi Sports. There is a small charge for the clubs and children are expected to make a commitment to the activity and attend regularly.
A timetable for extra-curricular activities will be published at the beginning of each term.
School Hours
School begins with a bell at 8.45am.
Breaktime is from 10-15am – 10.30am.
Lunchtime is from 11.55am – 12.55pm on Wednesdays and from 12.05pm to 12.55pm on all other days
Registration is held at the beginning of each session.
It is important that your child arrives punctually and is ready to enter their class at 8.45am. Lateness causes distress for the child and disruption to learning. Parents are responsible for their children on the school site until 8.45am.Children should not arrive on the school site until 8.40am. If you change your normal arrangements for having your child delivered to, or picked up from, school, please let us know as soon as possible. We do not allow any child to go home with a sibling or another child without you giving prior written permission.
Children are not supervised before 8.45am or after 3-15pm except in cases of emergency. Failure to collect your child will result in your child being taken to After School Club [for which there will be a charge] and may result in the school contacting outside agencies.
Children going home for lunch should not return before 12.55pm.
Outdoor Apparatus
Outdoor apparatus should only be used by Deneholm pupils in supervised sessions during the school day. Apparatus should not be used by anyone before or after school and the school accepts no responsibility for injuries incurred during unauthorised use.
Delivery To And Collection From School
For health and safety reasons we request that, unless absolutely necessary, you avoid bringing your child to school by car. The roads around the school get extremely congested and, therefore, can cause a danger for both children and parents. If parents avoid driving into
Culford Road when delivering or collecting their children, dangerous congestion will be prevented. If you have to drive your child to school, we would ask you to park in the car park at Blackshots Leisure Centre or in a road further away from the school. Parents should never drive into the staff car park.
It is vital for your child’s educational development that he/she attends school regularly. Thurrock Council wishes to take a strong lead in discouraging families from taking children out of school in term time.
Facts from the Local Authority:
- Most children should attend 97% or more of the time. This is the same as having 6 days off a year. But 100% is achievable and is achieved by many.
- 90% attendance is the same as having a day off every 2 weeks.
- 80% attendance is the same as having a day off every week.
- If you take a 2 week holiday in term time your child’s attendance will be less than 95%.
- The law says that all children should be in full time education. Keeping children off school without good reason is a criminal offence.
Please note that, legally, the Education Welfare Officer has to follow up frequent absences/lateness and, as a school, we have a duty to report any absence concerns to the Education Welfare Officer.
If illness prevents your child attending school it is important that you notify the school. Guidelines issued byThe Health Protection Agency require children to stay off school for 48hours if they have diarrhoea and vomiting. Please advise us by telephone on the morning of the first day of absence, as soon as possible after 8.15am when the school office opens, and by 8.45am at the latest. Please continue to advise us on subsequent mornings if the absence continues. If we do not hear from you, the school will telephone to find out why your child is not at school.