Cyngor Cymuned Llywel Community Council
Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday,
20th April 2017
at 7.30 in the Committee Room of Trecastle Community Centre
- Members Present :
Bernard Attkins (chairman), Dave Howells, Sheila Davies, Cllr Evan Morgan, Wynne Pugh, Gareth Davies PCSO Jason Hawkins, Mrs J Davies (clerk)
- Apologies:
Caroline Morgan , Kerry Baverstock,
- Approval of minutes: The minutes for the 16th March 2017 meeting were accepted as a true record of the business of the meeting and were therefore signed by the chairman. Proposed by Cllr Dave Howells and seconded by Cllr Bernard Attkins.
- PCSO Jason Hawkins-
No news to report. Asked if Cllr Dave Howells had been on speed watch. Cllr Dave Howells noted met once as a group , he would send an email and get group together over next few weeks. Cllr Evan Morgan asked any update on gates missing in Crai – PCSO Jason Hawkins noted he would find out and update all.
- Planning : – none
- Highways: i. Cllr Gareth Davies noted job had been listed for Cwmwysg Chapel and road signs had been put up stating ‘ramp’.
ii. Cllr Wynne Pugh noted the road under Portis was in decline . Clerk to write and inform council.
- Hall Transfer - Asset transfer has been confirmed. Awaiting agreement between Community Council and the Hall to be drawn up. Cllr Bernard Attkins noted he would chase.
- Buses – clerk received a letter from Ian Thomas Brecon Beacons National Parks Tourism Ambassador with new suggestions to be looked into. Cllr Dave Howells chaired a recent meeting with Kirsty Williams and Mr John Forsey Powys Transport Officer . Very well attended and a lot of good suggestions taken back eg Swansea bus to loop via Trecastle , Taxi looked at between Community Council , Powys and those using. Kirsty Williams also looking into local companies helping with bus service.
- Election – uncontested. Clerk to advertise posts for Traianmawr and Traianglas after May AGM.
- Correspondence –
i) Powys Age Admissions for schools posters.
ii) The good Councillors guide.
iii) One Voice Wales – Brecon and Radnor Meeting at the Strand Hall on the 21st April.
iv) HAGS brouchure.
v) Wicksteed playgrounds flyer.
vi) One Voice Wales (email 19.4.17) motions for 2 i017 AGM for consideration to be in by the 30th June.
vii) One Voice Wales (email 19.4.17) social media policy template.
10. Any other Business:
- Cllr Caroline Morgan sent message with regards to fly tipping on the Great Forest Mountain by the furthest grid – laminate flooring hedge strimmers etc. Contact Judith Harvey / Wyn Morgan.
- Cllr Caroline Morgan any news on grass cutting – clerk had no quote to date from Rhys Price. Cllr Caroline Morgan to contact.
- Cllr Gareth Davies noted lots of rubbish being thrown out of cars windows on the road. Cllr Dave Howells said his wife picks up lots on her run.
- Chair and all Councillors present thanked Cllr Evan Morgan for all he had done over the years for the Community and wished him all the best for the future.
Next meeting: The next meeting will be held on the 18th May 2017. The meeting closed at 8.30 pm.
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Cllr Bernard Attkins