Agenda for the East Hanney Parish Council–6thSeptember 2017– 8pm
To Members of the East Hanney Parish Council YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to attend the meeting commencing at 8pm on Wednesday 6thSeptember 2017 to be held in the Old Hanney Room, Hanney War Memorial Hall for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business set out in the following agenda.
Press and members of the public: You are welcome to attend the meeting.
- Apologies for absence.
- Members Declarations of Interest.
- To confirm: The minutes of the meeting held in August 2017(P1 (09.17))
- Update on matters arising from the minutes not otherwise on the agenda.
- To receive: Public Participation Period.
Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation. Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each.
- To receive: reports from District and County Councillors (if available).
- To consider: request for donation from ‘The Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum’.(P2 (09.17))
- To consider: request for donation from the History Group.(P3 (09.17))
- To consider: response to planning applications:
- P17/V2024/FUL and P17/V2025/LB. Proposed conversion of an existing grade 2 listed barn and outbuilding to form a single dwelling vehicular access already provided under adjacent scheme.
Land adjacent to Varlins Halls Lane East Hanney Wantage OX12 0HJ.
- P17/V2077/HH. Variation of condition 7 (arboricultural method) of planning permission P16/V2321/HH to remove the trees and replace with a hedge. Proposed first floor extension.
The Shieling Snuggs Lane East Hanney WANTAGE OX12 0HU.
- P17/V2121/HH. Proposed installation of radio aerial. Waters Edge Berry Lane East Hanney
Wantage OX12 0JB.
- P17/V2149/LB. Proposed conversion of barn to ancillary accommodation. Weir Farm, East
Hanney WANTAGE OX12 0JJ.
- P17/V2271/HH. Form new access and infill the existing access. Varlins Halls Lane East Hanney
Wantage OX12 0HJ
- To consider: response to Informal Consultation to determine the width of part of West Hanney
Byway Open to All Traffic (Cow Lane).(P4 (09.17))
- To receive: update progress with Kings Leases.
- To receive: an update on the Neighbourhood Plan,
- To receive: invoices paid since last meeting and current statement of account(P5 (09.17))
Guy Langton, Clerk to East Hanney Parish Council ()1