Minutes of the AGM of Churches Together in Wellingborough, held on Thursday 21 January 2016 at The Salvation Army
Helen Jennings All Saints’ Church
Revd Melvyn Pereira Gleneagles Church
Alan Palmer Gleneagles Church
Alex Palmer Gleneagles Church
Sarah McSharry Gleneagles Church
Lt Col Roland Sewell Salvation Army
Sgt Major Karen Findlay Salvation Army
Steve Ellson Salvation Army
Tom Haseldine Salvation Army
John Rogers Hope Church
Brian Ely Hope Church
Margaret Walker Hope Church
Christine Thompson All Hallows’ Church
Jan Smart All Hallows’ Church
Steve Starling Shire & Soke Rep (CTNP)
Carol Deamer St Barnabas’ Church
Revd Martha McInnes URC
David Roberts URC
Linda Marriott St Andrew’s Church
Revd Nigel Bibbings Gt Park Street / Kingsway Methodist Churches
Janet Burgoine Mill Road Baptist Church
Alex Lindley Mill Road Baptist Church
Revd Mandy Cuthbertson St Mark’s Church
Martin Taylor St Mark’s Church
Andrew Nelson St Mark’s Church
Gerard Stevenson Catholic Churches
Robert Batley Catholic Churches
Paul Hamilton-Testrote Christ Disciples Faith Ministries
Stella Hamilton-Testrote Christ Disciples Faith Ministries
Peter Riches Quaker
Pastor Easton Russell Open Door Community Church
Revd Angela Palmer New Testament Church of God
Curtis Thompson New Testament Church of God
Robert Chirgwin Nations
Pastor Collins Bempah Jesus Family Cathedral
Hilton Matereke Jesus Family Cathedral
Attendance: 36, representing 19 Churches and Organisations
1. Welcome and opening worship:
Two songs of praise and prayers, led by Chairman Alan.
2. Apologies:
Revd Christine Ostler; Stephen Ostler; Jo Batch; John Wilson; Susan Scott; Peter Short; Revd Michelle Cotton; Doreen Hawes; Lily Gibbard; Revd Duncan Wright; Jean Hinchliffe; Joan Cook; Julia Dunkley; Pam McDowell; Revd Ruth Upton; Denise Barnett; Pat Balment; Paul Adams (18)
Sharon Hollamby and Ann Harrison have stood down as representatives.
3. Minutes from A.G.M. – 22.01.15
The Minutes from the AGM 2015 were accepted as a true record. This was proposed by Margaret Walker, seconded by Helen Jennings, and all agreed.
4. Matters arising - none
5. Reports:
(Some of the reports had been distributed prior to the meeting and some paper copies were available at the meeting. The Secretary will ensure that members receive copies of all the reports submitted.)
Christian Aid – Alan Palmer reported that Christian Aid had been supported for many years and thanked everyone involved for the effort made. In 2014, £4,900 was raised (including Gift Aid), and in 2015 it was £4,732.37 (with Gift Aid it will be £5,012.12).
Daylight Centre – Peter Riches reported that during 2015 the Daylight Centre had nearly 7,000 visitors. Some of them were regulars, coming for meals and to socialise, or for support. They will be put in touch with other agencies, especially regarding benefits. The situation regarding this is getting worse, due to the 7-week delay. Advice is provided, also help with correspondence, and the Daylight Centre can be used as address, if a person is homeless. There are also showers available and wash facilities. Food parcels can be provided. Peter thanked everyone for their donations of food, which is received from Churches, schools, companies (eg Tesco give food away rather than disposing of it). Peter asked for people to become Trustees and to volunteer. He said that there was a need to raise the Centre’s presence in the town and borough, as there are people who do not know about the DLF. He asked to consider prayerfully becoming a Trustee or volunteer.
SWEP (Severe Weather Emergency Protocol)/Homelessness –
Steve Ellson reported that SWEP had been operating for the week prior to the meeting, with 6 or 7 people accessing the provision, 3 or 4 might arrive one evening, then leave again, as they had found somewhere to go. Steve said that the people accessing the provision were different from last year – they had been made homeless rather than being rough sleepers, also there were young people this time (one had been evicted and could not cope). Rough sleepers could be all ages. Revd Nigel told the meeting that he had met a young woman with Lt Col Dawn Sewell, who had come in for several nights, and then was found a room, which will provide a new start for her. The question was asked what the cause could be for the change in clientele and it is likely due to the changes in housing regulations. Revd Martha mentioned that someone who had been sleeping in the porch of the URC has accessed SWEP. Revd Nigel thanked the SWEP volunteers and said that the work of the Salvation Army was appreciated – food on arrival, a bed, and breakfast were provided.
Events Team – Revd Melvyn reported that the team feels more needs to be done to get Churches together, doing more things together to represent the community and diversity. The three Church Leaders’ Breakfast events are not just for Ministers – see the report for details. Ideas for the future are to set regular dates well in advance, to have two other regular events and an annual conference. Revd Melvyn also asked for more Church representatives to join the events team and invited people interested to talk to team members.
Hospitals Ministry – Margaret reported that a Government ruling is affecting the Ministry and that at Rosewood Court it is no longer so easy to hold services – residents need to ask to attend. The Isebrook is now very supportive. A Roman Catholic team is due to join the Hospitals Ministry group and more people are needed. This form of Ministry might be the only one that the people in the hospitals get. Please, see Margaret, if you are interested.
Praise-on-the-Move – Alan reported that this had not taken place during 2015. It used to be held bi-monthly, getting round Churches, worshipping and praying together. People have asked about the next one and a date will be set.
Prayer for Wellingborough – this used to be called Prayer-on-the-Move. It now takes place every second Sunday in the month between 4 and 5 pm at All Hallows Church hall.
Refugees – Brian Ely talked about ‘JungleCare’, which is run t 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXby two Street Pastors. Brian has visited the ‘Jungle’. A major concern has been fires due to use of candles and one solution has been to take wind-up torches at £2 each, with one wind-up lasting half an hour. Sleeping bags and other things have also been taken. Whilst at the ‘Jungle’, the group were moved on. Brian reported that the camps in Dunkirk were even worse – of three sites two had been shut down, but now they were being built up again. The warehouses stocking items were run mostly by English volunteers. The group is going out again on 8/9 February. At Calais containers are now being set up with beds and showers etc. Alan asked what we can do to help and Brian said that clothes are needed in small sizes, also shoes and sleeping bags, but no quilts as they get wet and there is nowhere to dry them. Money donations are best. Information can be found on the internet – junglecare.com
Street Pastors – Brian reported that the Street Pastors have been out every Saturday night since 2012 and more recently every Friday in the month. Some members have been lost, some gained. There are about 30 Street Pastors and some Prayer Pastors providing support either at base or from home. Brian has stepped down as co-ordinator and Joe Chipper has taken this on. Brian is in the process of setting up School Pastors to walk alongside students as they come out from school – a time when they get approached by drug dealers. If students see the team of two or three people there regularly, yer for Wellingborough - , getting round Churches, worshipping and praying together. People have asked about the next one andd. There have ervices - residents istry and that Rosewood Court for instancehe C hurch Leaders'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXthey can learn to trust them and ask questions. This will be started at Sir Christopher Hatton School. To find out more about this work, check out ‘School Pastors’ in other areas on the internet. Street Pastors have become part of the local night time economy. Brian invited members to come out one night and find out more. John Rogers commented that this was a good way of building unity between the Churches on a personal level. There is prayer before the Street Pastors go out, or when something kicks off. There were several members of the team at the AGM. School Pastors will receive training and a uniform. The question was asked what was expected of Prayer Pastors – they arrive at All Hallows Church hall at 10 pm, there is prayer, then the Street Pastors go out. Prayer Pastors pray especially when something happens. Street Pastors come back to base at 1 am for refreshments and finish is at 3 am. The requirement is once a month.
Pastor Easton commented on the need for prayer for Wellingborough. With a population of 75,400 (Borough), it has the highest crime rate in the County. He was concerned, when he heard that a police raid on the Hemmingwell had found live ammunition. He believes that prayer makes a difference. Robert from Nations added that Alan Simmonds, the Police and Crime Commissioner, is a Christian, but that he was standing down in April. His target had been to make Northamptonshire the safest place in Britain. He has done a lot towards this – there have been projects, he set up a special office – Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives, and he as well as Helen Boardman, the director of this office, has asked for prayer. Prayer Pastors can pray for the town, streets, and schools. We need to get every Church to send a representative to Prayer for Wellingborough every month.
Christian Assembly Team 4 Schools (CATS) – there was no representative, but a report had been sent. They continue to go into schools doing Christian assemblies.
Shire & Soke – Steve Starling reported that at the Shire & Soke AGM it was mentioned that they were happy with Wellingborough, as we do a lot, and events mentioned included the Living Advent Calendar (2014). Gill Crow’s post is in the process of being filled. CTIW reduced payment to Shire & Soke following a decision in 2015, as our contribution was disproportionwith Wellingborough, as we do a lot, and events mentioned included the ate. It is now £5 per member Church rather than a percentage of our income. Shire & Soke has changed its name to Churches Together Northamptonshire and Peterborough.
Website (report to be distributed) – Sarah invited members to have a look at the website, which can be enhanced and built on. There are links to individual Churches. Facebook has been set up and Paul called this a good evangelistic tool. Ask to join the group via the website. Paul and Sarah are happy to assist as needed. or
Homelessness (additional information) - Revd Nigel reported that he is a member of both the WBC Housing Forum and the CTIW homelessness working group. As regards direct access emergency accommodation, WBC has identified two properties which may be suitable for compulsory purchase and the Council may transfer them to a Registered or Support Provider. There is a lot of expertise and knowledge through SWEP, the Street Pastors and the Food Bank. Could CTIW take on properties? When Revd Nigel heard about the two properties, he enquired about it and was offered the option as described. It will take some time for the processes to go through and Revd Nigel will be leaving the area in six months. It needs a committee/working group to consider this. The properties would require work and money. WBC is interested in providing a shelter. The suggestion is for the Homelessness group to consider this and bring a proposal. Margaret commented that we should grab the opportunity, as it provides a wonderful chance. Peter added that we will need to look at basics – management, insurance, who takes it on, form a charity, etc? He said that the Daylight Centre had been offered the property next to it, also £1 million, but it needed £2 million spent on it. Lt Col Roland Sewell stated that we should not give an easy way out for WBC to discharge its responsibilities. t would need around it on, form a charity etc? He said that the Daylight Centre had been offered the property next to it, but Food Bank.ulsory purchase and may transfer them to s been set up for Churches to put informatio
6. Chairman’s Report – moved to the end of the agenda
7. Treasurer’s Report:
Jan had submitted accounts as well as a report. She picked up on the question raised at a previous meeting regarding Gift Aid and said that she was due to meet Chris Haynes, treasurer of All Hallows’ and All Saints’ as well as the Deanery, to get advice. It may not be a large amount, but she will try and see what we could get.
8. Election of Officers:
No nominations received. The Executive Committee’s 10 current officers and members are able to remain another year: Chairman Alan Palmer, Secretary Christine Thompson, Treasurer Jan Smart, Brian Ely, Janet Burgoine, Revd Melvyn, Sue Scott, Pastor Easton, Margaret Walker, Steve Starling (representative for Shire & Soke). Alan said that he appreciated their commitment. He then asked whether members would like to join the Executive Committee. We particularly need a Vice-Chairman, as Major Church has moved on. He had served CTIW well over a few years. To the question of who could join, Alan said that the person needed to be a representative of a Church. The Executive meets prior to the full members’ meeting four times a year. If there were no nominations during the AGM, they can be put in prior to the next Executive meeting on 7 March and will be considered then.