Butchers' Wholesale (State) Award
Review of Award pursuant to Section 19 of the Industrial Relations Act 1996.
(No. IRC 752 of 2007)
Before Mr Deputy President Grayson / 24 July 2007REVIEWED AWARD
1. Delete subclause 2.1 of clause 2, Area, Incidence and Duration of the award published 25 January 2001 (321 I.G. 1167) and insert in lieu thereof the following:
2.1 This award is made following a review under section 19 of the Industrial relations Act 1996 and rescinds and replaces the:
Butchers Wholesale (State) Award published January 2001 (321 I.G. 1167) and all variations thereof.
The changes made to the award pursuant to the Award Review pursuant to section 19(6) of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 and Principle 26 of the Principles for Review of Awards made by the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales on 28 April 1999 (310 I.G. 359) take effect on and from 24 July 2007.
2. Delete subclause 2.3 of clause 2, and renumber existing clauses accordingly.
3. Delete in subclause 2.4 of clause 2 the following:
Cargill Foods Australia / Wagga WaggaCowra Abattoir Limited / Cowra
Mudgee Regional Abattoir / Mudgee
Lachley Meats (Forbes) Pty Ltd / Forbes
4. Delete subclause 2.5 of clause 2, and insert in lieu thereof the following:
2.5 This award shall take effect, related to the conditions of workers in this industry, from 24 July 2007.
5. Delete subclause 4.1 of clause 4 Savings Provisions, and renumber existing subclauses 4.2 and 4.3 to read as 4.1 and 4.2.
6. Delete the second paragraph in subclause 12.4 and delete paragraph 12.4.1.
7. Delete subclause 48.1 of clause 48, Accommodation and insert in lieu thereof the following:
48.1 Subject to the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000, each employer shall provide for the use of his/her employees:
Printed by the authority of the Industrial Registrar.