NJ State & Local Preserved Lands
Owned in fee
Attribute: RELATE_IT
Definition: unique parcel code, (county/municipal code - block - lot) where applicableunique code generated by four digit county and municipal code, municipal block number and municipal lot number.
Attribute: BLOCK
Definition: block number from municipality, unique code; municipal block number
Attribute: LOT
Definition: Lot number from Municipality, unique code; municipal lot number
Attribute: NAME
Definition: parcel's official open space nameassigned by Natural and Historic Resources, NJDEP
Attribute: OWNER
Definition: current owner / agency managing the property
Value: FGW Division Fish, Game and Wildlife
Value: NLT Natural Lands Trust
Value: PF Division of Parks and Forestry
Value: PRIVATE/OTHER Private ownership
Value: NJCF/PFNew Jersey Conservation Foundation and/or Parks and Forestry.
Value: Hopewell Twp One example of the many townships listed in attribute table
Value: MercerOne of 21 Counties in attribute table
Value: NJCFNew Jersey Conservation Foundation
Value: TNCThe Nature Conservancy
Value: D & R Greenway or DARGDelaware and Raritan Greenway
Value: Upper Raritan WatershedUpper Raritan Watershed
Value: (many other non Profit agencies listed in attribute table)
Attribute: USE
Definition: Current specific use of property
Value: ANGLER ACCAngler Access
Value: BALLFIELD Ballfield (soccer, baseball, etc)
Value: BEACHBeach
Value: BIKE PATH/TRAIL Bike Path or Bike Trail
Value: CAMPCamp
Value: CEMETERYCemetery
Value: CHURCHChurch
Value: FISH HATCHFish Hatchery
Value: GAME FARMWildlife Game Farm
Value: GOLFGolf Course
Value: HSHistoric Site
Value: INHOLDINGIn holding or Exception
Value: ISLANDIsland
Value: MARINAMarina
Value: MISCMiscellaneous property
Value: NANatural Area
Value: NA/SFNatural Area inside a StateForest
Value: NA/SPNatural Area inside a State Park
Value: NA/WMANatural Area inside a Wildlife Management Area
Value: NurseryState Tree Nursery
Value: PlaygroundPlayground
Value: PRESERVEPreserve
Value: RARecreation Area
Value: RECCENTERRecreational Center
Value: RESERVEReserve
Value: SFStateForest
Value: SPState Park
Value: SWAMPSwamp
Value: TrailTrail
Value: VIEWSHEDRestricted access area from which a view can be enjoyed
Value: WMAWildlife Management Area
Value: WMA/LEASEDWildlife Management Area - Property Leased out
Value: WOODSWooded area
Value: WSWildlife Sanctuary
Attribute GPCODE
Definition: Code identifying managing agency
Value: 21New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife
Value: 22New Jersey Division of Parks and Forestry
Value: 23New Jersey Natural Lands Trust
Value: 30Unfunded Non Profit Open Space
Value: 31Funded Non Profit Open Space
Value: 40Unfunded CountyOpen Space
Value: 41Funded CountyOpen Space
Value: 50Unfunded Municipal Open Space
Value: 51Funded Municipal Open Space
Attribute OSOURCE
Definition: Original data source of parcel boundaries and method of GIS entry.
Value: DEED Deed entry
Value: NJCF, TNC, DARG, etcAgency from which parcel delineation was acquired
Value: TOPO/PQ86 Paper USGS topoquad parcel boundary lines re-drafted onto 1986 mylar photoquads then manually digitized into GIS.
Value: TX/QQ91Paper tax map parcel boundaries scaled to fit /drafted onto 1991 mylar quaterquads then manually digitized into GIS
Value: TX/ONSCRNScanned tax map registered/rectified on screen to 1995/97 or 2002 digital imagery. Rectified open space parcel boundaries digitized directly on screen.
Value: TX_COOpen space parcel boundaries extracted from a county digital tax map file.
Value: TX_MUNOpen space parcel boundaries extracted from municipal digital tax map file.
Value: TX_PINEDigital open space parcels obtained form New Jersey Pinelands Commission
Value: DEEDOpen space parcel digitally generated from property deed bearings and distances . No coordinate system. Best fit to the digital imagery available at time of entry into GIS.
Value: SUR or SUR/BFDigital or paper survey of open space parcels not in State Plane Coordinates, best fit to the digital imagery available at time of entry into GIS.
Value: SUR27Digital or paper State Plane Coordinate Survey NAD27 of open space parcels, projected to NAD83.
Value: SUR83Digital State Plane Coordinate survey NAD83 of open space parcel boundaries.
Value: NPSNational Park Service map (unknown scale) rescaled to fit /drafted onto 1991 quaterquad then manually digitized into GIS.
Attribute: LSOURCE
Definition: Latest data source and method of data entry used to refine boundary line placement
Values: follow abbreviations for OSOURCE.
Attribute: STATUS
Value: FEELands Purchased in Fee
Value: FEE/CEFee with a Conservation Easement on property
Value: FEE/PAEFee with a Public Access Easement on property
Value: FEE/VEFee with a Viewshed Easement on property
Value: EASE/AGAgricultural Easement
Value: EASE/AEPublic Access Easement
Value: EASE/CEConservation Easement
Value: EASE/CE/PAEConservation Ease with Public Access
Value: EASE/CNPAConservation Ease with No Public Access
Value: EASE/VEViewshed Easement
Value: LEASELease Agreement