Waste to Worth:
International Conference on Livestock and Poultry Environmental Quality
Paper Due: March 6, 2017
Conference proceedings are widely used products of Waste to Worth Conferences. This request is for authors to submit a paper for each oral or poster presentation for inclusion in the online proceedings. The first step toward assuring that attendees can access online proceedings during the conference is making sure that your paper is entered into the online submission form by March 6, 2017.
What is the purpose of the proceedings? Conference attendees refer to the proceedings for detailed information during the conference and many people access them afterwards as a source of information. The online proceedings from the first two conferences, have been viewed over 90,000 times.
How long should my paper be? We are looking for papers that are informative, yet concise and appealing to read when published online. One page of text along with photos or other graphics can often accomplish these goals.
Where will the proceedings be published? Proceedings will be published online at the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center’s (LPELC) eXtension website, Printed copies will not be produced.
What modifications to the original title or abstract info are allowed? Abstracts were accepted and sessions organized based upon what was originally submitted. Minor changes in the title or gist of the presentation are acceptable, but contact a program chair before making significant changes in direction.
Oral presentations and poster proceedings should follow this outline:
Compose your paper in Word or another text document using the following outline and then copy and paste text into the proceedings submission form Waste to Worth paper submittal form. The direct link is
· Title of the presentation Please remember to enter it in title case on the form.
· Purpose Why was this research or project started? Why is this important?
· What did we do? Describe methods used or steps taken to reach this point.
· What we have learned? Include impacts/implications of the project or research. What should people remember as take-home messages from your presentation?
· Future plans What are the next steps?
· Authors Include titles and affiliations as well as the email address of the corresponding author
· Additional information List citations, if any, here. Add where readers can go for more information. Include links to journal articles, websites, extension publications, other articles or videos related to the project or research or contact information for key people.
· Acknowledgements Optional. What organizations or people, besides the authors, should be acknowledged? (Please keep this section minimal and relevant.)
· Visual media Optional, but photos, graphics, videos, etc. are highly encouraged.
How do I write for an online audience? Online publication greatly widens the audience that will have access to the paper beyond conference attendees. Most viewers (after the conference) will likely find this paper through web searches. Some tips for optimizing appeal include:
· Use a descriptive title that includes important terms related to your paper. The more your title sounds like a Google search your audience would do, the more likely it is that search traffic will come to your paper.
· Get to the point! The most important information should be near the top of the page and also in the first sentence of a paragraph.
· Include graphics (photos, video, illustrations, slideshow, or animation). The captions of these should be descriptive and not require additional explanation.
· Keywords. When you submit your paper, the form will ask you for keywords.
Can I describe commercial products or systems? Waste to Worth is largely about addressing real problems with practical solutions, and we anticipate that commercial products or systems will be part of some presentations. In developing your paper and presentation, keep in mind that we also expect them to be educational and research-based. Do provide information necessary to understand the problem and the approach taken to address it, so readers could follow-up on their own. Wording that obviously promotes a commercial product or company sales, however, will be identified for removal prior to publication.
Important dates and publication notes:
Your cooperation in getting information available in a timely manner is essential. The publication timeline is:
Through March 6, 2017 – Submittal of proceedings papers [for editorial review]
Through March 20, 2017 – Editorial reviews completed and authors contacted
Through April 10, 2017 – Authors submit revisions and any final updates
Through April 17, 2017 – Online publication
After you submit a paper, the session organizer will be notified that your paper is ready to be reviewed. Reviews will be more editorial than technical (not a formal ‘peer review’), emphasizing clarity, readability and suggestions for improved usefulness for our target audiences.
You will be sent a link to your paper prior to publication online. In order to view or edit the paper properly, you will need to have an eXtension ID and become a member of the LPELC in eXtension. While not required, it is recommended that you do this. To obtain an eXtension ID, ask Jill Heemstra to send you an invitation. If you have an ID, but do not remember it, contact Jill at .
Thank you for being part of the Waste to Worth Conference program. We are excited at the number of high quality abstracts that have been submitted and for the opportunities to interact and learn from all of you. We look forward to your presentation!
The Waste to Worth Proceedings Committee
Proceedings Committee Chair: Jill Heemstra, University of Nebraska
Program Committee co-Chair: Rick Stowell, University of Nebraska