Washington County, North Carolina (now Tennessee) Book 2, Page 301, 29 April 1788
(on side states “old book E page 53 or 55”)
This indenture made this TWENTY NINTH day of APRIL ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY EIGHT between SAMUEL TATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY and STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA of the one part and JACOB BOLACK of the SAME STATE and LINCOLN COUNTY of the other part Witnefseth that the said SAMUEL TATE for and in consideration of SUM OF ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY THREE POUNDS FOUR SHILLINGS currency money of said State to him in hand paid before the sealing and Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof the said SAMUEL do hereby acknowledge hath Granted, Bargained sold aliened Enfeoff Released and confirmed by these presents doth hereby Grant Bargain Sell alien Enfeoff Release and confirm unto the said JACOB BOLACK his heairs Executors administrators and afsigns forever all that sead Tract or parcel of Land Situate Lying and being in the COUNTY OF WASHINGTON aforesaid containing ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR ACRES on ROANS CREEK Beginning at a Red oak on JOHN HOSKINS Line thence along said Line South forty Eight Degrees East one hundred and thirty four polez to Mulberry on bank of said creek thence South fifty three degrees East thirty eight poles crofsing the creek to a poplar thence due South Eighty poles to a witeoak thence Due West forty poles to a popular thence Due north two hundred and four poles to the Beginning and the Revertion and Revertions remainder and remainders rents and services thereof and all the Estate Right title Interest
page 302
Clauses and Demand whatsoever of him the said SAMUEL TATE and his heirs Executors Administrators and afsigns forever of in and to the Said Tract and partcel of Land and of in and to every tract thereof to have and to hold to said --- tract and parcel of land and premises unto the said JACOB BOLACK his heirs and afsigns forever the said SAMUEL TATE for himself his heirs Executors Administrators and afsigns doth Covenant and Grant, to and with the said JACOB BOLACK his heirs and afsigns forever well and forever defend the aforesaid granted lands from all persons whatsoever from laying to any Right and Title thereto In Witnefs whereof I hereunto set my hand and Seal this Day and Year first above written
SAMUEL (X) his mark TATE (SEL)
Signed Sealed and Delivered)
In presence of)
MAY SEFSIONS 1807 the within Deed of Conveyance was acknowledged in open court in order to be Registered THOS GOURLEY CC