Edinburgh, Indiana
April 17, 2017
The Board of School Trustees met in regularsession at 6:00p.m. on this date at the Administration Building, 202 S. Keeley Street, Edinburgh, IN 46124 with Mrs. Hammpresiding. Mr. Lollar and Mr. Hardin were absent.
Also attending wereLisa Shonk, Kim Hobdy, Susan Pence, Jennifer Garrett, Shay Kindred, Grace Kinded, Tracy Kindred, Emmaleigh Cox, Amanda Ewbank, Emily Ewbank, Carolina Sanchez, Delfino Sanchez, NallelyHerraHernandes, Traci Foltz, Kevin Rockey, Andrew Scholl, Tammy Lewisand Susan Ingels.
Everyone was led in prayer by Mrs. Weddleand the Pledge of Allegiance by Mrs. Hamm.
- Building Reports
Mr. Scholl, East Side Elementary Principal,stated the final round of ISTEP testing is taking place over the next two weeks. Students and staff have been working extremely hard all year and are excited to show how much they have learned. Mr. Todor and Ms. Poynter were awarded Techpoint Foundation Grants in March. These grants are for STEM initiatives in the classroom. Mr. Todor is going to expand the 3rd grade model rocket launching activity and Ms. Poynter will be implementing some new STEM activities in her 4th grade class. Mr. Scholl thanked Mr. Todor and Ms. Poynter for taking the time to write those grants so that their students can enjoy those engaging activities. Irving Louis-Orozco will be representing East Side tomorrow night at the Johnson County Spelling Bee at Creekside Elementary. The East Side Art Show is this Thursday from 5:30 – 7:30. In addition to viewing student art, we will be giving away books, and serving cookies and punch. Mr. Scholl thanked Mr. Long and Ms. Ralston for organizing the event.
Mr. Kevin Rockey, Edinburgh Middle/High School Principal,demonstrated to the Board the classroom set of virtual reality headsets purchased by the technology department. During the demonstration the Board was shown that with different visuals and apps, students studying Shakespeare can “go” to Italy to see Juliet’s balcony in Romeo and Juliet, and to Denmark where Hamlet’s castle is. The Board also “went” to the top of skyscrapers and to Central Park in New York City. They also “went” to Mexico and toured the Chichen Itza Mayan Temples. Mr. Rockey stated when students study careers in class, virtual reality apps can “take” them on a day in the life of someone, or students can explore the heart in Anatomy class.
B.Students of the Month
Mr. Scholl presented the April Student of the Month for East Side Elementary;3rd grade student Carolina Sanchez. Mr. Scholl read a list of her accomplishments and presented her with a certificate.
Mr. Rockey presented the April Students of the Month for Edinburgh Community Middle/High School;8th grade student Grace Kindred, and 10thgrade student Emily Ewbank. Mr. Rockey read a list of their accomplishments and presented each student with a certificate.
Mrs. Hamminvited public comments regarding agenda items.
There were no public comments.
- Consent Agenda
- Minutes: Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Board Meeting.
2.Claims for Payment: Claims #8879 through and including #8992 and payroll dates of March 17, March 31 and April 14, 2017.
3.Personnel: Resignations accepted by Dr. Glentzer on behalf of the Board: Resignation of Donna Rutan, High School Cook, effective April 21, 2017. Recommendation to approve Melissa Tames as full time bus driver/custodian beginning March 23, 2017; recommendation to approve Deb Jones as Summer School Credit Recovery Teacher from June 5, 2017 through June 16, 2017; recommendation to approve Denise Mitchell as Summer School Credit Recovery Teacher from June 19, 2017 through June 30, 2017; recommendation to approve medical leave request of Gordon Skinner, High School Custodian from April 6, 2017 through June 6, 2017; recommendation to approve medical leave request of Elaine Burton, Bus Driver and Custodian from April 16, 2017 to July 16, 2017.
4.Donations: Donations to EHS Band given in memory of Elizabeth Tedrow: $50 from Carolyn,Jan and Jean Ann Niebel; $50 from Karen Londeree & Ruth Shroyer; $100 from Mark, Linda & Coltan Henderson; $25 from IUPUC Math III class; $25 from Lynda Petro; $25 from Rex & Peg Cook; $40 from Dave & Rocky Lortz; $50 from Mark Smith, DDS; $100 from Floyde, Sandy, Kyle & Zachary Pendleton & Cassie & Isaiah Sutt. $250 from Edinburgh Tri Kappa to Class of 2018; $250 from Quality Machine and Tool Works to Varsity Girls’ Softball.
5. Approval of Middle School Science Adoption: Recommendation to approve Indiana Interactive Science from Pearson with a six (6) year print (workbook) and six (6) year online access. Approximate cost to the student is $28.16 per year. Current books being used are copyright 2005.
- Approval of ECSC Business Office Procedures and Internal Controls Manual: This is a requirement from the State Board of Accounts.
- Approval of 2017-2018 Bus Drivers’ Handbook:Recommendation to approve revisions made to the Bus Drivers’ Handbook.
8.Approval of After Prom Bus Use Request: The After-Prom Committee requests to use three (3)buses for the After Prom trip to King Island on Sunday, May 7, 2017. The After PromCommittee has made arrangements with three (3) Edinburgh Community School Corporation bus drivers to transport the students and thecommittee knows they will be billed for the fuel.
- Series 2015 Bond Affidavit for Payment: $256.22 to Kirby Risk for softball press box; $5,680.50 to Mark Elkins for labor for cabinetry in room 204; $792.47 to Baird Brothers for cabinetry material; $805.90 to Amazon.com for cabinetry hardware; $850 to Tim Myers Construction for repairs to ES light poles; $400 to Hayden Burton for painting baseball dugouts; $2,335 to Tim Myers Construction for Football locker room renovation; $3,989.50 to Moster Turf for seeding Football field.
Mrs. Weddle moved and Mr. Rooksseconded a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented to the Board. There was no further discussion. Motion passed 3 yes, 0 no.
C.Update on Corporation Maintenance and Construction Projects
In Dr. Glentzer’s absence, Mrs. Hamm updated the Board of School Trustees on the corporation-wide maintenance and construction projects. The HVAC has been switched to air conditioning. Crankcase heaters will be installed on East Side Gym air conditioner soon; parts have been ordered. Chemistry Room cabinets were refinished over Spring Break and counter tops will be ordered. Light bases at East Side are deteriorating and are going to be repaired. Athletic Complex locker rooms and restrooms are being upgraded. Softball field is near completion. The Baseball fence has been repaired and the batting cage has been moved for a better walk way. The Baseball dugouts have been painted. We received a quote for the tennis courts from Leslie Coatings and are waiting on one from Rick’s Tennis Courts and Robertson Paving. The Football field was slit seeded and fertilized by Moster Turf. The Outdoor Lab pond has been filled in; it needs some more dirt moved and seeded.
There was no old business.
Mrs. Susan Penceread a statement on behalf of the Edinburgh Education Association: Bill Gates once said, “Students deserve great teachers. And teachers deserve the support they need to become great.” Each of us in this room knows the value of a great teacher. EEA wants to retain that great teacher with a competitive wage. As negotiations approach, so should our resolve and commitment to support and keep the great teachers at Edinburgh Community School Corporation. Thank you.
There were no additional items.
Mrs. Weddle thanked the Principals for the building reports and congratulated the Students of the Month. Mrs. Weddle thanked Mr. Rockey for the virtual reality demonstration and thought seeing different occupations through the virtual reality would be very interesting.
Mr. Rooks thanked the Principals for the building reports and congratulated the Students of the Month. Mr. Rooks thanked the teachers for attending the Board Meeting and stated he did agree that we need to keep the good teachers that we do have. It is on his agenda that we try to retain the good teachers. Mr. Rooks thanked the Board and Dr. Glentzer for giving him the opportunity to go to the National School Board Association Conference in Denver. It was very interesting and he learned a lot.
Mrs. Hamm reminded the Board members of the ISBA Spring Regional Meetings coming up and to let Susan know which meeting they would like registered for. Mrs. Hamm reminded the Board the next Board meeting is Monday, May 15, 2017.
Mr. Rooks made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:20p.m. Mrs. Weddleseconded. Motion passed 3yes, 0 no.