Sport Canterbury
ROLE TITLE: PhysicalActivityManagerREPORTSTO: TheGeneral Manager / DIRECTREPORTS: Physical Activity Team Leader, Regional Physical Health Advisors (3)
FUNCTIONAL REPORTS:Physical Health Advisors (7), Regional Managers (3)
LOCATION: Christchurch / DATE: May 2015
Tocontribute,asamemberofSport Canterbury’sManagement Team,toaclearstrategicdirection that usesinsights to drive internal and external collaboration, and positionsSport Canterburytoachieve itsvision of‘morepeople,more active, more often’.
Tolead and manage Sport Canterbury’sPhysicalActivityprogramme,ensuringquality systems and efficient processes are in place.
To increase the credibility and profile of the Green Prescription (GRx) service to drive referrals and ensurea quality service is provided.
To build community capability to enable sustainable community physical activity participation opportunities.
KEYAREAS OFACCOUNTABILITYStrategicleadership and planning /
- Develop and recommend long-term evidence based strategicandannual programme operating plans.
- Identify and communicate risks to and opportunities for Sport Canterbury and the Physical Activity programme.
- Identify opportunities for cross-organisation and cross-regional innovation and programme leverage.
- Represent Sport Canterburyin key strategic partnerships and networks.
- Advocate,asappropriate,onphysical activity issues.
Financial leadership and management /
- Develop budgets to enable the financial resourcing of the strategic and annual Physical Activity programme plans.
- Ensure the effective and efficient financial management of the Physical Activity programme budget.
- Advise the General Manager ofanyvariationsfromanticipatedexpenditurewhilst taking appropriatedelegatedactionto achieve abalanced position.
- Proactively identifynew or innovative opportunities for new contractsforservices, funding or otherrevenuegeneration.
Strategic relationship management /
- Develop and maintain regular networks with stakeholders including health agencies, publichealthmanagers,local authorities,Maorihealth agencies, independent practitionersassociations, PrimaryHealth Organisations, District Health Boardsand Community and Public Health.
- Utilise strategic relationships to drive community connectivity and collaboration to enhance the effectiveness of the Physical Activity programme and other Sport Canterbury programmes.
- Nurture working relationships across the Regional Sports Trust community.
- FacilitateandordelivertrainingseminarsrelatingtoGreen Prescription for professional health groups and tertiary education institutes.
Programme leadership and implementation /
- Ensure the implementation and resourcing of the Physical Activity programme plan, in accordance with strategic objectives.
- Keep theGeneral Managerup to date on programme plan implementation, opportunities, risks and mitigations.
- Plan, manage,and implement, with support of the Team Leader/s,efficient and effective systems to deliver the Physical Activity programme.
- Support Team Leader/s to developindividual keyperformanceindicators and workplans for all programme staff including those in the regions.
- Ensure programme and staff practices promote positive health, safety and wellbeing both internally and externally.
- Developandimplementeffectivemonitoring and evaluation systemsforall initiatives.
Staffleadership /
- Monitor, manage and appraise staff performance to meet programme KPIs to ensure targets are achieved.
- Ensure performance and development plans are in place and job descriptions annually updated for all Physical Activity staff.
- Identifyandmaintainappropriate staffing capacity and capability to
- Ensure staffstrengths are utilised and developed to full potential.
- Nurture a high performing team culture through clear roles and expectations, open communication, a collaborativeethos andengaging leadership.
- Apply the Sport Canterbury values lens across all decisions and activities.
Reporting and contract
management /
- Ensureeffective management of keycontractsand investment schedules relating tothePhysical Activity programme.
- Provideregular written progression reportstokeystakeholdersensuring allreportson programme activitymeet required contractual arrangements including deadlines andtargets.
- Ensure all programme reports and documents display a high standard of English grammar and spelling, use appropriate business language and style and meet Sport Canterbury brand guidelines.
Innovation /
- Support theGeneral Manager,Regional Managersandmembersof thePhysical Activityteaminresearching, developingand implementingnew sport and physical activity initiatives to increase participation.
- Develop and support theimplementation ofeffective and innovative initiativeswith communityorganisations (including sport and other physical activity providers) toenhance participation.
- Build community capability and capacity to deliver community-based physical activity initiatives in a sustainable way.
Other responsibilities /
- Continue to develop own levelsof skill and effectiveness inrelevantprofessional areas.
- Ensure duties arecarried out in atimelyand accuratemanner which reflects the Sport Canterbury brand and values, and is in accordancewith Sport Canterbury’spolicies and procedures.
- Undertake other dutiesasreasonablydirectedbythe General Manager or Chief Executive Officer.
Internal / Nature of theRelationshipGeneralManager / Reportingline
Physical Activity Team Leader/s. / Management
North and Mid Canterbury Physical Activity Coordinators. / Management
Regional Physical Activity staff including Physical
Health Advisors / Functional management
Green Prescription contractors / Contract and functional management
Community Sport, Businessand Regional
managers / Peer relationship
FinanceManager / Budgeting and financial management support
External / Natureof theRelationship
District Health Boards and Public Health Organisationsand other funders / Contract management, reporting,supportandleadership
Allied Health professionals / Customers andpartners
Health and Physical Activity networks / Customers andpartners
Regional Sport Trust physical activity and Green Prescription managers / Peer relationship
- Contributes to the Sport Canterbury family
- Driven towards excellence
- Stays ahead of the game
- Motivated to achieve real impact
- Committed to our people and our communities
Partnerships and consultationIdentifieskeypartnerships,communityorganisationsforconsultationandimprovedworkingrelationships. /
Rolemodelseffective, open communicationandinformationsharing /
Focuson results
Monitors and evaluates implementation ofPhysical ActivityProgramme
plans and budgets
Makes own expectations clear whenmakingrequests for actions and resources / /