CEOHP Deed of Gift Version: 20110224A page 2 of 2
Deed of Gift for Oral History Interview MaterialsThe Computing Educators Oral History Project (CEOHP)
1. I, INTERVIEWEE-NAME, a participant in an oral history interview recorded on DATE, hereby give and deliver to the Computing Educators Oral History Project (CEOHP) and the Charles Babbage Institute (CBI) of the University of Minnesota all incidents of ownership in the interview, including copyright and, without limitation, the right to reproduce, adapt, and publish the interview in print and on the CBI World Wide Web site ( In doing so, I understand that this interview will be made available to researchers and to the general public via the Computing Educators Oral History Project web portal. As a result, it may be quoted, published, and broadcast in any media, including the Internet.
2. In consideration of this gift
· CBI shall maintain and provide access to the interview consistent with CBI’s general operations.
· The approved digital materials, including background information, selected quotes, and associated interpretative and educational materials, shall be made available via the Computing Educators Oral History Project web portal (
3. I understand that both the edited audio recording and the transcript as reviewed or edited by me will be available to the public. Furthermore, CEOHP and CBI license me to use this interview in any manner I choose.
4. On submission of this Deed of Gift and in collaboration with the Computing Educators Oral History Project, the original materials will stored securely by the Charles Babbage Institute.
5. If you have questions about the research project or procedures, you can contact the project leaders:
§ Barbara Boucher Owens <>
§ Vicki L. Almstrum <>
Restrictions on the use of the interview materials (if there are none, write “None”)
NOTE: Restrictions may affect the long-term archival storage at the Charles Babbage Institute.
Printed name of interviewee or designated representative ______
Signature of interviewee or designated representative ______
Address ______
Phone number ______
Date ____/____/______
Signed original will be on file with the Charles Babbage Institute.