School District of Algoma
Board of Education Meeting
Monday, December 18, 2017
1715 Division St., Algoma, WI
The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Rodgers at 6:30 P.M. Rodgers led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary Melotte took roll call and noted all members present. A list of additional people present is available in the district office.
Student of the Month: Jenell Reyes-Rodriguez, McKenzie Ray, Kirsten Tebon, and Austin Haegele were honored as Students of the Month for November.
Special Presentations:
Correspondent Report: Qualman gave an update on Governor Walker’s requirement to adopt financial curriculum for students and discussed retribution for DPI licensed staff that recommend individuals for employment in schools that have committed immoral conduct.
Board CESA Report: No report – meeting cancelled due to weather.
Citizens Delegation to be Heard: No Report
Student Representative’s Report: Robertson gave an update on the Student Council working on connecting with other Student Councils from around the world and provided dates for the Musical.
Board President Announcements: President Rodgers wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
Superintendent/7-12 Principal Report: Cochart gave an update on “Freeze the Gain”, addition of golf, and one dollar try pickle ball at the Wellness Center and also provided PAC Dates. Transformational Schools Network is working to connect our students with schools in Afghanistan and Gianna. Cochart presented the 2018-19 school calendar and invited students to discuss Wolves and Pups which is a mentorship program.
PK-6 Principal Report: Principal Servi announced Winter Concert dates and gave an overview of the elementary school playground equipment. Servi gave an update on the success of Holiday Helpers which is a program that provides gifts for needy children 0-17 years of age in the community. Servi also discussed a Virtual Field Trip to the North Pole where students will be able to ask Mrs. Claus questions.
Business Manager’s Finance Bulletin Report: Melotte discussed school van situation and equalized value variations.
Special Ed Report & Pathfinder Update: Horn gave an update on Pathfinder enrollment and Pathfinder students mentoring students at the elementary school. Special education students are implementing a coffee club sales program to improve their basic money skills. Pathfinder students have been participating in a job training program at assisted living centers in Algoma.
Live Algoma Update: VanLanen presented materials from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation demonstrating local media coverage of our culture of health award. VanLanen also announced that John Holiday’s video created for Live Algoma was recognized by an independent ABC producer.
Committee Reports: None
Other Specific Items for Discussion: Schmitz discussed the electronic sign and revitalization of the Wolf Review. First Reading of Revisions for Policies 453.31 & 453.31 Rule, and removal of 453.31 Exhibits A, B, & C took place.
Wiesner made a motion, Schmitz seconded to approve Board Meeting Minutes of November 27, 2017.
All yes. Motion carried.
Qualman moved, Swoboda seconded to approve bills as presented. All yes. Motion carried.
Schmitz moved, Swoboda seconded to approve 2018-2019 School Calendar as presented. All yes.
Motion carried.
Pabich moved, Schmitz seconded to approve donation from Pella Windows and Doors of Wisconsin for Algoma Boys Basketball Program in the amount of $750.00. All yes. Motion carried.
Approve Wed./Sunday Special Use of Facility Requests: None
Approve Revision to Employee Handbook: None
Request for future agenda items: Wessel requested the number of students taking agriculture classes for second semester.
Wessel moved, Pabich seconded to move into executive session pursuant to Statute 19.85 (1)(C)(E)(F)(I). Roll call vote. All yes. Motion carried at 8:07 P.M.
Pabich moved, Wiesner seconded to return to open session. Roll call vote. All yes. Motion carried at 9:41 P.M.
Wiesner moved, Schmitz seconded to approve the following extra-curricular contracts for the 2017-18 school year. All yes. Motion carried.
Ashley Cleveland Softball Head Coach $2800.00
Trevor Haasch Volunteer Ski Club
Erin Mueller Volunteer Ski Club
John LeBotte Volunteer Ski club
Jody Anderson Volunteer Ski Club
Rob Anderson Volunteer Ski Club
Mary Donaldson Volunteer Forensics Coach
Don Donaldson Volunteer Forensics Coach
Wessel moved, Wiesner seconded to adjourn. All yes. Motion carried at 9:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by,
Jason Melotte, Secretary Priscilla Swoboda, Clerk