Section VII. Sample Forms1

Section VII. Sample Forms


Notes to Bidders on the preparation of Sample Forms

A.First Stage Bid Form (twostage bidding)

B.Second Stage Bid Form (two-stage bidding)

C.Price Schedule Forms


C.2Grand Summary Cost Table

C.3Suply and Installation Cost Summary Table

C.4Supply and Installation Cost Summary Table - Equipment

C.5Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table 1A/CL001

C.6Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table 1B/CL001

C.7Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table 1C/CL001

C.8Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table 2/[insert Site Code]

C.9Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table 3/[insert Site Code]

C.10Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table 4/[insert Site Code]

C.11Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table 5/[insert Site Code]

C.12Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table 6/[insert Site Code]

C.13Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table 7/[insert Site Code]

C.14Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table 8/[insert Site Code]

C.15Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table 9/[insert Site Code]

C.16Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table 10/GZ164

C.17Supply and Installation Unit Price Cost Table

C.18Trade-in Equipment Cost Summary Table

C.19Country of Origin Code Table

D.Other Bid Forms and lists

D.1Manufacturer’s Authorization Form

D.2List of Proposed Subcontractors

D.3Software List

D.4Supply and Instalation Summary Table......

D.5Implementation Schedule Table

D.6Product Description Tables

D.6.1Device described in TL-L1

D.6.2Device described in TL-L2

D.6.3Device described in TL-L3

D.6.4Device described in TL-L4

D.6.5Device described in TL-L5

D.6.6Device described in TL-L6

D.6.7Device described in TL-L7

D.6.8Device described in TL-L8

D.6.9Device described in TL-L9

D.6.10Device described in TL-L10

D.6.11Device described in TW-CL1

D.6.12Device described in TW-CL2

D.6.13Device described in TW-CL3

D.6.14Device described in TW-GZ1

D.6.15Device described in TW-T1A

D.6.16Device described in TW-T1B

D.6.17Device described in TW-T1C

D.6.18Device described in TW-T2A

D.6.19Device described in TW-T2B

D.6.20Device described in TW-T2C

D.6.21Device described in TW-T3

D.6.22Device described in TW-T4

D.6.23Device described in TF-F1

D.6.24Device described in TF-R1

D.6.25Device described in TF-C1

D.6.26Device described in TV-S1

D.6.27Device described in TV-C1

D.6.28Device described in TM-L1

D.6.29Device described in TM-W1

D.6.30Device described in TM-U1

D.6.31Device described in TM-S1

D.6.32Device described in TP-U1

D.6.33Device described in TP-U2

D.6.34Device described in TP-U3

D.7Technical Responsiveness Checklist

D.7.1Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TL-L1

D.7.2Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TL-L2

D.7.3Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TL-L3

D.7.4Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TL-L4

D.7.5Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TL-L5

D.7.6Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TL-L6

D.7.7Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TL-L7

D.7.8Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TL-L8

D.7.9Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TL-L9

D.7.10Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TL-L10

D.7.11Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TW-CL1

D.7.12Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TW-CL2

D.7.13Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TW-CL3

D.7.14Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TW-GZ1

D.7.15Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TW-T1A

D.7.16Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TW-T1B

D.7.17Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TW-T1C

D.7.18Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TW-T2A

D.7.19Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TW-T2B

D.7.20Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TW-T2C

D.7.21Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TW-T3

D.7.22Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TW-T4

D.7.23Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TF-F1

D.7.24Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TF-R1

D.7.25Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TF-C1

D.7.26Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TP-U1

D.7.27Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TP-U2

D.7.28Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TP-U3

D.7.29Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TV-S1

D.7.30Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TV-C1

D.7.31Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TM-L1

D.7.32Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TM-W1

D.7.33Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TM-U1

D.7.34Technical Responsiveness Checklist for Table TM-S1

D.8List of Custom Materials

D.9General Information Form

D.10General Information Systems Experience Record

D.11Joint Venture Summary

D.12Particular Information Systems Experience Record

D.13Details of Contracts of Similar Nature and Complexity

D.14Summary Sheet: Current Contract Commitments/Work in Progress

D.15Financial Capabilities

D.16Personnel Capabilities

D.17Candidate Summary

D.18Technical Capabilities

D.19Litigation History

E.Bid Security Form

F.Form of Contract Agreement

F.1Appendix 1. Supplier’s Representative

F.2Appendix 2. Adjudicator

F.3Appendix 3. List of Approved Subcontractors

F.4Appendix 4. Categories of Software

F.5Appendix 5. Custom Materials

F.6Appendix 6. Revised Price Schedules

F.7Appendix 7. Minutes of Contract Finalization Discussions and Agreed-to Contract Amendments

G.Performance and Advance Payment Security Forms

G.1Performance Security Bank Guarantee

G.2Advance Payment Bank Guarantee

H.Installation and Acceptance Certificates

H.1Installation Certificate Form

H.2Operational Acceptance Certificate Form

I.Change Order Procedures and Forms

I.1Change Request Proposal Form

I.2Change Estimate Proposal Form

I.3Estimate Acceptance Form

I.4Change Proposal Form

I.5Change Order Form

I.6Pending Agreement Change Order Form

I.7Application for Change Proposal Form

Notes to Bidders on the preparation of Sample Forms

The Purchaser has prepared the forms in this section of the Bidding Documents to suit the specific requirements of the System being procured. They are derived from the forms contained in the World Bank’s Standard Bidding Documents for the Supply and Installation of Information Systems. In its bid, the Bidder MUST use these forms (or forms that present in the same sequence substantially the same information). Bidders should not introduce changes without the Purchaser’s prior written consent (which may also require the clearance of the World Bank). If the Bidder has a question regarding the meaning or appropriateness of the contents or format of the forms and/or the instructions contained in them, these questions should be brought to the Purchaser’s attention as soon as possible during the bid clarification process, either at the pre-bid meeting or by addressing them to the Purchaser in writing pursuant to ITB Clause10.

The Purchaser has tried to provide explanatory text and instructions to help the Bidder prepare the forms accurately and completely. The instructions that appear directly on the forms themselves are indicated by use of typographical aides such as italicized text within square brackets as is shown in the following example taken from the Bid Form:

“We accept the appointment of [insert: name of Adjudicator, as specified by the Purchaser in the Bid Data Sheet item for ITB Clause 50.1].”

In preparing its bid, the Bidder MUSTensure all such information is provided and that the typographical aides are removed. Failure to do so may render the bid nonresponsive.

The sample forms provide a standard set of documents that support the procurement process as it moves forward from the stage of bidding, through Contract formation and onto Contract performance. The first set of forms MUST be completed and submitted as part of the bid prior to the deadline for bid submission. These include: (i)the Bid Forms (First Stage and Second Stage); (ii) the Price Schedules (second stage ONLY); (iii) the Manufacturer’s Authorization Forms; (iv) the List of Proposed Subcontractors; (v) Lists of Software and Materials; (vi) Qualification Information Forms; and (vii)the Bid Security (second stage ONLY).

  • The Bid Form: In addition to being the place where official confirmation of the Bid Price, the currency breakdown, the completion date(s), and other important Contract details are expressed, the Bid Form is also used by the Bidder to confirm its acceptance of the Purchaser’s proposed Adjudicator, or to propose an alternative. If the bid is being submitted on behalf of a joint venture, it is essential that the Bid Form be signed by the partner in charge and that it be supported by the authorizations and power of attorney required pursuant to ITB Clause 6.2. Given widespread concern about illegal use of patented software, Bidders will be asked to certify in the Bid Form that either the Software included in the bid was developed and is owned by the Bidder, or, if not, the Software is covered by valid licenses with the developer of the Software.
  • Price Schedules: The prices quoted in the Price Schedules should constitute full and fair compensation for supply, installation, and achieving Operational Acceptance of the System as described in the Technical Requirements based on the Implementation Schedule, and the terms and conditions of the proposed Contract as set forth in the Bidding Documents. Prices should be given for each line item provided in the Schedules, with costs carefully aggregated first at the Subsystem level and then for the entire System. If the Price Schedules provide only a summary breakdown of items and components, or do not cover some items unique to the Bidder’s specific technical solution, the Bidder may extend the Schedules to capture those items or components. If supporting price and cost tables are needed for a full understanding of the bid, they should be included.

Arithmetical errors should be avoided. If they occur, the Purchaser will correct them according to ITB Clause 38.2 without consulting the Bidder. Major omissions, inconsistencies, or lack of substantiating detail can lead to rejection of a bid for commercial nonresponsiveness. Presenting prices according to the breakdown prescribed in the Price Schedules is also essential for another reason. If a bid does not separate prices in the prescribed way, and, as a result, the Purchaser cannot apply the domestic preference provision described in ITB Clause 41, the Bidder will lose the benefit of the preference. Once bids are opened, none of these problems can be rectified. At that stage, Bidders are not permitted to change their Bid Prices to overcome errors or omissions.

  • Manufacturer’s Authorizations: In accordance with ITB Clause6.1 (b), a Bidder MUST submit, as part of its bid, Manufacturer’s Authorization Forms in the format provided in the SBD for all items specified in the Bid Data Sheet.
  • List of Proposed Subcontractors: In accordance with ITB Clause 6.3, a Bidder MUST submit, as part of its bid, a list of proposed subcontracts for complex Technologies, Goods, and Service items (and those estimated to cost more than 10 percent of the Total Bid Price). The list should also include the names and places of registration of the Subcontractors proposed for each item and a summary of their qualifications.
  • List of Software and Materials: In accordance with ITB Clause 13.3 (f), Bidders MUST submit, as part of their bids, lists of all the Software included in the bid assigned to one of the following categories: (A)System, General Purpose, or Application Software; or (B)Standard or Custom Software. Bidders MUST also submit a list of all Custom Materials. If provided for in the Bid Data Sheet, the Purchaser may reserve the right to reassign certain key Software to a different category.
  • Qualification Information Forms: In accordance with ITB Clause 6, the Purchaser will determine whether the Bidder is qualified to undertake the Contract. This entails financial, technical as well as performance history criteria which are specified in the Bid Data for Clause 6. The Bidder MUST provide the necessary information for the Purchaser to make this assessment through the forms in this sub-section. The forms contain additional detailed instructions which the Bidder MUST follow.
  • Bid Security: The Bidder shall provide the Bid Security, either in the form included in these sample forms or in another form acceptable to the Purchaser, pursuant to the provisions in the Instructions to Bidders. If a Bidder wishes to use an alternative Bid Security format, it should ensure that the revised format provides substantially the same protection as the standard format; failing that, it runs the risk of rejection for commercial nonresponsiveness.

Bidders need not provide the Performance Security and Advance Payment Bank Guarantee with their bids. Only the Bidder selected for award by the Purchaser will be required to provide these securities.

The following Forms are to be completed and submitted by the successful Bidder following notification of award: (i)Contract Agreement, with all Appendices; (ii)Performance Security; and (iii)Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment.

  • Contract Agreement:In addition to specifying the parties and the Contract Price, the Contract Agreement is where the: (i)Supplier Representative; (ii)agreed Adjudicator and his/her compensation; and (iii) the List of Approved Subcontractors are specified. In addition, modifications to the successful Bidder’s Bid Price Schedules are attached to the Agreement. These contain corrections and adjustments to the Supplier’s Bid Prices to correct errors, adjust the Contract Price to reflect any extensions to bid validity beyond 60 days, etc.
  • Performance Security: Pursuant to GCC Clause 13.3, the successful Bidder is required to provide the Performance Security in the form contained in this section of these Bidding Documents and in the amount specified in accordance with the SCC.
  • Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment: Pursuant to GCC Clause 13.2, the successful Bidder is required to provide the Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment in the form contained in this section of these Bidding Documents or another form acceptable to the Purchaser. If a Bidder wishes to propose a different Advance Payment Security form, it should submit a copy to the Purchaser promptly for review and confirmation of acceptability beforethebid submissiondeadline. The amount of the advance payment to be guaranteed is specified in SCC Clause 13.

The Purchaser and Supplier will use the following additional forms during Contract implementation to formalize or certify important Contract events: (i) the Installation and Operational Acceptance Certificates; and (ii) the various Change forms. These and the procedures for their use during performance of the Contract are included in the Bidding Documents for the information of Bidders.

A.First Stage Bid Form (twostage bidding)

Date:September 25, 2001

Loan/Credit No.:IBRD-4582-HR

“IFB No.:TTFSE -IT-01-1- ICB

Name of Contract:Supply and Installation of the Network Equipment for the Customs Directorate of the Republic of Croatia

To:Ministry of Finance

Customs Directorate

Alexandera von Humboldta 4a

10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Dear Sir or Madam:

Having examined the Bidding Documents, including Addendum Nos. [insert: numbers], the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to design, manufacture, test, deliver, install and pre-commission the Information System under the above-named Contract in full conformity with the said Bidding Documents.

We further undertake, if invited to do so by you, and at our own cost, to attend a Clarification Meeting at a place of your choice, for the purpose of reviewing our First Stage Bid and duly noting all amendments and additions thereto, and noting omissions therefrom that you may require.

We further undertake, upon receiving your written invitation, to proceed with the preparation of our Second Stage Bid, updating our First Stage Bid in accordance with the requirements from the Memorandum of the Clarification Meeting, and completing our commercial bid for performing the Information System in accordance with our updated technical bid.

{Bidder state: “We accept the appointment of [specify: name proposed in BDS] as the Adjudicator.” or “We do not accept the appointment of [specify: name proposed in BDS] as the Adjudicator, and we propose instead that {Bidder, specify: name} be appointed as Adjudicator, whose hourly fees and resumé are attached. “}

We agree to abide by this First Stage Bid, that consists of this letter and Attachments 1 through {Bidder, specify: number} hereto, for a period of [specify: number] days from the date fixed for submission of bids as stipulated in the Bidding Documents, and together with the above written undertakings, it shall remain binding on us, provided that we are invited to attend a Clarification Meeting with you before the expiration of that period.

Dated this {Bidder insert: insert: number] day of: month, year}



In the capacity of {Bidder insert: title or position}

Duly authorized to sign this bid for and on behalf of {Bidder insert: name of Bidder}


Attachment 2Power of Attorney

Attachment 3Bidder’s eligibility

Attachment 4Bidder’s qualifications

Attachment 5Eligibility of Goods and Services

Attachment 6Conformance of Information System to the Bidding Documents

Attachment 7Proposed Subcontractors

Attachment 8Intellectual Property (Software and Materials categorization)

Attachment 9Proposed Deviations

Attachment 10Manufacturer’s Authorization Form

Attachment 11Software List

Attachment 12Supply and Instalation Summary Table

Attachment 13Implementation Schedule Table

Attachment 14Product Description Tables (all devices)

Attachment 15List of Custom Materials

Attachment 16General Information Form

Attachment 17General Information Systems Experience Record

Attachment 18Joint Venture Summary

Attachment 19Financial Capabilities

Attachment 20Personnel Capabilities

Attachment 21Candidate Summary

Attachment 22Technical Capabilities

Attachment 23Litigation History

Attachment 24Preliminary Project Plan

Attachment 25Technical Responsiveness Checklist

Bid Table of Contents and Checklist

Note: Bidders should expand and modify (if appropriate) and complete the following table. The purpose of the table is to provide the Bidder with a summary checklist of items that MUST be included in the bid to be considered for Contract award, as described in ITBClause13. It also provides a summary reference scheme to ease and speed the Purchaser’s bid evaluation process.

Item No. / Item / Present / Page
Y/N / No.
Attachment 2 / Power of Attorney
Attachment 3 / Bidder’s eligibility
Attachment 4 / Bidder’s qualifications
Attachment 5 / Eligibility of Goods and Services
Attachment 6 / Conformance of Information System to the Bidding Documents
Attachment 7 / Proposed Subcontractors
Attachment 8 / Intellectual Property (Software and Materials categorization)
Attachment 9 / Proposed Deviations
Attachment 10 / Manufacturer’s Authorization Form
Attachment 11 / Software List
Attachment 12 / Supply and Instalation Summary Table
Attachment 13 / Implementation Schedule Table
Attachment 14 / Product Description Tables
Attachment 15 / List of Custom Materials
Attachment 16 / General Information Form
Attachment 17 / General Information Systems Experience Record
Attachment 18 / Joint Venture Summary
Attachment 19 / Financial Capabilities
Attachment 20 / Personnel Capabilities
Attachment 21 / Candidate Summary
Attachment 22 / Technical Capabilities
Attachment 23 / Litigation History
Attachment 24 / Preliminary Project Plan
Attachment 25 / Technical Responsiveness Checklist

B.Second Stage Bid Form(two-stage bidding)

Date:December 15, 2001

Loan/Credit No.:IBRD-4582-HR

“IFB No.:TTFSE -IT-01-1- ICB

Name of Contract:Supply and Installation of the Network Equipment for the Customs Directorate of the Republic of Croatia

To:Ministry of Finance

Customs Directorate

Alexandera von Humboldta 4a

10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Dear Sir or Madam:

Having examined the Bidding Documents, including Addenda Nos. [insert numbers], and your requirements incorporated in the Memorandum of the Clarification Meeting, we, the undersigned, offer to design, manufacture, test, deliver, install, pre-commission, commission, and put into operation the Information System under the above-named Contract in full conformity with the said Bidding Documents and said Memorandum for the sum of:

[insert: amount of local currency in words] / ([insert: amount of local currency in figures])
plus / [insert: amount of foreign currency A in words] / ([insert: amount of foreign currency A in figures])
[as appropriate, include the following]
plus / [insert: amount of foreign currency B in words] / ([insert: amount of foreign currency B in figures])
plus / [insert: amount of foreign currency C in words] / ([insert: amount of foreign currency C in figures])

(hereinafter called “the Total Bid Price”) or such other sums as may be determined in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. The above amounts are in accordance with the Price Schedules attached herewith and are made part of this bid.